09.03.2025. INDIA. Indian journalist shot dead, PEC demands justice

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses concern over the murder of an Indian print journalist in Uttar Pradesh and demands a fair probe to deliver justice to the bereaved family. Local media reported that Raghavendra Vajpayee (40), a scribe associated with highly popular Hindu newspaper Dainik Jagaran was killed on Saturday in Imalia Sultanpur locality.


08.03.2025. INDIA. PEC expresses relief over scribes’ release - Press Emblem Campaign, the global media safety and rights body, expressed relief that Kashmiri journalist Majid Hyderi was released recently following an Indian court’s order stating that criticism of the government can not constitute grounds for detention. Arrested under the Public Safety Act, Hyderi was released by the Jammu & Kashmir High Court after over 525 days of detention.


06.03.2025. ECUADOR. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condena el assinato del periodista Patricio Aguilar.

El crimen tuvo lugar el martes 4 de marzo, mientras Aguilar realizaba una cobertura noticiosa en Quinindé, Esmeraldas. La Policía confirmó que Patricio Aguilar, de 54 años (photo), recibió más de 30 balas cuando se encontraba en la puerta de una vivienda. Aguilar era director del periódico comunitario El Libertador de Esmeraldas, en Quinindé, ubicada en el noroeste de Ecuador y cerca de la frontera con Colombia. Aguilar tenía una larga trayectoria y, además de director del periódico comunitario 'El Libertador' de Quinindé, se desempeñó como corresponsal de dos medios impresos de Guayaquil. El comunicador había denunciado el lunes por redes sociales balaceras producidas en los últimos días en un "peligroso" barrio de Quinindé, donde fue atacado. Este es el primer asesinato de un periodista ecuatoriano en los últimos dos años. En 2022 se registró el asesinato de tres reporteros en Ecuador, donde bandas del narcotráfico se disputan el poder a sangre y fuego. PEC exhorta a las autoridades a que este asesinato se investigue y que no exista la impunidad que ha marcado el curso de casos similares.

27.02.2025. UKRAINE. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of Ukrainian journalist Tetyana Kulyk, of state news agency Ukrinform, in a  Russian drone attack on February 26.


25.02.2025. BRAZIL. Press Emblem Campaign is deeply concerned about the disappearance of British journalist Charlotte Peet (32) for more than 2 weeks. The freelance correspondent, who has reported for Al Jazeera and The Times, went missing after arriving in São Paulo. Peet's last confirmed communication was on February 8, when she told a friend she was in São Paulo and planned to travel to Rio de Janeiro. Unable to contact her after this, her family reported her missing. Initial investigations confirmed she boarded a flight from London's Gatwick Airport to São Paulo, but after her arrival, her whereabouts became unknown. Peet worked as a foreign correspondent in Brazil. Her disappearance raises serious concerns for her safety. It also highlights the risks faced by journalists in the country. Brazilian authorities have said they are "visiting locations to find and clarify what happened" to missing British journalist Charlotte Peet.

17.02.2025. UKRAINE. The third anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the decrease in the number of casualties, but is concerned about the state of Ukrainian media after the end of USAID support. 

Geneva/Kyiv, Feb 17 (PEC) Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) denounces the interruption of American aid to Ukrainian media through USAID, in a report published for the 3rd anniversary of Russia’s full scale invarsion.

«In the context of a weak advertising market during the war, an underdeveloped subscription model, and the absence of state subsidies, Western grants have been a crucial part of the income for many Ukrainian publications. Without this support, some outlets will face bankruptcy, others will become dependent on business groups or politicians, and only the most successful will manage to increase direct funding from readers», warns the PEC Representative in Ukraine Andrii Ianitsky.

Bankruptcy or downsizing threatens primarily local and investigative media that existed with the support of US grants. European foundations cannot fully compensate for the loss of American support. PEC calls on the US government to reverse its decision which weakens the Ukrainian media in a crucial period for the future of the country. USAID represents hundreds of projects worth several million dollars.

Read on  PRESS RELEASES the report by Andrii Ianitsky, PEC representative in Ukraine

16.02.2025. IRAQ/SYRIA. Turkish drone strikes claim life of two kurdish journalists

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of two kurdish journalits in less than a month. PEC learned with sadness the killing of Aziz Köylüoğlu in a drone attack conducted by the Turkish state on 27 January 2025 in the Ranya district of Sulaymaniyah (Silêmanî) province, Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). Aziz Köylüoğlu, born in 1976 in Diyarbakır, served in various roles across multiple media platforms, including newspapers, agencies, television, and digital media. His dedication to exposing injustices and fostering a free press made him a prominent figure in Kurdish media. PEC also condemns the killing of journalist Egîd Roj (photo ANF) targeted in an attack carried out by Turkey with an armed drone on the Tishrin Dam in Northern and Eastern Syria. Egîd Roj was from Afrin and worked for Ronahi TV. He was covering the resistance of the people at Tishrin Dam. The Turkish state had previously killed journalists Nazım Daştan and Cihan Bilgin at the Tishrin Dam on 19 December 2024.  These losses underscores the increasing risks faced by Kurdish journalists in carrying out their work and the urgent need for international attention.

11.02.2025. INDIA. Manipuri scribe abducted, PEC demands immediate release

Expressing serious concern over the abduction of a senior journalist in Manipur of northeast India by some militants early this morning (11 February 2025), Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands the immediate and unconditional release of journalist Yambem Laba.

The global media safety and rights body also urges the local authorities as well as Prime Minister of India to take appropriate initiative to get the Manipuri journalist freed from the banned outfit, which has been waging a war against New Delhi for decades.

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29.01.2025. MYANMAR. 4 years after the coup, PEC urges Myanmar junta to release all detained scribes

Expressing annoyance over the continued detention of over 40 journalists in Myanmar, the global media safety and rights body Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) urges the military regime in Naypietaw to release all media persons with no condition and delay.

The PEC appreciated the Independent Press Council Myanmar (IPCM) for documenting the media casualty and detentions under the current junta that grabbed power on 1 February 2021 from the democratically elected NLD government led by Nobel peace laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.


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27.01.2025. SWITZERLAND. Release Palestinian-American journalist Ali Abunimah from Swiss detention

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands the immediate release of Palestinian-American journalist Ali Abunimah (photo), executive director of the media platform "Electronic Intifada". He was forcibly taken by unidentified individuals in civilian clothing while walking on the streets of Zurich ahead of a speaking event in Zurich on Saturday 25th January 2025. He is currently held in administrative detention by the Zurich cantonal police.

This is not only an attempt to silence Ali Abunimah as an individual, but the manifestation of a wider campaign of repressing and intimidating those who dare speak up for Palestinian human rights, attacking free speech. It is the same obstacle to freedom of information as that of denying access to the Gaza Strip to foreign journalists.

Abunimah’s arrest appears to be part of a growing backlash from governments against expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian people. Last year, several activists and journalists in Britain were arrested, raided or charged using “counter-terror” powers.

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26.01.2025. México: segundo periodista asesinado desde principios de año.

La Campagna Emblema de Prensa (PEC) condena el asesinato del periodista Alejandro Gallegos León  (photo), ocurrido en el estado de Tabasco, y exige a las autoridades investigar el homicidio y castigar a los responsables. Gallegos León fue fundador del medio La Voz del Pueblo, y hasta el momento de su muerte era columnista en Tabasco Hoy y docente. Alejandro se especializaba en la cobertura de temas educativos y políticos, además de administrar la página de denuncia ciudadana La Voz del Pueblo, Noticias Sin Censura.

El asesinato de Gallegos representa un nuevo golpe a la libertad de prensa en México, donde dos periodistas han sido asesinados desde principios de año. México, golpeado por una ola de violencia del crimen organizado, es uno de los países más peligrosos para ejercer el periodismo.


Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of Calletano de Jesús Guerrero (photo on the right), a journalist for Global Mexico, on 17 January in Teoloyucan, a municipality in the state of Mexico. The journalist has been under constant threat because of his work. He was murdered, while benefiting from the federal protection programme for journalists and human rights defenders. On 21 January, a journalist who reported on Peru's extortion epidemic was also killed. Gaston Medina (photo on the left), the owner and editor of a regional TV channel Cadena Sur TV, was gunned down as he was leaving his house in the south-central city of Ica. Medina had reported, among other issues, on the growing problem of racketeering by criminal gangs who threaten bus drivers, shopkeepers, hairdressers and even teachers if they do not pay protection money. In Mexico and in Peru, impunity must be addressed without delay to avoid further tragedies. It is essential that concrete measures are taken to guarantee journalists can work in a safe environment, reacted the PEC in Geneva.

18.01.2025. GAZA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the long overdue ceasefire announced between Israel and Hamas  (photo web: a van marked Press was targeted in Gaza killing 5 Palestinian journalists December 25, 2024)

17.01.2025. GAZA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the long overdue ceasefire announced between Israel and Hamas, following 15 months of devastating conflict that has claimed the lives of thousands of civilians and at least 167 journalists (80 in 2023, 81 in 2024, 6 so far in 2025). The war in Gaza was the deadliest for media workers since the beginning of this century. PEC urges the parties to allow local and foreign journalists to be able to access and work safely in Gaza. PEC also urges Israeli, Palestinian and Egyptian authorities to allow international monitoring bodies to be permitted in Gaza to investigate what amounts to war crimes and crimes against humanity. «There can be no more excuses. It is time to grant full and free access to international journalists into Gaza», said the PEC President Blaise Lempen in Geneva.

08.01.2025. Dans un long entretien accordé à la Radio suisse RTS, le président de la PEC  Blaise Lempen évoque l'état du monde au début de 2025, les enjeux  pour les démocraties, les défis géopolitiques, la situation en Ukraine, au Proche-orient, la situation des médias. Il a répondu aux questions des journalistes Simon Matthey-Doret et Mélanie Croubalian dans "Drôle d'époque" autour de son livre "Un Regard sur l'Histoire 1950-2050" (L'Harmattan)

Ecouter l'émission  ICI

07.01.2025. FRANCE. CHARLIE HEBDO, DIX ANS APRÈS. Entre le 7 et le 9 janvier 2015, une série d'attentats islamistes ont causé la mort de 17 personnes à Paris et Montrouge, dont huit membres de la rédaction du journal satirique "Charlie Hebdo" (photo: la Une de Charlie Hebdo) // FRANCE. CHARLIE HEBDO, TEN YEARS LATER: Between 7 and 9 January 2015, a series of Islamist attacks killed 17 people in Paris and Montrouge, including eight members of the editorial staff of the satirical newspaper ‘Charlie Hebdo’ (photo: the front page of Charlie Hebdo).

Dix ans ans après cet odieux massacre, la PEC rend hommage aux victimes de la liberté d'expression partout dans le monde. Malheureusement, de nombreux journalistes ont été assassinés l'an dernier pour avoir exercé leur métier. Il est essentiel qu'il n'y ait pas d'impunité, ici comme ailleurs. A l'occasion de cet anniversaire, la PEC lance un nouvel appel aux pays membres de l'ONU pour qu'ils élaborent un instrument juridique international adéquat permettant de conduire des enquêtes indépendantes, de poursuivre les responsables de ces crimes et de défendre la liberté d'expression de manière plus efficace.

Ten years after this appalling massacre, the PEC pays tribute to the victims of freedom of expression around the world. Sadly, many journalists were murdered last year for doing their job. It is essential that there should be no impunity, here as elsewhere. On the occasion of this anniversary, the PEC launches a new appeal to the member countries of the UN to draw up an appropriate international legal instrument enabling independent investigations to be carried out and those responsible for these crimes to be prosecuted in order to defend freedom of expression more effectively than has been the case to date.

05.01.2025. UKRAINE/RUSSIA. A Russian war correspondent was killed and four other media workers injured in a Ukrainian drone strike in the Donetsk region, in Russian-occupied territory in eastern Ukraine, according to media reports. The drone struck a car carrying Russian journalists on the Donetsk-Gorlovka highway, killing Alexander Martemyanov, a stringer for the Russian newspaper Izvestia. "After filming the aftermath of the shelling in Gorlovka, we were returning to Donetsk. On the highway, a kamikaze drone struck our car," said RIA Novosti correspondent Maxim Romanenko, who was among the injured. All injured journalists are receiving medical treatment. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova called the incident “a deliberate murder”. She demanded the UN and other international organizations to condemn Kyiv for the strike. “All those responsible for the crime against Russian journalists will be identified and will face deserved and inevitable punishment,” she added. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) regrets this tragic incident and reminds all belligerents that journalists are civilians and that they must not be targeted regardless of the camp to which they belong. Last year at least 4 Russian journalists were killed because of the war in Ukraine.

04.01.2025. INDIA. PEC condemns murder of scribe in India, 1st victim in 2025

New Year has brought sad news for the Indian media fraternity as a young scribe was found murdered in Bijapur locality of Chhattisgarh State on Friday. Local media persons informed that the body of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar was recovered from a newly constructed septic tank belonging to an influential contractor based in Chattanpara area. Mukesh (30), who made daring media reports on corruption and insurgency in central India, went missing on 1 January 2025 and his family members lodged a police complaint. A seasoned journalist, Mukesh used to run a YouTube channel named Bastar Junction and enjoyed millions of views.

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03.01.2025. UPDATE - PEC annual report. Record number of journalists killed in 2024, PEC demands justice

A record number of media workers have been killed in 2024, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) deplored in Geneva, by updating its annual report. At least 179 of them lost their lives in 25 countries around the world. Almost three quarters of the journalists killed were killed in conflict zones.

December was a particularly dramatic month with 20 more victims. The increase in 2024 compared with 2023 is 28%. The death toll of 179 is equivalent to 3,4 victims a week on average.

The PEC condemns these crimes, committed in violation of international law and national legislation. Independent investigations are essential to clarify the circumstances and those responsible must be brought to justice in order to combat impunity.

“This very heavy death toll, the heaviest since the beginning of the century, reinforces the need for an international instrument which clarifies the conditions for the protection of the profession of journalism in conflict zones”, said PEC President Blaise Lempen.

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26.12.2024. GAZA STRIP. TRAGEDY HAS NO END. Five journalists have been killed in an Israeli strike in the vicinity of a hospital in central Gaza, according to Palestinian authorities and media reports.  The journalists from the Al-Quds Today channel were covering events near al-Awda Hospital, located in the Nuseirat refugee camp, when their broadcasting van was hit by an Israeli air strike. Footage from the scene circulating on social media shows a vehicle engulfed in flames. A screenshot taken from a video of the white-coloured van shows the word “press” in large red lettering across the back of the vehicle. The deceased journalists have been named as Fadi Hassouna, Ibrahim al-Sheikh Ali, Mohammed al-Ladah, Faisal Abu al-Qumsan and Ayman al-Jadi. Israel’s military said it had carried out a “targeted” attack against a vehicle carrying members of Islamic Jihad and that it would continue to take action against “terrorist organizations” in Gaza. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns this new attack, urges Israel to distinguish between not armed civilians and fighters and to put an end to this unprecedented tragedy which had caused the death of more than 160 journalists in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023. Those responsible must be brought to justice.

25.12.2024. HAITI. TWO REPORTERS KILLED IN PORT-AU-PRINCE. Two journalists Markenzy Nathoux and Jimmy Jean were killed and seven were wounded December 24 in a gang attack in Haiti on the reopening of Port-au-Prince's biggest public hospital. Street gangs forced the closure of the General Hospital early this year, and authorities had pledged to reopen the facility in Haiti's capital on Christmas Eve. But as journalists gathered to cover the event, suspected gang members opened fire. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns this heinous act attributed to the Viv Ansanm coalition of gangs. The Haitian Association of Journalists confirmed two reporters and a police officer were killed, and seven reporters were wounded in what it called "a macabre scene comparable to terrorism, pure and simple."

20.12.2024. SYRIA. Two Kurdish journalists, Nazım Daştan and Cihan Bilgin, were killed in a drone strike December 19 while reporting on developments in northern Syria. The attack occurred on the road between the Tishrin Dam and the town of Sirin in the eastern countryside of Aleppo province. The journalists were targeted by a Turkish armed drone. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns this attack against two young reporters, who brought the realities of the war in northern and eastern Syria to the public. The area has seen escalating clashes between the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) since early December. Turkey has supported the SNA with drone and artillery strikes as the conflict intensifies. This attack brings the toll of journalists killed in Syria this year to 4 and the total this year to 170.

17.12.2024. PEC annual report: Record number of journalists killed in 2024

Geneva, December 17, 2024 (PEC) A record number of media workers have been killed this year, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) deplored in Geneva

on Tuesday. At least 165 of them lost their lives in 21 countries around the world (until December 15). Two conflicts are responsible for two thirds of

victims: the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine.  The increase compared with 2023 is almost 18%.
‘The situation is particularly dramatic in the Gaza Strip because of the continuing Israeli strikes’, said PEC President Blaise Lempen.

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12.12.2024. PAKISTAN. 12th media persons killed in Pakistan in 2024, PEC expresses serious concern


Pakistan, even though without any war on it, continues to lose media persons to assailants and the south Asian nation witnessed the 12 th journo-victim within 12 months of 2024. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, expresses serious concern after receiving the news about the murder of another journalist named  Malik Zafar Iqbal Naich on 12 December and demands adequate punishments to the perpetrators.


10.12.2024. CAMBODIA. Cambodian journalist died with bullet injuries, PEC demands justice -

Press Emblem Campaign, the global media safety and rights body, demands justice to Cambodian journalist Chhoeung Chheung, who was shot by a homemade gun inside a forest reserve in Siem Reap locality on 4 December 2024. Chheung (63), who worked for an online media outlet named Kampuchea Aphivath (Cambodia Development News), emerged as a media activist against deforestation in Cambodia and hence he was seemingly targeted by the miscreants. The dedicated journalist died of bullet injuries on 7 December.


05.12.2024. SYRIA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply saddened by the death of DPA photographer Anas Alkharboutli

The DPA protographer was killed on 4 December in an airstrike by the Bashar al-Assad regime near the city of Hama in west-central Syria while covering the rebel offensive. Syrian photographer Anas Alkharboutli, 32 years old, had extensively covered the Syrian conflict during previous years. He began working as a photojournalist in 2014 to document the brutal siege and attacks on Eastern Ghouta by regime forces and their allies. He won the 2020 Young Reporter of the Year Prize at the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award for war correspondents for his work covering the military campaign in Idlib and documenting the actions of the Syrian regime, Russia, and Iran as they targeted hospitals, residential areas, and public markets. He left the region in forced evacuations in 2018 and worked as a photojournalist for German news agency DPA (photo AA: Funeral of Syrian journalist Anas Alkharboutli in Hama)

24.11.2024. GAZA. PEC condemns the Israeli government's ban on foreign journalists travelling to Gaza. The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate held a panel at the Media Solidarity Center in Mawasi, Khan Younis, Gaza with the attendace of journalists in Gaza, to discuss preventing foreign journalists from covering the war in Gaza, and its impact on media coverage. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) participated in the panel with a video message from Geneva. Journalist Ahmed Fayad presented a data-driven working paper on the issue.

Read the message and the working paper on PRESS RELEASES

23.11.2024. PAKISTAN: 11th journalist killed in 2024 in Pakistan, PEC expresses concern  - Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses serious concern over continued killing of journalists in Pakistan as another scribe lost his life in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa bordering Afghanistan. Janan Hussain (40) became one of the 42 Shiite Muslims who were ambushed and killed by gunmen in Kurram locality on 20 November. Hussain worked for a local media outlet Channel 365 and he was associated with Parachinar Press Club. He is the 11th media worker to be killed in Pakistan this year till date.

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20.11.2024.  Le prix PEC 2024 remis au journaliste palestinien Iyad Alasttal // Palestinian journalist Iyad Alasttal awarded PEC 2024 prize

Le prix PEC 2024 remis au journaliste palestinien Iyad Alasttal

Genève, 20 novembre 2024 (PEC) Le prix de la Presse Emblème Campagne (Press Emblem Campaign

PEC) pour la Protection des Journalistes a été décerné mercredi au journaliste palestinien Iyad Alasttal.

Depuis le 7 octobre 2023, plus de 150 journalistes palestiniens et libanais ont été tués, un bilan sans précédent

dans un conflit dans un si court laps de temps. La PEC a voulu honorer la mémoire de ces journalistes qui ont

pris et continuent de prendre des risques considérables en accordant son prix à l’un d’entre eux.

Palestinian journalist Iyad Alasttal awarded PEC 2024 prize

Geneva, 20 November 2024 (PEC) The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) Prize for the Protection of Journalists was awarded on Wednesday to the Palestinian journalist Iyad Alasttal.

Since 7 October 2023, more than 150 Palestinian and Lebanese journalists have been killed, an unprecedented toll in a conflict in such a short space of time. The PEC wanted to honour the memory of these journalists who have taken and continue to take considerable risks by awarding its prize to one of them.

Read more on  PEC AWARD

04.11.2024 INVITATION. Le Club suisse de la presse et la Press Emblem Campaign vous invitent à la conférence de presse et cérémonie du prix PEC 2024. // The Swiss Press Club and the Press Emblem Campaign invite you to the press conference and ceremony for the PEC Award 2024

Mercredi 20 novembre 2024 à 17h00 - Château de Ferney-Voltaire

Wednesday 20 November 2024 5pm - Château de Ferney-Voltaire

Allée du Château

01210 Ferney-Voltaire

Avec Blaise Lempen, président PEC, Iyad Alasttal, réalisateur et journaliste de Gaza (photo pec)

Modération : Jean-Philippe Jutzi, vice-président de la PEC

Le prix PEC est décerné chaque année à Genève depuis 2009 pour récompenser un individu ou une organisation qui s’est engagée pour la protection des journalistes au cours de l’année écoulée, en fonction de l’actualité. Depuis octobre 2023, plus de 150 journalistes palestiniens on perdu la vie à Gaza en raison des frappes israéliennes, le bilan le plus élevé lors d’un conflit en un si court laps de temps. La PEC a choisi d’honorer leur mémoire en décernant son prix à Iyad Alasttal, réalisateur et journaliste gazaoui indépendant. Il a réalisé avant la guerre des documentaires qui ont participé et obtenu des prix dans des festivals en Égypte, France, Liban, Grande Bretagne, Italie, Tunisie et en Palestine. En mars 2019, il a lancé « Gaza stories » un projet multimédia palestinien en français et en anglais, qui montre le quotidien des Palestiniens de Gaza. Depuis 2019 plus de 250 films ont été diffusés via les réseaux sociaux par une équipe de cinéastes et journalistes gazaouis constituée autour d’Iyad Alasttal. Il a aussi travaillé pour des médias francophones et occidentaux, en particulier depuis octobre 2023. Avant de s’exiler avec sa famille en France en février, il a vécu 5 mois sous les bombes et il a échappé de peu à une frappe israélienne dans la ville de Rafah au sud de la Bande de Gaza. Iyad Alasttal évoquera la situation actuelle à Gaza et l’avenir du territoire. Demandeur d’asile en France, il ne peut pas quitter le territoire français, raison pour laquelle la conférence de presse et cérémonie auront lieu au château de Ferney-Voltaire, à 15 minutes de la place des Nations. Le Prix PEC est financé par la Fondation Jordi.

Pour les demandes d’interviews, merci d’envoyer un mail à : pressemblem@gmail.com

Plus d'infos (English and French) sur PEC AWARD

01.11.2024. INDIA. Journalist killed in India's UP on the eve of International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, PEC demands justice . One more journalist has been assassinated in the central Indian State of Uttar Pradesh (UP) to increase the tally to four victims this year till date in India, which is condemned by global media safety and rights body Press Emblem Campaign (PEC). Dilip Saini (45), a correspondent to Asian News International from Fatehpur locality, was stabbed to death at Sadar Kotwali area on the night of 30 October 2024. The police have already arrested four individuals suspecting their role in the murder.


01.11.2024. MEXICO. Two journalists killed in 24 hours. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is shocked by the killing of two journalists in Mexico in 24 hours. Since January 2024, 7 media workers have been killed in the dangerous country. The U.N. human rights office in Mexico said Wednesday journalists in Mexico need more protection, after gunmen killed a man whose Facebook news page covered the violent Mexico state of Michoacan. Journalist Mauricio Solís of the news page Minuto por Minuto was shot to death late Tuesday just moments after he conducted a sidewalk interview with the mayor of the city of Uruapan. Then on Wednesday afternoon, entertainment reporter Patricia Ramírez González was found with serious injuries inside her Colima restaurant and died at the scene, according to the Colima state prosecutor’s office. Local media said Ramírez, who was better known as Paty Bunbury, published a blog on local entertainment and was a contributor to a Colima newspaper. The PEC condemns both killings and calls for transparent investigations.

31.10.2024. International Day to end impunity for crimes against journalists - 2 November: A particularly sombre record

The record in the fight against impunity is particularly gloomy this year: the perpetrators of violence and murders committed against journalists over the past year

have so far enjoyed total impunity, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) deplored in Geneva. Since the outbreak of the war in Gaza on 7 October 2023, more than 150

 journalists have been killed in Palestine and Lebanon as a result of Israeli reprisals for attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah. Palestinian media facilities and equipment

were systematically destroyed.  No one responsible at any level, military or civilian, has been prosecuted.

Read more on PRESS RELEASES (English and French)

26.10.2024. LEBANON. PEC is outraged by the killing of 3 media workers in southern Lebanon - Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) mourns the loss of three more media workers in southern Lebanon. Since the war started in Gaza on October 7, eight journalists were killed in Israeli strikes. On 25 October an Israeli airstrike killed three media workers that were sleeping in a compound in Hasbaiyaa, southern Lebanon. Al Mayadeen Media Network said that its employees cameraman Ghassan Najjar and broadcast engineer Mohammad Reda lost their life. A third journalist a camera operator for Al Manar TV Wissam Qassim was killed in the same airstrike. The building was rented by several media ourlets and housed 18 media workers.


23.10.2024. PHILIPPINES. PEC condemns murder of Filipino female radio journalist - Expressing serious concern over the

recent murder of Filipino radio journalist Maria Vilma Rodriguez, the global media safety and rights body Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands a thorough probe

into the incident to book the culprits under the law of the Philippines. The female journalist was shot dead by unknown assailants near her residence in Zamboanga

city of the island nation on 22 October 2024. Maria (56), used to present 105.9 Emedia FM’s news program Barangay Action Center.


14.10.2024. BANGLADESH. Two journalists killed in Bangladesh, PEC demands justice - Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, expressed shock over the murder of two Bangladeshi media persons Tanjil Jahan Islam Tamim (33) and Swapan Kumar Bhadra. PEC demands a fair probe into the incidents to identify and punish the perpetrators under the law. The victim’s family members informed that Tanjil had property disputes with a real estate group and they might be involved with the killing of Deepto Television employee on 10 October 2024 at Hatirjheel area of Dhaka. Senior journalist Swapan Kumar Bhadra, who worked for many Bengali newspapers like Dainik Swajan, Ajker Khabar and Khabar Patra, was hacked to death on 12 October 2024 by three miscreants in front of his residence at Majhipara in Mymensingh locality of the south Asian nation.


06.10.2024. ISRAEL/GAZA STRIP/LEBANON. IN ONE YEAR A RECORD NUMBER OF JOURNALISTS KILLED WITH IMPUNITY. At least 145 journalists and media workers, all but five of them were Palestinians, have been killed since the Hamas attack October 7, 2023. All of the killings, except two Israeli journalists killed by Hamas October 7, were carried out by Israeli forces.


24.09.2024. LEBANON. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is very worried by the killing of two more journalists in southern Lebanon. Journalist Hadi Al-Sayed, who worked for the Lebanese TV channel Al Mayadeen, succumbed to his injuries on 23 September after his home in southern Lebanon was hit by an Israeli airstrike, in the deadliest day for the country since 2006. Al-Sayed is the fourth journalist to be killed by Israel in Lebanon since the war in Gaza started on 7 October 2023. PEC fears more casualties as conflict escalates in Lebanon. On 25 September an Israeli strike killed cameraman Kamal Karaki of Al-Manar TV.


23.09.2024. INDIA. PEC demands justice to slain Indian journalist Salman Ali Khan. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expressed shock over the killing of journalist Salman Ali Khan in Madhya Pradesh of central India and demanded a fair probe into the murder so that the perpetrators can be booked under the law. The Rajgarh-based local television reporter was targeted by unidentified gunmen in the evening hours of 17 September. He is the third journalist killed in India in 2024.


20.09.2024. GAZA. Media must call out Israel's ban on foreign journalists. For ten long months of its bloody and brutal war in Gaza, Israel has not allowed any international journalist to cover the fighting from the war theater. Hundreds of foreign journalists are accredited in Israel, yet not a single one has been allowed free access. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joined a call by several journalists' associations to Israel to allow independent coverage from inside the Gaza Strip and to all UN Member States to press for free access in the conflict zone.

For more see: https://www.arabnews.com/node/2530631

12.09.2024. BANGLADESH. PEC appreciates Dhaka for considering a media commission. After putting numerous troubles for professional media persons in Bangladesh with brutal laws at the background of relentless socio-political turmoil in the last few decades, the current interim government in Dhaka, headed by Nobel laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, starts actively considering setting up a media commission to ensure press freedom and accountability in the south Asian nation, which was born in 1971. 


04.09.2024. PAKISTAN. Pakistan loses 10th journalist to assailants this year, PEC expresses serious concern. Pakistan has slowly turned into a graveyard of working journalists as the south Asian nation loses another journalist, tenth victim this year till date, to assailants. Local media reports confirm that senior journalist Nisar Lehri was shot dead on 4 September 2024 in Mastung locality of Balochistan. Lehri (50), a member of Mastung press club, was targeted by armed miscreants for reasons not officially disclosed.



24.08.2024. MYANMAR. PEC condemns Myanmar militaries for killing two more reporters. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the killing of two reporters  during a military raid in Mon State of Myanmar and demands a fair probe to the incident that led to the death of Htet Myat Thu and Win Htut Oo on 21 August 2024. Burmese media outlets reported that the junta soldiers raided the house of Htet Myat Thu (27) in Kyaikto township on Wednesday in search of pro-democracy armed insurgents, but ended up indiscriminately firing that seemingly killed the reporter with ‘Voice of Thanbyuzayat’. Win Htut Oo (28), a freelance contributor to the Democratic Voice of Burma (a broadcast news agency) was also killed in the incident.


21.08.2024. BANGLADESH. PEC demands fast probe into journo-murders in Bangladesh. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) called the interim government of Bangladesh to initiate a fast probe into the murder of five journalists in the last few weeks and punish the culprits under the law. The south Asian nation witnessed a month-long unrest beginning the middle of July 2024, where the students led movement toppled the Awami League government in Dhaka and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had to flee to take temporary refuge in India. Hundreds of journalists, who reported from the ground, sustained injuries as they were targeted by the Bangla armed forces as well as many affiliates of Hasina.


LECTURE POUR UN ETE. Journaliste pendant plus de 40 ans, co-fondateur de la PEC en 2004, son président depuis 2022, Blaise Lempen nous apporte son témoignage personnel sur une époque mouvementée. Dans "Un regard sur l'Histoire 1950-2050" (L'Harmattan, Paris, 2024), il confie ses surprises, ses regrets, ses craintes et ses espoirs et nous livre une réflexion sur la marche erratique de l’Histoire. L’auteur nous raconte ses combats, ses rencontres, ses voyages, il évoque le lourd héritage des Trente Glorieuses, les progrès réalisés en Europe, puis les soubresauts du nouveau siècle, les crises en cascade, avec le retour de la guerre, en Ukraine, au Proche-Orient, et la confrontation entre les dictatures et les démocraties.

Un changement de civilisation est en cours. Blaise Lempen en décrit les profondes transformations: la transition climatique et énergétique, la transition technologique et numérique et les tensions politiques qui les accompagnent. La multiplication des événements climatiques extrêmes, l’accroissement des tensions géopolitiques, les attentats terroristes, alertes sanitaires, la montée des populismes, les menaces sur les libertés et les difficultés de la gouvernance mondiale sont très préoccupants. Mais le pire n'est jamais sûr et il peut y avoir de bonnes surprises dans le cours des événements. Un survol captivant de l'histoire de ces dernières décennies avec à la fin du livre des scénarios pour les années courant jusqu'à 2050 et après.

Disponible sur le site de L'Harmattan:


ou sur Internet sur les sites de la FNAC, Amazon, Decitre, Cultura, etc. 

23.07.2024. GAZA STRIP. At least 40 Palestinian journalists killed since January. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is dismayed by the ever-increasing toll of media workers killed in Gaza. PEC condemns in particular the explosion which targeted a tent sheltering journalists in Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, central Gaza on Monday. At least one person, journalist Haydar Ibrahim al-Msaddar, was killed while several others were wounded and suffered serious injuries. Msaddar was a media researcher and a specialist in media affairs, according to local authorities. “All the contents in the tent are journalistic equipment,” Youssef al-Hindi, a rescue worker who attended the scene after hearing the explosion, told Middle East Eye. Since October 7 more than 120 journalists have been killed in the war in Gaza, according to the latest PEC figures. Some of them are still under investigation due a lack of independent witnesses on the ground, which the PEC continues to strongly deplore (photo MEE: Holding up a press helmet he found at the scene, Youssef al-Hindi, a rescue worker said that he believes the journalists' tent was intentionally targeted following an Israeli strike)

19.07.2024. BANGLADESH. Reporter killed in Dhaka, PEC expresses shock - Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses shock and grief over the killing of a young reporter in the Bangladesh capital during a nationwide protest demonstration against the job-quota system in the south Asian nation.  Hasan Mehedi (photo, 35), who worked for Bangla media outlet Dhaka Times was killed while covering the clashes erupted between the police forces and agitating students at Jatrabari area of Dhaka on Thursday (18 July 2024). 


15.07.2024. PAKISTAN. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the murder of Aaj News journalist Hasan Zaib (photo). He has been shot dead in the Nowshera district of Pakistan’s northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province by unknown assailants. He is the eighth Pakistani media worker to be killed in 2024. PEC urges the highest government authority in Islamabad to investigate all relevant cases to unearth the truth and punish the culprits involved with the murder of scribes in the south Asian nation.

Read more on PRESS REEASES

Read also on our page END IMPUNITY: Payout for widow of Pakistani journalist killed by Kenyan police

26.06.2024. INDIA. Journalist stabbed to death in Bihar, PEC demands probe - The Press Emblem Campaign expresses shock over the murder of a young Indian journalist in Bihar on Tuesday evening and demands a fair probe into the incident to identify the culprits for necessary legal actions. The victim, identified as Shivshankar Jha (photo), sustained multiple knife injuries when he was attacked by miscreants on 25 June 2024 near his residence at Maripur village under Muzaffarpur locality. Seriously wounded Shivshankar (40), who worked for several Hindi media outlets, was taken to a nearby hospital, but the attending doctors declared him brought dead. Shivshankar Jha becomes the 2nd journalist to be killed this year in India.


25.06.2024. ASSANGE IS FREE. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is very relieved to learn of the release of Julian Assange. “This is the end of a long and useless ordeal for a man who had only done his job as a journalist,” declared PEC President Blaise Lempen. PEC repeatedly asked the authorities for the release of the founder of WikiLeaks (photo pec of a demonstration in front of the United Nations in Geneva in November 2020). WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was freed from the UK’s high-security Belmarsh prison on Monday after having spent 1901 days there (more than five years) and taken to the airport where he flew out of the country. 

Assange will appear at a court in Saipan, a US Pacific territory on Wednesday where he will be sentenced to 62 months of time already served. He will return to Australia after the hearing, a Wikileaks statement said. Assange rose to prominence with the launch of Wikileaks in 2006, creating an online whistleblower platform for people to submit classified material such as documents and videos anonymously. Footage of a US Apache helicopter attack in Baghdad, which killed a dozen people, including two journalists, raised the platform’s profile, while the 2010 release of hundreds of thousands of classified US documents on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as a trove of diplomatic cables, cemented its reputation. The fight for the release of Assange was a fight for the right to information especially in war zones. The PEC has always supported the need for transparency and wishes Assange to be able to rest in his country with his family.

20.06.2024. PAKISTAN. PEC expresses shock over continued killing of scribes in Pakistan. The Press Emblem Campaign expresses utter shock over the relentless murder of journalists in Pakistan, as the south Asian nation has lost its seventh scribe to assailants this year. Condemning the gunning down of  Khalil Afridi Jibran (55, photo), a television journalist of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on 18 June 2024, PEC demands a high level probe into his murder and nab the culprits to punish under the law.


18.06.2024. UKRAINE/RUSSIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is worried about the killing of two Russian journalists in Ukraine in one week. The correspondent of News.Ru Nikita Tsitsagi (photo) was killed in a drone attack by Ukrainian Army on June 16 in the Russian-controlled part of the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine. The news organization reported that the journalist died in the area of St. Nicholas Monastery near Vuhledar. The journalist collaborated with TASS, the online magazine New Tab, and the Russian-language online newspaper Lenta.ru. Tsitsagi’s death came to light three days after a cameraman with the Russian television channel NTV Valery Kozhin was killed when his film crew came under fire in the in the area around Horlivka, north of Donetsk city in part of the region controlled by Russian troops

Three other Russian correspondents were killed in Ukraine in recent months. A correspondent for the Russian news outlet Izvestia, Semyon Yeryomin, was killed in a Ukrainian kamikaze drone attack in Zaporozhye Region on April 20. Two other Russian correspondents -- Rostilav Zhuravlev of RIA Novosti and Boris Maksudov of the Rossiya-24 TV channel -- were killed in separate incidents last year in Ukraine's Zaporizhzhya region while covering Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. PEC reminds all belligerents that journalists are civilians protected by humanitarian law and that they must not be targeted.

12.06.2024. NETHERLANDS. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the conviction by a Dutch court of three men for their roles in the 2021 shooting of investigative reporter Peter R. de Vries (photo). De Vries was gunned down on July 5, 2021, on a busy Amsterdam street and died nine days later, at age 64. The shooter, getaway driver and organizer of the attack were convicted of direct involvement in the killing. The shooter and driver were sentenced to 28 years. The man who organized the slaying was sentenced to 26 years and one month. "We are satisfied with this judgment which punishes those responsible for a heinous crime in Europe. Criminals must nowhere go unpunished,” said PEC President Blaise Lempen. At the time of his killing, de Vries was acting as an adviser to a suspect-turned-state witness in the trial against Ridouan Taghi, who was sentenced to life in prison for murder and drug trafficking earlier this year.

Read more on our page END IMPUNITY

04.06.2024. GENEVA. The PEC celebrates its 20th anniversary - More than 2000 journalists killed in 20 years - Founded on 4 June 2004 in Geneva, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has been campaigning for 20 years to strengthen the protection of journalists in dangerous areas. In 20 years, more than 2,000 journalists have been killed around the world, an average of one hundred a year. ‘This is an extremely heavy toll’, said PEC co-founder and President Blaise Lempen on Tuesday. ‘Our main concern remains the impunity that characterizes most of the crimes committed against journalists’, he added on the occasion of the NGO's 20th anniversary.

Read the PEC statement (English, French and Spanish) on PRESS RELEASES

Ecouter l'interview du président de la PEC sur les 20 ans de la PEC (seulement en français):


02.06.2024. UKRAINE. Ukrainian authorities are increasing pressure on journalists. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is concerned about signs of political censorship and persecution of journalists in Ukraine against the backdrop of large-scale aggression by neighboring Russia. The practices against journalists that the Ukrainian authorities have begun to use go beyond the necessary precautions in times of war and are typical of countries with non-democratic regimes.


25.05.2024. PAKISTAN. PEC condemns continued journo-murders in Pakistan, demands fair probe -Pakistan continues to witness the assassination of journalists with usual immunity from the government and concerned authorities. The south Asian nation lost one more journalist on 24 May as injured Sindhi journalist Nasrullah Gadani (photo) died in a Karachi-based hospital. Nasrullah (40) was attacked by the gunmen in Mirpur Mathelo locality under Ghotki district of Sindh province on 21 May. On 21 May itself, unidentified gunmen hit Kamran Dawar, a digital journalist based in Miramshah locality of North Waziristan under Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.


20.05.2024. PAKISTAN. Another journalist killed in Pakistan, PEC demands probe. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses serious concern over the killing of another journalist in Pakistan within a fortnight and demands a fair probe into the incident. Mehar Ashfaq Siyal (photo) was shot dead in Muzaffargarh locality of Punjab province by the miscreants. Mehar, who was associated with an Urdu newspaper (Daily Khabrain), faced the bullets of unidentified assailants on 15 May 2024. He is the second journalist of Pakistan to be killed in May and fourth since 1 January in the south Asian nation.


14.05.2024. INDIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC)  condemns the killing of journalist Ashutosh Srivastava (photo) in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh and demands a fair probe to identify and punish the perpetrators. Srivastava, a correspondent for the Hindu news channel Sudarshan News was shot several times by unknown assailants while riding his motorcycle outside the city of Jaunpur. He was declared dead upon arrival at a local hospital. A month earlier, Srivastava had raised concerns about his safety with local police, after receiving threats due to his reporting on the illegal slaughter of cows. Monday witnessed the fourth phase of polling under India’s general elections.


06.05.2024. ISRAEL. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) denounces the decision of the Israeli cabinet to ban Al-Jazeera. «Israel sets a bad example. It is regrettable that Israeli public opinion can no longer have access to a voice different from that of the Israeli media on the war in Gaza», said PEC President Blaise Lempen in Geneva. «This decision is a serious blow to press freedom, it further deepens the divide with the Palestinians and does not promote mutual understanding», he added. On 5 May, the Israeli government voted to close the Qatari-based channel in Israel – raiding its offices, removing its broadcasts from menus of Israeli broadcast providers and blocking its websites. Israel acts like a dictatorship : banning foreign reporters from Gaza, attacking Palestinian media facilities in Gaza, and killing more than 120 journalists in seven months of war. The decision by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu makes it even more necessary to adopt an international convention protecting the rights of journalists and press freedom in conflict zones, stresses the PEC.

03.05.2024. WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY. Journalist killed in Pakistan - PEC demands probe. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of one senior journalist Muhammad Siddiq Mengel (photo) in Balochistan as the World Press Freedom Day was being observed across the globe. The senior journalist was killed and nine others were injured in a bomb blast in Chamrok area of Khuzdar, Balochistan, on Friday. The victim was the president of the Khuzdar Press Club. Police officials stated that unidentified assailants remotely detonated an improvised explosive device (IED), targeting a car. So far this year 43 journalists have been killed around the world, including 27 in Gaza, a high death toll. 


28.04.2024. MEXICO. Primer asesinato de un periodista perpetrado en México en lo que va de año. La PEC está consternada por la muerte del periodista y pide a las autoridades del país una investigación urgente. Roberto Figueroa (photo), director del medio online Acá en el Show, fue hallado sin vida en el interior de un auto en el poblado de Coajomulco en Huitzilac, Morelos, el pasado 26 de abril. Según medios locales, el periodista fue secuestrado por hombres armados esa misma mañana en su domicilio. Figueroa publicaba noticias y opiniones sobre la política local, así como videos satíricos y humorísticos que criticaban a políticos de Morelos como el gobernador Cuauhtémoc Blanco. El asesinato de Figueroa es el primer asesinato de un periodista perpetrado en México este año.

22.04.2024. AFGHANISTAN. Taliban jails Afghan journalist, PEC demands trlease of all imprisoned journalists - Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, expressed concern over the imprisonment of Habib-ur-Rahman Taseer (photo), a local Afghan journalist associated with Radio Azadi/Radio Free Europe. According to Afghanistan Journalist Center, Taseer was detained by the Taliban regime of Afghanistan on 6 April and lately he has been sent to jail. The Taliban regime must release him urgently along with over 55 Afghan journalists and media workers who were arrested in the last few months, said Blaise Lempen, president of PEC. Meanwhile, PEC condemns the killing of two journalists in Pakistan.


21.04.2024. UKRAINE. Russian journalist killed in Ukrainian drone attack. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to hear of the death of a correspondent for the Russian news outlet Izvestia, Semyon Yeryomin (photo), who has been fatally injured in a Ukrainian kamikaze drone attack in Zaporozhye Region. Yeryomin’s crew was filming near the village of Priyutnoye on Friday at the positions of a battalion of Russian troops. On the way back from a filming location, the crew’s vehicle was attacked by a drone. Yeryomin had been working in the combat zone since the conflict began in February 2022. PEC is against the murder of any journalist regardless of their nationality and believes that each case requires a full investigation. There have been a number of deaths of Russian media figures linked with the Ukraine conflict over the past two years. These include Boris Maksudov, a Russian journalist from Russia 24 TV, RIA Novosti war correspondent Rostislav Zhuravlev, Oleg Klokov – director of Kherson’s Tavria TV, and Kaliningrad RuBaltic correspondent Aleksey Ilyashevich – all killed while covering the conflict on the ground.

10.04.2024. UKRAINE. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the attacks that injured four journalists in drone strikes in Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia. On 4 April, Russian drone strikes hit the Kharkiv region, injuring two journalists, Yuliya Boyko (photo), a correspondent for Novini.Live news site, and Viktor Pichugin, working for the Nakipelo news media project. Boyko was covering the aftermath of a previous drone strike when she found herself 5-6 metres away from the shelling. Pichugin was wounded when reporting on the impact of the strike on first-aid volunteers in the area. Less than a day later, on 5 April, journalists Olha Zvonaryova, a reporter working for the state news agency Ukrinform, and Kira Oves, a correspondent of the national TV channel 1+1, were injured in another strike while reporting on the damages caused by previous missile strikes. Oves sustained a head injury, while Zvonaryova suffered a severe leg injury and underwent surgery. The tactic of repeated shelling of places that have already been hit, where rescue workers and journalists are working, is becoming the norm in Russia's war. PEC admires the courage of journalists who, despite the danger, continue to work close to the front line. These acts orchestrated by Russian authorities aim to silence the voices daring to expose their war crimes. PEC condemns Russian authorities for all these attacks.

27.03.2024. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. PEC statement. General Debate item 7. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the unprecedented killings of journalists in Gaza and their consequences. Palestine has become the world’s deadliest place for journalists. The systematic targeting of Palestinians journalists compromises the ability to cover the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Impunity in the war in Gaza is a dangerous precedent. A full investigation is needed on all war crimes committed by the Israeli army in Gaza since October last year.

Read the PEC statement on PRESS RELEASES

26.03.2024. ASSANGE. PEC relieved by the High Court decision, but the torture must stop.  The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is relieved by the High Court's decision not to extradite Julian Assange (photo) until the United States provides additional guarantees. However the nightmare of the WikiLeaks founder has no end with a new deadline to decide his fate. Julian Assange must be released and returned to Australia for humanitarian and medical reasons, as well as to respect the principle of freedom of investigative journalism.


20.03.2024. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. PEC statement General Debate item 4. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is profoundly concerned about reports indicating that media workers may have been deliberately targeted by Israel in the Gaza Strip. Journalists are considered civilians and cannot be military targets. The death toll is unprecedented. Since 7 October 2023, more than 120 journalists mostly Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes. We call on the members of the Human Rights Council to request the conflicting parties to open up access to Gaza for foreign media, to enable independent reporting, and to protect all journalists and media offices on the ground. 

Read the PEC statement on PRESS RELEASES

14.03.2024. SOMALIA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply saddened by the tragic loss of journalist Abdikarin Ahmed Bulhan (photo), reporter for Somali national television, who was killed 13 March in Abudwaq district, Galgadud region in Somalia. Abdikarin was also known for his humanitarian and peace activism work. He used his journalistic work to promote peace journalism, advocating for understanding and reconciliation in conflict-affected areas. PEC stands in solidarity with his family and colleagues and calls for the perpetrator of this heinous crime to be brought to justice swiftly. Ahmed Bulhan is the first journalist killed in Somalia in 2024.

06.03.2024. BANGLADESH. PEC expresses grief over demise of two Bangla reporters  - Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, expresses profound grief over the demise of two Bangladeshi journalists in a devastating fire that took place in Dhaka. The carnage on 29 February 2024 snatched away the lives of at least 46 people including Abhishruti Shastri (photo) and Tusar Hawlader, both of whom worked for Dhaka-based online media outlet Thereport.live. According to local media reports, the colleagues and family members identified the bodies of Abhishruti (also known as Bristi Khatun) and Tusar at Dhaka medical college hospital morgue.


22.02.2024. GAZA. 26 February International Day for Palestinian Journalists

Four months since the start of the war in Gaza, Palestine, on 7 October, more than 100 journalists have been killed. This massacre has been as horrific as it is unprecedented. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates on 26 February for an International Day in support of Palestinian Journalists.

  • Suggestions for activities to mark the day: Rallies, speeches, public meetings, social media threads, all opportunities are necessary to remind all citizens that the freedom to inform has a price, in Gaza more than elsewhere. Let us never forget that for four months, it has been journalists from Gaza who have been reporting to the world because these few square kilometres have been completely closed.
  • Join us for a minute of silence at noon on 26 February to commemorate journalists killed since 7 October
  • Use #SupportPalestinianJournalists on your social media

Read more on: https://www.ifj.org//media-centre/news/detail/category/israel-gaza-conflict/article/international-day-for-palestinian-journalists

20.02.2024. UKRAINE. The second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion:

professionalization of military journalism, pressure on investigative journalists, and misinformation in Telegram - Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a significant decrease in the number of casualties, condemns Russian disinformation and censorship in the occupied territories 

​​​​​​​Read the report by Andrii Ianitsky, PEC representative in Ukraine, on PRESS RELEASES

15.02.2024. AFGHANISTAN. PEC is very concerned by the deterioration of press freedom in Afghanistan and supports the recommendations of the report on the situation in Afghanistan delivered for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the United Nations in Geneva by the Afghanistan Journalists Center.

Read the report on PRESS RELEASES

13.02.2024. PEC condemns Myanmar junta for murdering reporter -  Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has condemned the murder of Myanmar journalist Ko Myat Thu Tun (alias Phoe Thiha, photo) along with six other political prisoners by the military junta under their custody. It came to public notice only after the Arakan Army, a Rakhine based ethnic armed group, captured Mrauk-U township from the junta forces and discovered their bodies, reported local media.


06.02.2024. AZERBAIJAN. PEC is very concerned by the wave of repression against journalists, human rights defenders and opposition activists on the occasion of Azerbaijan's snap presidential election and condemns the Azerbaijani authorities for expelling from Azerbaijan a short-term observer of the OSCE/ODIHR mission, Swiss parliamentarian Nik Gugger (with AZEX).


31.01.2024. ISRAEL-GAZA. More journalists killed in the Gaza Strip. Since the beginning of this year, in one month, at least 12 journalists have been killed by Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip. Since the Hamas attack on 7 October, at least 93 journalists have paid their job with their lives, often along with their family members in their homes. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the continued attacks on media workers. The death toll now represents around ten percent of journalists in the enclave. PEC reminds that international law requires that states do all in their power to protect civilians, and that journalists should be treated as civilians (photo: On 14 January, photographer Yazan Al-Zuweidi, who worked for Al-Ghad TV, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in the city of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza).

List of victims on CASUALTIES

14.01.2024.MYANMAR. PEC demands release of Burmese journalist-filmmaker Shin Daewe
Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses serious concern over the imprisonment of Burmese journalist-filmmaker Shin Daewe (photo) for live by the ruling military junta of Myanmar and demands her immediate release along with other over 50 jailed scribes. The documentary producer was sentenced for life imprisonment on 10 January 2024 by a military court inside Insein prison in Yangon on terrorism charges. Shin (50) was arrested by the Burmese soldiers from a bus terminal in Yangon on 15 October as she was shooting videos by a drone.


PEC annual report: 2023 the deadliest year for journalists in ten years

Geneva, 3 January 2024 (PEC) With 140 journalists killed, 2023 was the deadliest year in ten years, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced in Geneva on Wednesday. Two-thirds of the victims were in the Middle East, with almost one killed every day in the last three months of the year in Gaza. Of the 140 media workers killed in 28 countries, at least 81 have been killed in the Gaza Strip since 7 October. "We condemn these indiscriminate strikes, which do not distinguish between civilians and Hamas fighters. While it is difficult to verify whether journalists were intentionally targeted or not, the Israeli army has systematically destroyed the Palestinian media in Gaza by bombing their offices and facilities", said PEC President Blaise Lempen. By region in 2023, the Middle East led the way with 64% of cases, or 90 deaths, followed by Latin America with 20, Asia with 12, Africa with 11, Europe with 4 and North America with 3.

Read more on PRESS RELEASES (English, French and Spanish)

Graphs and list of victims on CASUALTIES

27.12.2023. HONDURAS-GUATEMALA-MEXICO. La PEC se une a la Federación de Asociaciones de Periodistas de España (FAPE) y a la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), en la condena de los últimos asesinatos de periodistas ocurridos en Latinoamérica. PEC demanda a las autoridades acciones urgentes que determinen la responsabilidad de estos hechos. En ese sentido, también pide que se garanticen unas condiciones seguras para el ejercicio de la labor informativa en un marco de libertad de expresión que provea al pueblo del derecho de acceso a la información. En Guatemala, el pasado 21 de diciembre, el comunicador Gleymer Renan Villeda, del portal Impacto Izaba, fue atacado a balazos cuando conducía un vehículo en esa localidad. Ese mismo día, horas antes, dos hombres en motocicleta emboscaron a César Augusto Leiva Pimentel cuando éste se dirigía a su trabajo en Radio La Red y lo asesinaron con armas de fuego. También el jueves, 21 de diciembre, el periodista Francisco Javier Ramírez Amador (photo) fue asesinado de cinco balazos en la ciudad de Danlí, departamento de El Paraíso, en el oriente de Tegucigalpa (Honduras). Solo cinco días antes, el sábado 16 de diciembre, Mateo González Jiménez, director de la radio Maranatha, fue asesinado a balazos junto a su esposa Rocío López Peréz, en su domicilio en Chamula, municipio de San Cristóbal de las Casas de la provincia de Chiapas (México).

14.12.2023. MYANMAR. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses concern over the arrest of two more online journalists in Myanmar by the military rulers, who are currently facing armed offensive from different anti-junta rebel groups in various parts of the southeast Asian nation. The media outlets in Yangon (Rangoon) reported that the military forces have picked up Aung San 0o and Myo Myint Oo (photo), who are associated with Tanintharyi Weekly Journal from their residences in Dawei locality of southern Myanmar. Since the coup on 1 February 2021, no less than 150 media workers have been arrested. Till date nearly 50 journalists are behind the bars waiting trials in the military courts.


11.12.2023. UNITED NATIONS. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is turning 75. 

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) marks the anniversary (photo pec: Ana Leurinda main Reprsentative of PEC at the UN with the text of the Declaration)

Like the United Nations itself, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) rose from the ashes of World War II. When it was adopted in 1948, much of the world was still recovering from the deadliest conflict in history, which claimed more than 60 million lives.

In the aftermath of such unprecedented death and destruction, the world turned to diplomacy to make sure history would not repeat itself. Nations came together for the first time to declare the fundamental freedoms that belong to all of us. The UDHR contains 30 articles outlining our most basic birthrights, including protection against torture, inhumane treatment, cruel punishment, slavery, and servitude. The document heralded a new chapter of human history.

07.12.2023. ISRAEL-GAZA. Record number of journalists killed in 2 months of war in Gaza.

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is appalled by the large number of journalists killed in two months of war in Gaza. Since the Hamas attack on 7 October, at least 65 media workers have died as a result of the hostilities, more than one casualty a day: 58 Palestinian journalists in Gaza, 4 Israelis on 7 October and 3 in Lebanon. Since the creation of the PEC nearly 20 years ago, never before have so many journalists died in a conflict in such a short time. PEC salute the courage of the Palestinian journalists who remain on the ground in Gaza to continue reporting despite the high risks involved (photo Palestine Chronicle)

Read the PEC statement on PRESS RELEASES (English and French), list of victims on CASUALTIES

02.12.2023. ISRAEL-GAZA. MORE THAN 60 JOURNALISTS KILLED. Since December 1st and the resumption of hostilities in Gaza, more Palestinian journalists have been killed. According to local sources, 63 media workers have been killed since October 7 : 56 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, 4 Israelis, 3 in Lebanon. Many were killed in their homes with their families. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the continued attacks against civilians and journalists. Journalists are only doing their job under extremely difficult conditions and they must be protected. PEC calls again for a full, independent UN investigation in order to shed light on the circumstances of each death. PEC extended its condolences to all the journalists who have lost their lives in this very deadly and very regrettable conflict (photo anadolu: Montaser Al-Sawaf, an Anadolu freelance cameraman reporting in Gaza on Friday, was killed in Israeli airstrikes, newly resumed after a one-week pause). 


20.11.2023. ISRAEL-GAZA: NO END TO THE TRAGEDY, Since the attack of Hamas October 7, at least 50 journalists have been killed in this conflict. There is no end to the killing of Palestinian journalists by Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns all these war crimes in complete disregard of humanitarian law and the protection of media workers. PEC urges the warring parties to do more to distinguish between combatants and civilians. It calls upon the United Nations to investigate all reports of journalists killed, injured, detained or missing (photo afp: Relatives and colleagues of Palestinian journalists Hassouneh Salim and Sari Mansour, killed in an Israeli airstrike on November 18, mourn over their bodies during their funeral in Deir al-Balah in the southern Gaza Strip on November 19)

Read the list of victims on our page CASUALTIES

08.11.2023. ISRAEL-GAZA-LEBANON. UNPRECEDENTED DEATH TOLL. In one month of war between Israel and Hamas, 42 journalists have been killed (37 in Gaza, 4 in Israel, 1 in Lebanon), more than one journalist a day. At least three are missing. Many Palestinians journalists have been killed by Israeli strikes in their home with their family. More than 50 media premises have been completely or partially destroyed by Israeli strikes. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told news agencies that it could not guarantee the safety of their journalists operating in the Gaza Strip. "Journalists in Gaza continue to pay an unprecedented toll. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns all these war crimes. They must be fully investigated. Journalists are civilians and must not be targeted", said PEC President Blaise Lempen (photo: Last week, Mohammad Abu Hatab, a correspondent for the Palestine TV news channel was killed in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip in an Israeli airstrike, along with 11 members of his family)


Lien avec l'interview du président de la PEC sur Rasdio-Cité (Genève) (en français):


02.11.2023. International Day to End Impunity - Gaza: record number of journalists killed in October – call for a commission of enquiry - The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) deplores the high number of journalists killed in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. The organisation is calling for independent investigations to shed light on all these war crimes and for the UN to set up a commission of enquiry. In October, 36 journalists were killed, 33 of them in connection with the conflict between Israel and Hamas (28 Palestinians in Gaza, 4 Israelis and 1 in Lebanon). "These are clearly war crimes and an unprecedented slaughter of the media due to the fact that hostilities are taking place in a densely populated area", said PEC President Blaise Lempen. (photo: on 23 October, Israel launched an air strike on the Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood in Gaza City, killing Palestinian journalist Roshdi Sarraj. Originally a photo-reporter, he co-founded Ain Media, a private media company in Palestine. Roshdi formerly worked as a photographer for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), and was a fixer in Gaza for several international news agencies, including Radio France)

Read more on PRESS RELEASES (English, French and Spanish), CASUALTIES, END IMPUNITY

31.10.2023. MYANMAR. PEC expresses concern over arrest of Rakhine reporter by military junta. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, has expressed concern over the recent arrest of a Rakhine reporter in western Myanmar and urged the military junta to release Ko Htet Aung along with other nearly 30 media persons, who were detained, arrested and imprisoned in the southeast Asian country after the military rulers grabbed power overthrowing a democratically elected government in NayPieTaw on 1 February 2021.


16.10.2023. ISRAEL/GAZA. MORE JOURNALISTS KILLED. The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) said today that 11 journalists were killed by Israeli army gunfire and more than 20 others were injured since the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7. It said that Ahmad Shehab, programmer for Voice of Prisoners Radio, photojournalist Mohammad al-Salhi from the Fourth Estate Agency, photojournalist Mohammad Fayez Abu Matar, Khabar agency photographers Hisham Nawajha and Mohammad Abu Rizq, Ain Media photographer Ibrahim Lafi, editor-in-chief of the Fifth News Agency Saeed Taweel, Mohammad Jarghouth, from Smart Media Agency, Asaad Shamlikh, Salam Mema, and Hossam Mubarak were killed by the Israeli army.

The PJS said two journalists are still missing, namely photojournalist Nidal al-Wahidi, who works as a producer with al-Najah TV, and Haitham Abdel Wahed from the Ain Media Media Agency, and more than 20 journalists were injured in the ongoing aggression, while about 20 houses owned by journalists were bombed, some of which were completely destroyed and others were partially destroyed. The PJS said that about 50 main and branch offices of media centers were bombed, including the offices of Al Jazeera, Palestine TV, AFP, Al-Aqsa, Ma’an News Agency, Sawa Agency, Shihab Agency, al-Quds newspaper, Radio Baladna, Zaman Radio, Watanya Agency, Khabar Agency, al-Ayyam newspaper, Event Media Services Company, Fadl Shanaa Foundation, Holy Quran Radio, Shams News Agency, and the APA office. One Israeli journalist was killed by Hamas on October 7. PEC is not able to verify all this information (photo wafa: Palestinian journalists protesting the Israeli killing of fellow journalists).

14.10.2023. LEBANON. ONE JOURNALIST KILLED, SIX OTHER INJURED. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is shocked and deeply saddened by the killing of Reuters videographer Issam Abdallah (photo) in south Lebanon on Friday 13 October. An Israeli shell landed in a gathering of international journalists covering clashes on the border, killing the Reuters videographer and injuring six other journalists. Reuters said that two of its journalists, Thaer Al-Sudani and Maher Nazeh, were wounded in the shelling in the border area. According to Al-Jazeera TV, two of its employees, Elie Brakhya and reporter Carmen Joukhadar, also were among the wounded and Agence France-Presse said two of its journalists also were injured. The shelling occurred during an exchange of fire along the Lebanon-Israel border between Israeli troops and members of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group. PEC calls for a transparent, rapid, complete and impartial investigation so that those responsible are identified and held accountable. The killings underscore the need for immediate action to protect journalists working in conflict zones.


12.10.2023. PALESTINE/ISRAEL. At least six journalists were killed in Gaza, according to Palestinian media. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killings during military operations between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip and calls for an impartial investigation into their deaths. Other journalists are missing or injured. Israeli retaliatory airstrikes also completely or partially destroyed the headquarters of several media outlets, including the newsroom of Al-Ayyam newspaper, Gaza FM radio studio located in Palestine Tower, and headquarters of Shehab news agency, among others. The offices of Palestinian news agency Ma’an were severely damaged due to the flattening of Al-Watan Tower. The PEC reminds all belligerents that journalists are civilians protected by the international law and calls on all combatants in this conflict to do their utmost to safeguard media professionals (photo reuters: Colleagues of Palestinian journalists Mohammed Sobh and Saeed al-Taweel, who were killed when an Israeli missile hit a nearby building, stand next to their bodies at a hospital in Gaza City, October 10)


05.10.2023. INDIA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses concern over the recent arrest as well as raids of a media office in India’s capital city New Delhi, asserting that scribes should not be harassed for their duties. The police not only raided the office of NewsClick, a 2009 founded news site, but also sealed it later. They also raised the residences of many journalists & writers associated with it. As many as 45 suspects were questioned and a large number of electronic devices from their custodies were also seized by the investigating police personnel.


03.10.2023. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a debate at he Human Rights Council on "Journalists at risk: How diplomatic missions can effectively protect journalists and safeguard media freedoms" - 3rd October 2023, 17:00-18:00 Room XXV, Palais des Nations

As we celebrate this year the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, freedom of opinion and expression, and its corollary media freedom, remain crucial for the realization of other human rights. Yet, everywhere, attempts to silence journalists and media workers can be witnessed with persisting killings and detention targeting them, as well as growing attacks online and offline, legal harassment and increasing surveillance. In this context, diplomatic missions have a key role to play to protect journalists around the world. A toolkit developed by the Community of Democracies, and recently updated with the support of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, aims at raising the awareness of States and diplomatic missions on the actions they can take to protect journalists at risk. The hybrid event will serve to present the toolkit as well as to discuss media freedom as a key pillar of democracy and how diplomatic missions can be pivotal to protect journalists on the ground.​​​​​​​

03.10.2023. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Press Emblem Campaign is shocked to learn that Josh Kruger (photo), a 39-year-old freelance housing reporter was shot secven times after a person with a gun entered his home in Point Breeze, a neighborhood in south Philadelphia Monday 2 October. Kruger worked as a spokesperson and communications director for the City of Philadelphia for five years before returning to journalism full time in 2021. His experience with homelessness and addiction informed his work as both an advocate and a reporter, garnering awards from the Society of Professional Journalists and Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association. Kruger’s work has appeared in numerous local publications like LGBTQ Nation, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Philadelphia Citizen and others. He si the second journalist killed this year in the United States after Dylan Lyons in Orlando, Florida, on 22 February.

28.09.2023. AFGHANISTAN. PEC CONDEMNS A SERIOUS SETBACK. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) shares the press release of the Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) which announced, on the occasion of the International Day of Access to Information, that the Taliban has issued a series of at least 13 directives over the past two years, which have resulted in severe restrictions on media work and an unprecedented setback in access to information in Afghanistan.The AFJC, a PEC partner who received the award in 2019, published August 15 its report about the media freedoms in Afghanistan during two years of Taliban rule, noting a deterioration in press freedom, marked by censorship, detentions, assaults, and restrictions on media outlets, journalists, and in particular women journalists. The report, which covers two years of Taliban rule (August 15, 2021, to August 15, 2023), underlines a total of 366 incidents of violations against media freedom in Afghanistan (photo AFJC: A member of Taliban special forces pushes a journalist covering a demonstration by women protesters outside a school in Kabul)

Read the AFJC press release on PRESS RELEASES, more info on: https://afjc.media/english/

26.09.2023. MEXICO. ONE MORE JOURNALIST KILLED. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to learn the killing of a journalist in the northern Mexico border town of San Luis Rio Colorado on Monday, when he was apparently caught in the cross-fire of an attack aimed at police. Jesús Gutiérrez Vergara (photo) ran Notiface Prensa Digital De San Luis, a Facebook page. Prosecutors in the northern border state of Sonora said Gutiérrez was talking with the police officers, who were his neighbors, when they were hit by a hail of gunfire, killing one policeman and wounding the other three. They said Gutiérrez’ death was “collateral” to the attack on the police. At least 6 other journalists have been killed so far this year in Mexico, one of the deadliest places in the world for journalists. Last year, Mexico was second only to Ukraine with 17 media workers killed, accordfing to PEC figures.

25.09.2023. Le prix annuel pour la Protection des Journalistes de la PEC a été décerné lundi à l'ONG basée au Burkina Faso CENOZO lors d'une conférence au Club suisse de la presse (photo pec de gauche à droite Blaise Lempen, président PEC, Arnaud Ouédraogo, coordonnateur de la CENOZO, Luis Lema, membre du comité de la Fondation Jordi, journaliste au "Temps"). Fondée en 2015, la CENOZO a pour objectifs de contribuer au renforcement des capacités des journalistes d’investigation ouest-africains à travers des formations, du soutien financier et technique dans divers domaines tels que la corruption, le crime organisé, la mauvaise gouvernance, les violations des droits humains et l’environnement. Elle apporte un appui financier et éditorial, soutient les journalistes en danger et organise des rencontres.

Photos, communiqué en anglais et français, discours sur PEC AWARD

15.09.2023. PRIX PEC 2023 - PEC AWARD 2023: INVITATION 

Le journalisme devient de plus en plus difficile en Afrique de l’Ouest et au Sahel. Du Burkina Faso au Mali, en passant par le Niger, les journalistes sont confrontés à des conditions de travail extrêmement précaires. Les violations des droits humains et la mauvaise gouvernance donnent lieu à une instabilité chronique avec le retour notamment des régimes militaires, les groupes djihadistes et les soubresauts liés au départ des Français et à l’influence de la Russie. Dans ce contexte, informer coûte que coûte, tel est le but de la Cellule Norbert Zongo pour le journalisme d’investigation en Afrique de l’Ouest, basée au Burkina (http://www.cenozo.org) Son coordonnateur Arnaud Ouédraogo (photo) a été choisi par la Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) pour recevoir le Prix pour la Protection des Journalistes, financé en 2023 par la Fondation Jordi. Il sera à Genève le 25 Septembre pour apporter son témoignage sur la situation dramatique de cette région en proie à des conflits multiples et crises complexes.

Journalism is becoming increasingly challenging in West Africa and the Sahel. From Burkina Faso to Mali, via Niger, journalists face immensly precarious working conditions. Human rights violations and poor governance give rise to chronic
instability, with the return of military regimes, jihadist groups and the upheavals linked to the departure of the French and the Russian influence. In this context, informing at all costs is the aim of the Burkina-based Cell Norbert Zongo for Investigative Journalism in West Africa (
http://www.cenozo.org). Its coordinator, Arnaud Ouédraogo has been chosen by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) to be awarded the annual Prize for the Protection of Journalists, funded in 2023 by the Jordi Foundation. He will be in Geneva on September 25 to bear witness to the drastic situation in this zone of multiple conflicts and complex emergencies.

Press Conference Monday 25 September at 11am Geneva Press Club https://pressclub.ch/

Speakers: Arnaud Ouédraogo, coordonnateur de la CENOZO

Blaise Lempen, président PEC

Luis Lema, journaliste au Temps, membre du Conseil de la Fondation Jordi

Discours, communiqué, bio sur la page PEC AWARD

Speeches, press release, bio on our page PEC AWARD 

29.08.2023. HONG KONG. La Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) dénonce la situation dans laquelle se trouve le photojournaliste suisse Marc Progin (photo, 78 ans), poursuivi depuis quatre ans pour avoir couvert une manifestation à Hong Kong en 2019, et qui s’est récemment vu refuser l’indemnisation de ses frais de justice alors qu’il a été acquitté à deux reprises. La PEC, avec RSF et l'Union de la presse francophone (UPF), appelle le Département fédéral des affaires étrangères à intervenir en sa faveur auprès des autorités compétentes.

LIRE la lettre au conseiller fédéral Ignazio Cassis et à l'ambassadeur de Chine à Genève sur PRESS RELEASES

22.08. 2023. RUSSIA. Two Russian journalists poisoned in exile ? Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is extemely alarmed by the investigation launched by the Berlin prosecutor. Journalists Elena Kostyuchenko (photo), a former reporter for the investigative newspaper Novaya Gazeta, and Irina Babloyan, previously a journalist for the broadcaster Ekho Moskvy, believe they were poisoned in Germany and Georgia respectively in October 2022. In an article published in US media n+1 and the Russian-language Meduza on August 15, 2023, Kostyuchenko described experiencing severe head and stomach aches, weakness and shortness of breath. Kostyuchenko experienced the mentioned symptoms on a train journey from Munich to Berlin, where she travelled to apply for a visa to cover the war in Ukraine for the independent news outlet Meduza.

 German authorities are investigating a possible poisoning on Russian journalist Elena Kostyuchenko in October 2022, the Berlin prosecutor has confirmed, according to The Guardian. "It is serious. That's why we have our security rules, for example not to post on social media where you are at the moment or where you plan to go, or not to use insecure messengers and mail addresses for communications about plans, etc.", said to the PEC Ekaterina Glickman, Deputy Editor of Novaya Gazeta Europe and recipient of the PEC Award 2022. Kostyuchenko and Babloyan have each reported critically on Russian politics and the country’s invasion of Ukraine. "Journalists in exile must be better protected. Local authorities should treat these allegations with the utmost seriousness and do all they can to safeguard the lives of journalists living in exile", stressed PEC President Blaise Lempen.

18.08.2023. INDIA. PEC condemns scribe’s murder in India’s Bihar province. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, condemns the murder of Vimal Kumar Yadav (photo), a young scribe associated with the leading Hindi newspaper, Dainik Jagran, in Bihar province of north India this morning and demanded a high level probe into the incident to unearth the motive behind the assassination as well as punish the perpetrators under the law.


GUATEMALA. Two journalists killed. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is shocked by the killing of two Guatemalan journalists on Friday, August 11, and calls on the local authorities to conduct a thorough investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice. The armed attack that resulted in the killing of Edin Alonso and Hugo Gutiérrez (photo) took place in the Caballo Blanco municipality in the province of Retalhuleu, in southwestern Guatemala. Alonso and Gutiérrez were administrators of the Noticias Caballo Blanco news page on Facebook, which reports on the events in the Caballo Blanco region. Journalists faced increasing attacks in Guatemala. Earlier this year Eduardo Fernando Mendizabal Galvez was shot to death in Guatemala City.

15.08.2023. PAKISTAN. PEC demands justice to bereaved families of murdered Pak journos.  Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses its serious concern over the murder of two Pakistani journalists within a week and demands justice to the bereaved families of Jan Mohammed Mahar  (photo) and Ghulam Asghar Khand.

Read more on PRESS RELEASE

23.07.2023. UKRAINE: Russian journalist killed in shelling - RIA journalist Rostislav Zhuravlev (photo) was reportedly killed and three other journalists were injured during a Ukrainian attack in the Zaporizhzhia occupied region of Ukraine on 22 July. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns this killing and calls for a swift investigation into Zhuravlev's death. PEC calls for newsrooms of all countries to assess the risks of each assignment as rigorously as possible, respecting the rules of clear identification of reporters so that they are not confused with combatants.

10.07.2023. GENEVA. ASSANGE: the last chance appeal. The wife of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday appealed for clemency from the US president. "Biden could end this at any time. It is not in the interest of the (US) administration for Julian to be tried during an election period," Stella Assange (photo) told a press conference at the Swiss Press Club in Geneva. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) fully supports the request to release Julian Assange immediately. The threat of Julian Assange's extradition to the United States is more real than ever. On June 6, 2023, the UK High Court dismissed the appeal against the extradition warrant issued in June 2022 by Priti Patel, the former British Minister of Justice. His legal team has lodged a request for a revision with the Supreme Court and is expecting a decision imminently. If the request is granted, the case may proceed to a public hearing before two new judges of the High Court. Otherwise, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) may be the final recourse to prevent Assange from facing a life sentence in the United States. In 2010, Assange published classified documents in public interest exposing war crimes and human rights violations committed by the US, which led to him being charged with espionage under the US Espionage Act.

09.07.2023. ONE MORE JOURNALIST KILLED IN MEXICO. The body of a correspondent for one of Mexico's leading newspapers has been found in the western state of Nayarit, days after he was reported missing. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of Luis Martín Sánchez Íñiguez, (59, photo) who worked for La Jornada and had been missing since Wednesday. It is thought Mr Sánchez was killed between 24 and 48 hours before his body was found. The body shows signs of violence. He is the fifth journalist killed this year in Mexico, the most dangerous country for media workers. PEC calls for a thorough investigation to find the perpetrators.

06.07.2023. Fewer journalists killed in the first six months of 2023.  Fewer journalists were killed in the first six months of this year, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said on Thursday. Since January, 27 journalists have paid for their profession with their lives in 17 countries. This is the lowest figure recorded for more than 15 years. "This figure is still too high, but it is moving in the right direction. There is hope that the mobilisation of governments, the UN, the media and NGOs is beginning to show results", said PEC President Blaise Lempen.

 Read the PEC report on PRESS RELEASES (English, French and Spanish)

03.07.2023. Russia bans independent outlet Novaya Gazeta Europe, adds to

undesirable list. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is outraged by the decision of Russian

authorities and asks them to reverse this unacceptable measure targeting a newspaper that

received the PEC Award last year. PEC condemns this measure which marks a new stage in the

persecution of independent journalists also targeting editorial offices located abroad.

Read the PEC reaction and the Novaya Gazeta Europe statement on PRESS RELEASES

27.06.2023. INDIA. Indian scribe found dead, PEC demands authentic probe.  Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses concern over the mysterious death of a young Indian scribe and raises demand for an authentic probe to find reasons behind the untimely demise of Abdur Rauf Alamgir (32), who hailed from Assam province in northeast India.


23.06.2023. PEC urges Singapore government to withdraw blockade on Asia Sentinel. Press Emblem Campaign, the global media safety and rights body, while expressing its concern over the blocake on Asia Sentinel, an independent online media outlets fosusing on Asian news coverage, urges the Singapore government (precisely the interior minister K. Shanmugam) to withdraw the ban immediately and unconditionally.


16.06.2023. GENEVA, HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL – 53rd session. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the publication of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Irene Khan (photo) on «Sustainable development and freedom of expression : why voice matters» (A/HRC/53/25). In her report, published on the occasion of the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council (19 Jume-14 July 2023) the Special Rapporteur explores the linkages between the right to freedom of expression, including the right to information, and sustainable development.The Special Rapporteur calls for renewed political commitment to uphold freedom of expression, an enabler of sustainable development. PEC stresses that there is a need to protect independent media, investigative journalists and human rights defenders working on development issues who face major obstacles in conducting their work safely. These include censorship, attacks ranging from threats, attempted or actual assaults, abduction, disappearances and killings and failure from authorities to effectively investigate them leading to widespread impunity. PEC calls upon all stakeholders to implement the conclusions and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur.

Read the conclusions and recommendations of the report on PRESS RELEASES

15.06.2023. BANGLADESH. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of a Bangladeshi journalist named Golam Rabbani Nadim (42, photo), who was assaulted allegedly by the followers of a local Union Council Chairman on Wednesday (June 14) night. He died at a hospital in Mymensingh on Thursday afternoon while undergoing treatment. Nadim was north-central Bangladesh’s Jamalpur district correspondent of online news portal Banglanews24.com and correspondent of the Bakshiganj sub-district of Dhaka-based television channel Ekattor TV. Bangladesh’s newspaper, the Daily Star reported that Nadim was assaulted allegedly by the followers of a local UP chairman Mahmudul Alam who is also a local leader of the ruling Awami League. Nadim was also the vice president of Jamalpur Online Journalists. Mahmudul filed a case against Nadim under the globally criticized Digital Security Act on May 14, four days after Nadim's report was published about Mahmudul’s irregularities on Banglanews24.com. Nadim was on bail in the case, and a Mymensingh Cyber Tribunal acquitted him from the case on June 14 afternoon, hours before he was attacked. He is the second journalist killed in Bangladesh in 2023.


08.06.2023. PAKISTAN. Pak journalist traceless for weeks, PEC demands probe. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses concern over the missing of Pakistan journalist and political commentator Imran Riaz Khan (photo) for weeks after his arrest at Sialkot international airport and urged the federal government in Islamabad to launch a probe to get his whereabouts at the earliest.


02.06.2023. PHILIPPINES. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of Cresenciano Bunduquin (photo) and urges the authorities to pursue those responsible and ensure they are brought to justice. In a statement, the executive director of the presidential task force on media security said he is confident that authorities will soon arrest the gunman who fled after shooting radio broadcaster Crescenciano Bundoquin dead. The 50-year-old broadcaster for DWXR Kalahi Radio 101.7 and MUX Online was fatally shot by two gunmen early morning of May 31 as he was opening his store. Before the gunman escaped the crime scene, Bunduquin's son rammed his vehicle into their motorcycle, killing the driver. The media security task force also said that the “life, liberty, and security of media practitioners in the Philippines” remain a priority under the Marcos administration. Bundoquin is the third journalist killed since the start of Marcos’ presidency. His death comes less than a year after the killing of broadcaster Rey Blanco in Oriental Mindoro and the killing of popular radio personality Percy Lapid. The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines has documented 60 reported violations against journalists from June 30, 2022 to April 30, 2023.

21.05.2023. Argentina: periodista que denunció abusos policiales es hallada muerta en su

casa. Griselda Blanco (photo, 45 años) fue encontrada colgada en su vivienda. La Policía

descartó que se trate de un suicidio e investiga si es un feminicidio, pero la familia asegura

que es un crimen por las denuncias que ella hacía. Según el diario El Litoral de esa provincia,

Blanco era “una periodista crítica y muy comprometida con varias causas”. En su perfil de Facebook, la comunicadora social

hacía denuncias de casos policiales de su comunidad, venta de drogas y abusos policiales. Exigimos justicia y un pronto

esclarecimiento por el crimen de la periodista Griselda Blanco.

14.05.2023. MEXICO. PEC condena el homicidio de Gerardo Torres Rentería (photo) exreportero y camarógrafo de Telemundo, asesinado la noche de jueves 11 de mayo en la colonia Icacos, en el Puerto de Acapulco, Guerrero. El comunicador fue atacado sorpresivamente por civiles armados que lograron entrar hasta su vivienda y abrieron fuego directamente contra él. Excorresponsal de la agencia británica Reuters y TV Azteca, Gerardo Torres Rentería, tenía 59 años de edad. México es uno de los países más violentos del mundo para el ejercicio del periodismo.Torres Rentería se coloca como el tercer periodista asesinado en Mexico en lo que va del año 2023.

10.05.2023. UKRAINE. SECOND JOURNALIST KILLED IN UKRAINE THIS YEAR. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to learn of the death of one more journalist in Ukraine. French international news agency Agence France-Presse says its Ukraine video coordinator was killed Tuesday during a rocket attack in Chasiv Yar near the city of Bakhmut. Born in Sarajevo, a French citizen, Arman Soldin, 32 (photo), was with a team of AFP journalists traveling with Ukrainian soldiers when the group came under fire with Grad rockets, the agency said. The rest of the AFP team was uninjured. His death is a terrible reminder of the dangers faced by journalists every day covering the conflict in Ukraine. PEC offers its condolences to his family and AFP colleagues. He joined the agency in Rome in 2015 before being hired in London. He arrived in Ukraine to cover the war the day after Russia began its invasion in February 2022. Soldin had travelled regularly to the front lines in recent months. He is the second journalist to be killed in Ukraine since January. Ukrainian producer Bohdan Bitik, who was working for the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, was shot dead in a suspected Russian sniper attack near the southern city of Kherson last month. 

08.05.2023. CAMEROUN. La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) est choquée par l'assassinat d'un 3e journaliste au Cameroun depuis janvier. Alors que les assassins de Martinez Zogo demeurent inconnus, un autre journaliste vient d’être tué par balles au Cameroun, Anye Nde Nsoh (photo), responsable régional Nord-Ouest du journal The Advocate. Il a été tué dimanche, à Bamenda, 366 kilomètres au nord-ouest de Yaoundé. Des soupçons pèsent sur des combattants séparatistes, selon des médias locaux. Le meurtre de Anye Nde Nsoh survient quatre mois après l’assassinat de Martinez Zogo, directeur de la radio Amplitude FM. Après lui, avait suivi le Révérend Père Jean Ola Bebe. Le prêtre journaliste avait été retrouvé mort à Yaoundé. La PEC condamne fermement ces assassinats qui font du Cameroun, jusqu'ici cette année, le pays le plus dangereux pour les journalistes. L'ONG de défense des journalistes demande aux autorités de faire toute la lumière sur ces crimes afin d'en retrouver et punir les responsables. Il est urgent de mettre fin à l'impunité pour que cessent les violences.

05.05.2023. Pakistan television scribe killed, PEC demands justice. Press Emblem Campaign expresses its concern over the killing of senior Pakistan television scribe Imtiaz Baig (photo) by unidentified gunmen in Jhelum locality of Punjab province. Baig, who worked for private news channel Samaa TV, faced the brutal attack on 4 May 2023 as he came out of a local mosque after the prayer.


02.05.2023. World Press Freedom Day - Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse - Día de la libertad de prensa

The number of journalists killed in the period January to April 2023 has fallen compared to the same period last year, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said on Tuesday on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day. Since January, 16 media workers have been killed.

Le nombre de journalistes tués a baissé de janvier à avril 2023 en comparaison avec la même période de l’an dernier, a indiqué mardi la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse. Depuis janvier, 16 travailleurs des médias ont été tués.

El número de periodistas asesinados ha disminuido de enero a abril de 2023 en comparación con el mismo período del año pasado, dijo este martes la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) con motivo del Día Mundial de la libertad de Prensa. Desde enero, 16 trabajadores de los medios han sido asesinados.

Read the PEC statement on PRESS RELEASES (English, French and Spanish)

27.04.2023. UKRAINE. Ukrainian journalist killed by Russian snipers in ambush near Kherson.

Bogdan Bitik was working as a fixer for Corrado Zunino (photo), Italian correspondent for La Repubblica, who was wounded. A Ukrainian journalist working with reporters for La Repubblica has been shot dead most likely by Russian snipers in southern Ukraine, while his Italian colleague was injured, the Italian newspaper said on Wednesday. Corrado Zunino and his fixer Bogdan Bitik were victims of an ambush near the bridge in Kherson on the outskirts of Kherson. Bitik unfortunately did not make it and died. Corrado was wounded in the shoulder. Zunino, who had extensively covered the conflict, told La Repubblica he had been wearing a bulletproof vest with “Press” written on it when the reporters were attacked. The Italian foreign minister, Antonio Tajani, said his ministry and the Italian embassy in Kyiv were working with the Ukrainian authorities on returning Zunino to Italy. According to sources in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Bitik had no bulletproof vest and was wearing only a vest with a "Press" badge. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) reminds all belligerents that journalists are protected by the Geneva Conventions and that they should not be targeted. Bogdan Bitik is the first journalist to be killed on duty this year in Ukraine. An investigation has been opened.

18.04.2023. HAITI. On Saturday night, armed individuals assassinated the Haitian journalist Dumesky Kersaint (photo) in the Mahotiere 83 neighborhood in the municipality of Carrefour. This young reporter worked at Radio Tele INUREP where he was in charge of covering the demonstrations organized by different social groups. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the climate of tolerated and fueled violence, which led to the death of INUREP journalist Dumesky Kersaint. Kersaint, however, was not the target person. He was a collateral victim of the actions of armed civilians who were committing crimes in the same place where the journalist was. Since the worsening of the security crisis caused by the death of President Jovenel Moise in July 2021, Haiti has become a country where gangs control interprovincial traffic and entire neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince. According to PEC and UNESCO data, 9 journalists were killed in Haiti in 2022.​​

09.04.2023. AFGHANISTAN Taliban continues arresting Afghan journos, PEC demands justice. Press Emblem Campaign and rights body, expressed concern over the arrest of three Afghan journalists by the Taliban forces in the south Asian country and demanded the authorities to stop persecuting the scribes. Local media outlets reported that two reporters from Radio Television Afghanistan (Safiullah Wafa and Noor Agha) and a scribe from TV Tanwir (Ghulam Ali Wahdat) were picked up by the intelligence agencies from Pule-e-Khumri locality in Baghlan province on 5 April.


06.04.2023. UNITED NATIONS. Coming soon: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomnes a one-day Expert Seminar on legal and economic threats to the safety of journalists. Human Rights Council resolution 51/9 on “The safety of journalists” requested the High Commissioner for Human Rights to organize, before the fifty-fourth session of the Council, a one-day expert seminar on legal and economic threats to the safety of journalists, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, and to prepare and present a summary report for the fifty-fifth session of the Council. The Human Rights Council full-day expert seminar will take place in Room XX of the Palais des Nations, in Geneva, on 25 April 2023.

30.03. 2023. RUSSIA. Wall Street Journal reporter arrested by Russian authorities, accused of espionage. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands the immediate release of the journalist who was only doing his job. The FSB security services said they had "halted the illegal activities of US citizen Evan Geshkovich," (photo), saying the Wall Street Journal reporter was "suspected of spying in the interests of the American government." The announcement marks a serious escalation in Kremlin's efforts to silence independent media, a crackdown that gained momentum following Russia's military operation in Ukraine last year, denounced the PEC. The Wall Street Journal vehemently denies the allegations from the FSB.


24.03.2023. UKRAINE. The new rules for journalists in Ukraine in the war zone are due to be revised, Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said in a statement.

On March 19, the Armed Forces of Ukraine introduced new rules for war reporters. Now journalists cannot work in the so-called “red zones” and can only work with a military escort in the less dangerous “yellow zones”. The rest of the territory is considered a “green zone” where journalists work freely. Such zoning makes it impossible for journalists to work along the entire front line, as well as in some liberated civilian cities, according to Andrii Ianitskyi, Press Emblem Campaign's representative in Ukraine.

Read the full statement on PRESS RELEASES

22.03.2023. UNITED NATIONS. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 52nd session - PEC statement item 4 general debate: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) urges the Russian and Iranian authorities to allow media to report unimpeded by government interference.  PEC condemns the systematic campaign of repression and restriction of civic space that has taken place in Russia. The criminalisation of protest, the silencing of the free press, and the massive propagation of disinformation are all factors which enabled the Kremlin to perpetrate his war of aggression in Ukraine. PEC is also deeply concerned by the worsening of press freedom in Iran.

Read the full PEC statement on Press Releases

13.03.2023. AFGHANISTAN. Two journalists killed, 18 injured in an Islamic State (IS) bomb attack at a press award ceremony in northern Afghanistan on March 11. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns this heinous crime and calls on the Taliban to bring the perpetrators to justice. The explosion occurred at the Tabian Farhang center, also uses as the office of the Afghan Voice news agency in Mazar-e Sharif, as journalists gathered for the award event marking National Journalists Day. The Afghan Voice news agency reported that the explosion occurred due to a bomb that was placed in the event. According to the report, at least three persons were killed and more than 30 others were wounded in the attack. A local source told the Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) that at least 18 journalists were wounded in the attack. The two journalists killed are Husain Nadiri, 20, a reporter for the Afghan Voice Agency and Akmal Nazari, 21, a trainee at the news agency (photo afjc: two of the journalists wounded).

10.03.2023. UKRAINE. Russian forces shell Radio Nostalgie office in Nikopol. On 9 March 2023, Russian forces shelled the office of Nostalgie, a radio station in Nikopol, a city in Ukraine's Dnipropetrovsk region, which remains under the Ukrainian government's control. According to Valery Tereshchenko, the radio's director, a missile hit a wall on the ground floor of the office building and completely destroyed it (photo facebook). The top floor of the building, where the radio's newsroom is located, was also seriously damaged, he said. Due to the missile strike, the radio station ceased broadcasting. According to the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, the radio was a key source of trustworthy information for inhabitants of Nikopol and the wider region. This included listeners located on the other bank of the Dnipro river, and which remains under Russian occupation. Valery Tereshchenko cannot say whether the Russian military targeted the building of the radio station deliberately. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns this strike and reminds all belligerents that media offices are civilian facilities that should never be attacked.

08.03.2023. UNITED NATIONS. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 52nd session - PEC statement item 2 general debate: PEC very worried by the further deterioration in Afghanistan and Myanmar - The media are increasingly subject to surveillance, threats, violence, and arrests in both countries - PEC calls on UN Member States to urge Afghanistan and Myanmar to release all journalists arbitrarily detained, included Mortaza Behboudi, detained for 2 months in Kabul (photo pec: PEC UN Representative Ana Leurinda reading the PEC statement at the Human Rights Council) #FreeMortaza

Read the PEC oral statement on PRESS RELEASES

02.03.2023. INDIA. Another journalist attacked. Press Emblem Campaign condemns the recent physical attack on a journalist in Uttar Pradesh and demands stringent punishments to the perpetrators. Devendra Khare (photo), who is associated with the privately owned Hindi media outlet News1India, was shot at by miscreants in the evening hours of 26 February at Chandpur area of Jaunpur city. Injured Khare is now recovering from wounds in the hospital.


24.02.2023. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to learn the killing of Spectrum News 13 reporter Dylan Lyons (photo, 24), and Pine Hills Elementary School student T’yonna Major, 9, after shootings in Pine Hills, near Orlando, Florida. The death of an Orlando TV reporter on Wednesday puts a spotlight on the threats faced by local journalists merely for doing their jobs, also in USA. News photographer Jesse Walden was wounded. It remains unclear whether the suspect knew he was firing at news media. Lyons was part of a news crew reporting from the Pine Hills neighborhood on the fatal shooting of a woman in her 20s that had happened earlier on Wednesday. The day ended with two others dead and two critically injured. Last year, two journalists were killed in USA: Jeff German in Las Vegas, September 2 and Sierra Jenkins at Norfolk, March 19.

22.02.2023. GENEVA. PEC Meeting with the Swiss ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva. On Wednesday 22 February 2023, Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) President Blaise Lempen, Vice-President Jean-Philippe Jutzi and PEC board member Luisa Ballin met the Swiss ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva Jürg Lauber and communication officer Paola Ceresetti to discuss the draft convention on the safety of journalists. «The war in Europe and the many victims among journalists in Ukraine made urgent the adoption of a convention to secure access to war zones and carry out independent investigations into war crimes” stressed PEC President Blaise Lempen (photo left to right: Jean-Philippe Jutzi, Amb. Jürg Lauber, Paola Ceresetti, Luisa Balin and Blaise Lempen)

20.02.2023. UKRAINE. A year after the Russian attack: the safety of journalists under the new media law. The security situation for journalists has improved markedly during the year. However the work of journalists on the frontline has become more difficult due to tighter military restrictions. We have noted several cases in which the military has withdrawn military accreditation from journalists under dubious pretexts.

Read the report of the PEC Representative in Ukraine on PRESS RELEASES (English and French)

17.02.2023. AFGHANISTAN. PEC joined other organizations and media to demand release of Afghan scribe Mortaza Behboudi

Press Emblem Campaign, the global media safety and rights body, demands an immediate release of Afghan journalist Mortaza Behboudi (photo), who was arrested on 7 January by the Taliban regime in Kabul. “Afghanistan continues to reflect the poor press freedom situation, where journalists are routinely facing threats, insults, detentions and
physical assaults. Over 600 active Afghan media outlets now cease to operate. Over one hundred Afghan journalists were temporarily detained by the authorities last year. The female journalists are facing the most challenging time there", said PEC President Blaise Lempen. Sign the petittion: 


14.02.2023. CAMBODIA. Press Emblem Campaign, the global media safety and rights body, expressed serious concern over the recent closure of a leading independent media outlet, available in Cambodia’s official language Khmer and English by the government and condemns all kinds of media restrictions in the south-east Asian country ahead of the scheduled national elections in July.


09.02.2023. INDIA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, expresses shock over the killing of journalist Shashikant Warishe (photo) in Maharashtra and demands a fair probe to identify the culprit for punishing under the law. Warishe, who used to work for Marathi-language daily Mahanagari Times, was mowed down on Monday at Rajapur area by a four-wheeler following which he was rushed to a nearby hospital. The brave journalist succumbed to injuries on 7 February.


08.02.2023. CAMEROON. Second journalist killed in two weeks. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply concerned about the safety of journalists in Cameroon following the killing of a second journalist in the country in two weeks. Jean-Jacques Ola Bebe (photo), a radio presenter, was found dead on 2 February near his home in the Mimboman district of the capital Yaoundé, apparently shot dead by unknown assailants. His killing came 11 days after Arsene Salomon Mbami Zogo, popularly known as Martinez Zogo, a prominent journalist and manager of privately-owned Amplitude FM, was found dead five days after he had been abducted outside a gendarmerie station in Yaoundé. Both Ola Bebe and Martinez Zogo were outspoken voices against corruption, using their platforms on radio to denounce cases of alleged misappropriation of public funds. Ola Bebe was at the forefront in calling for justice and accountability for the murder of Zogo, his close associate. A Cameroonian businessman was arrested on Monday in connection with the murder of Zogo. PEC calls on the authorities to ensure that Ola Bebe’s killing is independently and impartially investigated and that those found to be responsible for these killings, at all levels, are held to account.

02.02.2023. UKRAINE. Reporting team with Czech broadcaster ČT24 escapes shelling near Bakhmut

On January 26, a three-member ČT24 team was covering the war near the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut when the journalists noticed a drone flying above them. Minutes later, artillery shells exploded nearby and the team fled the scene, according to media reports. No one was injured in the attack. The team, composed of reporter Andreas Papadopulos, ČT24 camera operator Jan Bradáč, and Anastasia Zhuk, a Ukrainian journalist (photo twitter), all wore vests and helmets marked as “Press,” and their car was marked as well. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns this strike, reminds all belligerents that members of the press should not be targeted and calls upon Ukrainian and Russian authorities to investigate the shelling.

23.01.2023. CAMEROUN. La PEC condamne l'assassinat odieux du journaliste camerounais Martinez Zogo (photo), directeur de la chaîne de radio Amplitude FM. La PEC demande que les responsables, exécutants et commanditaires, soient identifiés et traduits en justice le plus rapidement possible, afin que ce crime prémédité ne reste pas impuni. Les membres de la PEC présentent à la famille, aux collègues et médias camerounais leurs condoléances. Martinez Zongo a été retrouvé mort, le dimanche 22 janvier, dans la périphérie de Yaoundé, cinq jours après son enlèvement. Son corps portait des marques de tortures. Directeur de la radio privée Amplitude FM et animateur de l'émission "Embouteillages", Martinez Zogo traitait régulièrement d’affaires de corruption impliquant des personnalités au Cameroun. La PEC exige des autorités de Yaoundé qu'elles protègent les journalistes dans un climat de violences inquiétant.

16.01.2023. BANGLADESH - FIRST JOURNALIST KILLED IN 2023. New year brings sad news as a young Bangladeshi journalist was killed in the first half of 2023. Ashiqul Islam (27, photo), who worked for Dainik Paryabekhoan from Brahmanbaria locality was hacked to death on 9 January by a group of miscreants. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemned the killing and demanded a fair probe to book the culprits under the law. Ashiqul Islam is the first journalist killed in 2023 worldwide.


13.01.2023. GENEVA. On the occasion of the Roundtable at the Swiss Press Club: "What press freedom in conflict zones?" Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls for the creation of a UN working group for the adoption of a Convention on the safety of journalists - A l'occasion de la Table ronde organisée au Club suisse de la presse: «Quelle liberté de la presse en zone de conflit ?» la PEC lance un appel à créer un groupe de travail au sein de l’ONU pour l’adoption d’une Convention sur la sécurité des journalistes (photo pec: from left to right: Anne-Cécile Robert, president Union de la presse francophone, Caroline Vuillemin, director Fondation Hirondelle, Sébastien Faure, journalist RTS, Blaise Lempen, PEC

Read the PEC call on PRESS RELEASES - lire l'appel de la PEC sur Press Releases

12.01.2023. IRAN. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the recent executions of political opponents in Iran and calls for the release of all journalists in detention.  So far, the death penalty has been carried out for four young demonstrators while dozens of other people arrested during the demonstrations received the death sentence. The journalist and secretary general of the ‘Democratic Front of Iran’, Heshmatollah Tabarzadi (photo) is accused of “corruption on earth”, a crime for which the death penalty is foreseen in Iran. His lawyer Mohammad Moghimi made it known, citing a hearing yesterday where Tabarzadi, arrested in recent days, is accused of 20 different crimes. The 63-year-old journalist, a former political prisoner who had denounced Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in the past, had already been jailed in September during the first days of anti-government protests that erupted in reaction to the death of Mahsa Amini. According to the Tehran Journalists Association, out of 70 reporters who have been arrested during demonstrations since September, 30 are still in prison. Among them, some received harsh sentences such as sports journalist Ehsan Pirbornash, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and photojournalist Yalda Moaiery, known worldwide for a photo taken during a demonstration in 2017, who was sentenced to 6 years.

06.01.2023. Genève. Invitation à un débat organisé par le Club suisse de la presse sur la protection des journalistes : «Quelle liberté de la presse en zone de conflit ?» Jeudi 12 janvier 2023 à 15h00 - Au Domaine de Penthes Chemin de l'impératrice 18 - 1292 Pregny-Chambésy. Avec la participation de:
Anne-Cécile Robert Présidente internationale l’Union de la Presse francophone, directrice des éditions et relations internationales du Monde diplomatique - Caroline Vuillemin Directrice générale de la Fondation Hirondelle - Sébastien Faure Envoyé spécial en Ukraine, producteur de “mise au point”, RTS - "Blaise Lempen Président de Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), ancien correspondant auprès de l’ONU. Modérateur :  Pierre Ruetschi Directeur exécutif du Club suisse de la presse.

Il n’y a pas de véritable liberté de la presse en zone de conflit. La guerre par essence n’aime pas les journalistes et le journalisme. Les parties au conflit cherchent à contrôler les médias au nom de l’intérêt national quand ils ne sont pas traités en ennemis. Les accès sont limités, des menaces sont exercées et parfois le journaliste est pris pour cible. Comment s’assurer que la presse puisse continuer d’informer ? La guerre en Ukraine a encore assombri le bilan 2022 de la liberté de la presse. Comment, dans ces conditions, faire son métier de journaliste ? Comment assurer un minimum de transparence de l’information face à des gouvernements et des groupes armés qui souvent ne tolèrent qu’une seule “vérité” la leur ? Quel rôle peut/doit jouer l’ONU ? Ce sont quelques-unes des questions auxquelles vont tenter de répondre nos quatre intervenants qui ont une vaste expérience et connaissance de la pratique du journalisme en zone de conflit.

Pour plus d’informations et pour s'inscrire : https://pressclub.ch/quelle-liberte-de-la-presse-en-zone-de-conflit/

01.01.2023. UKRAINE. ONE MORE FOREIGN JOURNALIST INJURED. A Japanese journalist is among people injured in a missile attack on Kyiv apparently by Russia on Saturday 31 December. according to news reports. The online version of the Japanese daily Asahi Shimbun said that the injured journalist is Wataru Sekita (photo, helped by Ukrainian soldiers), 36, a member of its visual reporting section. He received treatment at a hospital for his injury in the leg, according to the newspaper. He is believed to be the first Japanese journalist injured in Ukraine due to the ongoing Russian aggression. Explosions were heard near a Kyiv hotel housing NHK correspondents. According to local media, the airstrikes damaged several buildings, including a hotel and a school. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns all attacks and airstrikes on civilian housing and infrastructure.

01.01.2023. ONE MORE JOURNALIST KILLED IN 2022. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) mourns the death of journalist Rejean Hebert (photo), killed in Saint-Simon, New Brunswick (Canada) on Wednesday 28 December. A man was arrested by the police for the crime, according to local media. He is the 116th journalist killed in 2022, according to PEC figures. Hebert was the news director for CKRO, a radio station in Gloucester County, N.B., and produced daily news bulletins for 10 other French-language community radio stations in the province.

22.12.2022. UKRAINE. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns a targeted attack on Italian journalists Claudio Locatelli and Niccolò Celesti (photo) in Antonivka, a village in the southern Ukrainian region of Kherson on Monday 19 December. Locatelli was slightly injured. The shooting originated from the other side of the Dnipro River, where the Russian army is stationed. The car was clearly marked “Press” on the outside. This led the journalists to believe they were shot at intentionally. PEC calls for an independent investigation and asks all belligerents to ensure that members of the press are not targeted while doing their job in Ukraine. Locatelli and Celesti have been reporting for various media outlets since the beginning of the war. «The deliberate targeting of our Italian colleagues in Ukraine reminds us of the risks taken every day by many colleagues to inform us, at the eve of a new year of war in Ukraine which could mark a new escalation in the fighting», warns PEC President Blaise Lempen. Ukraine was the deadliest country for journalists in 2022, according to PEC figures.

21.12.2022. BENIN. PEC Presse Emblème Campagne demande la libération immédiate sans condition du journaliste Virgile Ahouansé (photo) convoqué à la Brigade Criminelle le 20 décembre et placé en garde à vue. Le Directeur de l’information de la radio en ligne Cristal-News est accusé d’avoir publié de fausses informations reprises par les réseaux sociaux sur des exécutions sommaires.

Lire le communiqué de la PEC sur PRESS RELEASES

UPDATE 23.12.2022. Virgile Ahouansé a été libéré jeudi soir et son procès fixé au mois de février. La PEC suivra ces développements.

18.12.2022. PEC mourns China’s first journo-deaths due to Covid-19 complications - Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) mourns the death of two senior journalists, who died of Covid-19 complications in China recently. According to a media report by Reuters with the dateline of Beijing/Shanghai on 16 December 2022, Yang Lianghua (74, a former People’s Daily reporter) died on Thursday, while Zhou Zhichun (77, a former China Youth Daily editor) died a week earlier. They are the first deaths reported in China among journalists since the beginning of the pandemic three years ago.


14.12.2022. PEC annual report. Ukraine and Mexico most dangerous countries in 2022 for journalists.

Ukraine and Mexico were the most dangerous countries for media work this year, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said in its annual report published in Geneva on Wednesday. Since January, 115 media workers have been killed in 29 countries around the world. The number of journalists killed increased by 45% compared to last year (79 victims). It is the highest number of casualties since 2018 with a brutal deterioration in Europe due to the war in Ukraine, stressed PEC President Blaise Lempen.

Read the PEC statement on PRESS RELEASES, list of victims, graphs on CASUALTIES

30.11.2022. COLOMBIA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condena el asesinato del periodista Wilder Alfredo Córdoba (photo) y exigimos a las autoridades investigar y judicializar a los responsables. Lamentablemente durante 2022, 4 periodistas han sido asesinados en Colombia. Córdoba era periodista, diseñador gráfico, director del canal privado Unión TV y líder social. Uno de los temas recurrentes sobre los que reportaba era la creciente inseguridad en el municipio de La Unión.

27.11.2022. MYANMAR. Press Emblem Campaign, the global media safety and rights body, denounces the Myanmar (Burma) junta for continued jailing scribes as Yangon-based freelance journalist Ah Hla Lay Thuzar (photo) was recently sentenced to two years in prison with hard labour by a military court. PEC maintains its demand to release all detained and imprisoned journalists by the Min Aung Hlaing-led military regime in the southeast Asian nation.

Read more on PEC NEWS

22.11.2022. MEXICO. Another Mexican Reporter Gunned Down in Deadly Year for Local Media. Pedro Pablo Kamul (photo) was shot dead in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz, adding to the death toll for the bloodiest year to date for local media workers. He worked as a radio reporter at AX Noticias and Es Amor. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns this unabated violence and demands an official investigation for this cowardly act. Since January this year, 17 journalists were killed in Mexico, a record number.

17.11.2022. MYANMAR. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) relieved with release of Japanese journalist Toru Kubota (photo) along with 6,000 political prisoners in a mass amnesty. However, it maintains the demand to release all detained and imprisoned journalists by the Myanmar military junta, led by Min Aung Hlaing, at the earliest.

Read more on PEC NEWS


Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) and the Geneva Press Club welcomed journalists, diplomats and the public at a press conference at the Geneva Press Club on Monday 14 November 2022, with Ekaterina Glikman and Blaise Lempen (photo).

Ekaterina Glikman received the annual PEC award for the protection of journalists for her ongoing and exemplary commitment to press freedom in Russia. The journalist is currently working from Switzerland in the direction of Novaya Gazeta Europe, founded in April 2022 by the former Novaya Gazeta journalists who had to flee Russia.

Ekaterina Glikman has been working for Novaya Gazeta for more than 20 years and has collaborated with journalist Anna Politkovskaya until her killing in 2006 and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dmitry Muratov, among others. She continues her fight for free information from Switzerland. She spoke on the situation of Russian journalists, press freedom in Russia in the context of the war in Ukraine and the future of the region.

PEC press release in English, French and Russian on our page PEC AWARD

01.11.2022. International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists : more needs to be done 

More needs to be done to fight impunity on the ground, said the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) to mark the 2022 International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on 2 November. Slow progress are made, but still very insufficient. PEC appeals to launch the work for an international convention.

Read the PEC press rlease on PEC NEWS (English and French)

29.10.2022. UKRAINE/RUSSIA. ONE MORE PRO-RUSSIAN JOURNALIST KILLED. The Russian female journalist Svetlana Babayeva (photo) headed up the Russian state-owned Rossiya Segodnya media group’s bureau in Simferopol, the second-largest city on the Crimean peninsula, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. RIA Novosti, a Russian news agency and subsidiary of Rossiya Segodnya, reported on Friday that Babayeva was killed by a stray bullet during shooting practice at a military training ground. Ukraine has sanctioned the Rossiya Segodnya media group, calling its CEO Dmitry Kiselyov “the central figure of government propaganda supporting the deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine”. Babayeva was previously bureau chief for RIA Novosti in the United Kingdom and United States, and editor of the Gazeta.Ru website. Gazeta.Ru paid tribute to their former editor-in-chief who they said was a “professional of the highest standard”. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) regrets this tragic accident which illustrates the risks linked to the conflict for all media workers.

28.10.2022. IRAN. 20 journalists arrested. Iranian authorities must immediately release all journalists arrested because of their coverage of Mahsa Amini’s death and the protests that have followed. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands the release of these journalists (among them Nilofar Hamidi, photo) and the immediate lifting of all restrictions on Iranians’ right to be informed.

Read the report on PEC NEWS

25.10.2022. PAKISTAN/KENYA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to learn the death of Arshad Sharif (photo) and demanded an independent probe. He was killed Sunday night when the car he was in sped up and drove through a checkpoint outside the Kenyan capital Nairobi and police opened fire. Nairobi police expressed regret over the incident, saying it was a case of «mistaken identity». The 50-year-old journalist fled Pakistan in August amid threats to his life. Sharif was critical of Pakistan’s powerful military. He left his country after sedition charges were filed over an interview with an opposition politician during which comments deemed offensive to the military were made. The ARY news channel for which he worked as an anchor for eight years cut ties with Sharif after it was briefly taken off air in August following the controversial interview. The killing has stunned journalists in Pakistan, who have demanded a detailed probe into the incident.

Read more on PEC NEWS

21.10.2022. UKRAINE. ONE PRO-RUSSIAN JOURNALIST KILLED NEAR KHERSON. Press Emblem Campaign deplores the death of Oleg Klokov, director of Tavria TV, killed on Antonovsky Bridge, near Kherson with other journalists injured - despite the fact that they were propagandists who were responsible for the creation of a Russian propaganda TV channel in the occupied territories. They did this at the technical base of the Ukrainian public broadcaster in Kherson, that is, on stolen equipment. Oleg Klokov worked for Russia Today and other Russian propaganda channels. But more interestingly, he was a graduate of a military university and fought in the special forces in Chechnya in the Russian army. The Ukrainian State Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security believes that this man was a member of the Russian special services (from our special correspondent in Lviv Andrii Ianetsky)

20.10.2022. TCHAD. La PEC a appris avec peine la mort du jeune journaliste Narcisse Oredjé, tué par balle lors de manifestations à Ndjamena contre les autorités de transition vendredi 20 octobre. Nous déplorons la perte brutale d'un confrère. Il s'agit du deuxième journaliste tué cette année au Tchad. La PEC demande une enquête complète pour faire toute la lumière sur les circonstances de ce drame.C

14.10.2022. MALTA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the sentence of two brothers in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, five years after the assassination of the journalist. it's more important than ever to ensure that full criminal justice is delivered for all those involved, including the masterminds of this heinous crime.

Read more on our page END IMPUNITY

12.10.2022. MYANMAR. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the continued arrest and imprisonment of journalists in Myanmar. It urges the military authority to release all media persons detained, arrested or imprisoned in fake cases across the southeast Asian nation. PEC also demanded the Burmese military rulers to withdraw the notorious electronic transactions law, under which a large number of scribes and human rights activists have been punished since the military coup in February 2021. Media reports from Yangon reveal that the military junta controlled judicial machinery imprisoned outspoken political columnist U Sithu Aung Myint (photo) for three years with hard labour on 5 October 2022. Ma Htet Htet Khine, another Burmese journalist arrested along with Sithu Aung Myint, was already sentenced to six years in prison on 15 September. Meanwhile, a Japanese video journalist Toru Kubota, who was arrested on 30 July from Yangon, faces a 10 years sentence term from the court on 6 October.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS

09.10.2022. IRAN. Declaration of NGOs in solidarity with Iranian protesters. Following the brutal

murder of a 22-year-old woman from Kurdistan province, Mahsa Amini massive protests sparked

all over Iran and have continued to date spreading to all provinces of Iran.

Repressive forces have responded violently attacking protesters with tear gas, firing shotguns, and brutally beating them. The death toll has raised to over 300 and over 15,000 have been arrested. The internet is shut down. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins other non-governmental organizations and UN human rights experts, in supporting Iranian protesters, calling on international institutions and member states of the United Nations to strongly condemn these crimes, hold the authorities responsible for the killings accountable, predicate diplomatic relationships on the release of all arrested protesters, and finally refer Iran’s crimes against humanity to the United Nations Security Council.

Read more on https://iran-hrm.com/

07.10.2022. UNITED NATIONS, HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the nomination by the HRC of a Special Rapporteur on Russia. The resolution presented by the European Union has been adopted today in Geneva by 17 votes in favour, 6 against (Russia, China, Cuba, Eritrea, Kazakhstan, Venezuela) and 24 abstentions. "This international support, despire the large nimber of abstentions among African and Latin American countries, shows that Russia cannot escape the scrutiny of the international community. An independent monitoring of the situation in Russia is imperative due to the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in the country. It will be important for the civil society in Russia to have a focal point at the United Nations", said PEC President Blaide Lempen.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS (English and French)

06.10.2022. UKRAINE. 8th PEC report on the state of media during the war. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the fact the safety of the work of journalists has increased over the past weeks despite that the war continues. According to the Institute of Mass Information (IMI), a total of 40 deaths among journalists is recorded since 24 February 2022, with only 7 deaths in the past 3 months. PEC stresses that the work of journalists is of great importance for documenting war crimes and for the subsequent punishment of the perpetrators.

Read the report of the PEC Representative in Ukraine on PEC NEWS

01.10.2022. UNITED NATIONS. UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a new resolution on the safety of journalists discussed at the Human Right Council (HRC) in Geneva. "This resolution is the 13th of the UNited Nations on the safety of journalists and the 6th at the HRC since 2012. It is an important testimony of the awareness of the problem at the diplomatic level the last ten years", said PEC President Blaise Lempen. "The new one is very comprehensive and contains a detailed catalogue of measures which, if implemented, would improve the situation of media workers. We can only urge States to implement them", he added. The resolution was adopted without a vote on 6 October 2022. A record number of journalists have been killed this year. The PEC hopes that the 10th anniversary of the UN Plan of action in November 2022 will be an opportunity to strengthen the fight against impunity and ever-growing threats to freedom of expression, at at time where many of ou colleagues are taking risks to cover the war between Russia and Ukraine.

PEC also supports the campaign for a new binding international instrument dedicated to the safety of journalists launched at a side event at the 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on 30 September by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). Read more on : https://www.ifj.org/media-centre/news/detail/category/press-releases/article/un-ifj-leads-call-for-action-to-fight-impunity.html

Read the text of the new resolution on our page Documents

Link to the high-level conference, 3-4 November 2022: https://urlz.fr/jlTX

27.09.2022. UN Human Rights Council 51rst session. RUSSIA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joined other civil international organizations to call upon UN Member States to support a resolution on the establishment of a Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Russia. The resolution is sponsored by the European Union. Over the last several years, the Russian authorities have engaged in a systematic campaign of repression of human rights and restriction of civic space including by shutting down independent media, intimidating and harassing human rights defenders and activists, banning peaceful protest, and imposing impermissible restrictions on the operations of independent civil society organizations in the country. A rigorous monitoring of the human rights situation in Russia is imperative. A dedicated Special Rapporteur mandate would independently collect information and analyse the human rights situation in Russia, allowing Human Rights Council Members to be informed by in-depth and authoritative reports and to make recommendations on how to improve the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in the country.

Read the letter on PEC NEWS

25.09.2022. Hong Kong Press Freedom Sinks to Record Low

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply concerned by an annual survey jointly

conducted by the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) and the Hong Kong

Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) published Friday 23 September.

Hong Kong journalists' faith in the city being a free press hub has sunk to a record

low, with 97% saying the reporting environment has become much worse,

The press freedom rating for 2021 among journalists plunged six points to 26.2, a record low. When the survey was first launched in 2013, the rating was 42. Ninety-seven percent of the surveyed journalists said press freedom had gotten "much worse" in the past year, and 93% cited "the government" as the source of suppression. In a statement, the HKJA said it believed that the environment for news reporting in Hong Kong had “drastically deteriorated over the past year.” The group cited the closure of Apple Daily last June as well as Stand News, which closed last December, and Citizen News this January. Executives and editors at Apple Daily and Stand News are currently facing prosecution under the national security legislation or the colonial-era sedition law after their newsrooms were raided. PEC deplores that an area of essential freedom in Asia is being reduced to a trickle.

19.09.2022. MALI. La PEC préoccupée par la détérioration de la liberté de la presse. L'ONG demande que le sort de quatre journalistes disparus soit éclairci et que le Conseil des droits l'homme exhorte les autorités maliennes à garantir la liberté de la presse et la sécurité des journalistes lors de son débat sur les disparitions forcées. Olivier Dubois (photo) est détenu au Mali depuis le 8 avril 2021, Amadou Dicko depuis le 18 avril 2021, Hamadoun Nialibouly depuis le 27 septembre 2020. Birama Touré a disparu à Bamako le 29 janvier 2016.

Lire sur PEC NEWS

18.09.2022. MYANMAR. PEC demands fair trial to Burmese journalists
Media reports from Yangon reveal that a freelance news presenter for BBC Burmese was
imprisoned on 15 September  for three years with hard labour by a military court in Insein prison.
Htet Htet Khine (photo) was arrested on 15 August last year and
she remains behind bars for over a year in the notorious jail of Yangon. Since the coup on 1 February 2021, the military dictators have forced many media outlets to shut down their offices inside Myanmar. Nearly 145 journalists have been arrested till now and one third of them are
still under detention. PEC demands an unconditional release of all journalists by the military authority.

Read more on PEC NEWS

14.09.2022. USA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the arrest of a public official in the case of the stabbing death of Las Vegas investigative journalist Jeff German (photo). PEC congratulates the local authorities who acted quickly to solve this chilling and heinous criminal act. Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles was charged with murder with a deadly weapon in the stabbing death of the reporter, according to a criminal complaint filed Monday 12 September.

German (60) was found dead with multiple stab wounds outside his home on September 2. DNA found underneath German's fingernails and surveillance footage helped police link Telles (45) to the killing, authorities have said. Telles lost a re-election bid in June 2022 after German reported on alleged mismanagement of his office. The Review- Journal reported that German had been working on a follow-up story to that reporting in the weeks before he was killed. This is the worst case of murder of a journalist in the United States since the killing of four journalists in a mass shooting in 2018 in the

newsroom of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland. In March 2022, Virginian-Pilot newspaper reporter and former CNN news assistant Sierra Jenkins was among the individuals killed in a shooting, Norfolk, Virginia.

12.09.2022. HAITI. Consternación en Haití: dos periodistas fueron asesinados y quemados. Tayson Latigue y Frantzsen Charles (photo) fueron asesinados este domingo en la comuna Cité Soleil. Las autoridades de Haití investigan el crimen de dos periodistas que realizaban un reportaje en el barrio de Cité Soleil, que ha sido escenario de fuertes enfrentamientos entre bandas que se disputan el control territorial. Se indicó que los comunicadores hacían parte de un grupo de siete periodistas que se encontraban adelantando labores periodistas, cuando desconocidos, tras asesinarlos, les prendieron fuego a sus cuerpos. Se trata de Frantzsen Charles, que trabaja para FS News, y Tayson Lartigue, de Ti Jenn Jounalis, quienes no lograron salir pese a que los otros cinco periodistas si alcanzaron a abandonar el lugar, al parecer, al notar la presencia de personas armadas. El PEC condena esta tragedia. En un año siete periodistas han sido asesinados en Haití : Marie Antoinette Duclaire, Diego Charles, Amady John Wesley, Wilgens Louissaint, Maxihen Lazarre, Frantzen Charles, Tayson Lartigue. Sin seguimiento ni justicia.

05.09.2022. USA. US investigative reporter stabbed to death in Las Vegas. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of Review-Journal reporter Jeff German (69, photo), found stabbed to death outside his home Saturday 3 September. German died of multiple sharp force injuries. German joined the Review-Journal in 2010 after more than two decades at the Las Vegas Sun where he was a reporter who covered courts, politics and organized crime. PEC welcomes the arrest of one suspect a local public official who has been the subject of German's investigative reporting.

29.08.2022. PAKISTAN. One more journalist of Pakistan named Muhammad Younis (photo) was shot
dead by unidentified assailants on 27 August 2022 in Jhang district of Punjab province. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses serious concern on the relentless murder of jourbalists in the south-Asian nation and deamnded stringent actions against the culprits so that it can work as deterrant.

Read more on PEC NEWS

25.08.2022. AFGHANISTAN. One year of Taliban Rule. AFJC Records 245 Cases of Media Violation. - According zo the report of the Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC), a partner of Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the first year of Taliban rule has noticed a significant increase in cases of violation of media freedom and the closure of almost half of media outlets in the country. The report finds a deterioration in press freedom over the past year, marked by censorship, detentions, assaults, and restrictions on media outlets, journalists, and in particular women journalists.

Read more on PEC NEWS

21.08.2022. RUSSIA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing yesterday near Moscow of

Daria Douguina (photo, 30), a Russian journalist and philosopher. A bomb exploded under her car and

destroyed her vehicle. She apparently was not personnally targeted, but her father, a very close friend of

president Vladimir Poutine. Even if Daria Douguina was very active in local and international media to

defend the position of the Kremlin in the Ukrainian war, there is no excuse to such a criminal act.

12.08.2022. PAKISTAN. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), while expressing relief over the release of senior television personality Ammad Yousaf (photo) on 11 August 2022 by a Karachi-based civil court, urges the Pakistani military authority to maintain respect to media persons. The director (news) of popular ARY News was arrested on Wednesday over an anti-Pak army comment. The
energetic television anchor was picked up by a group of armed personnel in plainclothes from his residence in the southern port city
of Pakistan during night hours.

Read more on PEC NEWS

06.08.2022. MYANMAR. PEC demands justice to Myanmar photographer Aye Kyaw. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands justice to Myanmar photographer Aye Kyaw (photo), who died in military custody recently. The pro-democracy activist used to document the anti-military protest-demonstrations. Aye Kyaw (48), who is second Burmese journalist to succomb to the junta atrocities this year after Pu Tui Dim, used to own a photography studio in Sagaing city. He was detained by the military junta in late night hours of 30 July 2022 and later the military authority informed the family that he died on Saturday noon.

Read more on PEC NEWS


13 periodistas asesinados en lo que va del 2022. Este martes, Ernesto Méndez (photo), director del

medio «voz» fue asesinado en el municipio de San Luis de la Paz en Guanajuato. El homicidio se

registró cuando civiles con armas, ingresaron a un bar, propiedad de la familia del periodista para

luego comenzar a disparar. Tenía antecedentes de amenazas contra su vida. Ernesto Méndez era

director del medio Tu Voz y había trabajado en Zona Franca y el periódico El Correo. Con Ernesto, suman 13 asesinatos de

periodistas en 2022. El PEC exige al Estado Mexicano actuar de manera urgente para frenar este inquietante fenómeno. Con este crimen han muerto 79 periodistas este año, lo mismo que en todo el año pasado.

29.07.2022. ISRAEL/PALESTINE. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) supports the demand to the US of Shireen Abu Akleh' family to investigate the killing of the Palestinian American journalist. All evidence indicates that she was killed by an Israeli soldier in the occupied West Bank town of Jenin on May 11. The US concluded on July 4 that Abu Akleh was likely killed by Israeli fire, although not intentionally, a statement unacceptable. The family of Al Jazeera reporter wants a thorough, credible, independent and transparent US investigation. They met Tuesday with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (photo twitter) to ask for justice and accountability. Regrettably he stopped short of committing to opening an investigation. "There must be accountability in this cold-blooded murder of a journalist with a protective helmet and a bulletproof vest clearly marked as PRESS", said PEC President Blaise Lempen. "As for the Khashoggi murder in October 2018, the truth must be fully establihed after an impartial investigation", he added.

26.07.2022. FRANCOPHONIE. Le vice-président de la PEC nommé vice-président pour l’Europe de l’Union de la presse francophone (UPF). Le comité de la PEC félicite Jean-Philippe Jutzi pour sa nomination dans les instances dirigeantes de l’UPF lors des assises de Marrakech (Maroc) aux côtés de la nouvelle présidente internationale Anne Cécile Robert (photo), journaliste et professeure, directrice des éditions et des relations internationales du Monde diplomatique. L’UPF est membre fondatrice de la PEC et a soutenu notre association depuis sa création en 2004. Jean-Philippe Jutzi, également président de la section suisse de l’UPF, va ainsi poursuivre dans la voie des synergies développées par notre regretté confrère Daniel Favre, des synergies essentielles au renforcement du combat pour la protection des journalistes dans le monde. L’UPF regroupe près de 3000 journalistes dans plus de 40 pays.

10.07.2022. BANGLADESH. Journalist found dead in Bangladesh, PEC demands authentic probe
Journalists continue to be the victim of violence in Bangladesh as the police recovered a partially decomposed body of
Hashibur Rahaman Rubel (photo) on 7 July 2022. The young scribe went missing five days back and his body was found under a bridge on Garai river in Kumarkhali locality. Rubel was associated with Dainik Khustiar Khabar and Amader Notun Samay, both are Bengali newspapers, and used to edit online portal Crimevisionbd.

Read more on PEC NEWS

04.07.2022. PAKISTAN. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has demanded adequate punishment to
perpetrators who were involved in the murder of Pakistani
journalist Iftikhar Ahmed (photo) on Saturday last. Associated with Pakistan’s influential Express Media Group for many years, the talented journalist was shot dead in his own Shabqadar locality of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa on 2 July 2022. Pakistan has already lost three media workers namely Hasnain Shah, Murtaza Shar and Athar Mateen to assailants.

Read more on PEC NEWS

30.06.2022- PEC six months report. The number of journalists killed has doubled. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is appalled by the large number of journalists killed in the first six months of 2022. The year-on-year increase is 100% with 73 victims in 18 countries since January compared to 36 deaths in the same period last year.

"The war in Ukraine and the rampant criminality in Mexico are the main reasons of this alarming deterioration", said PEC President Blaise Lempen. There must be no impunity. All these crimes must be fully investigated without exception.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS (English, French and Spanish)

27.06.2022. UKRAINE. Fake news about Russia's war in Ukraine is becoming a problem - 33 media figures have died in Ukraine in 4 months - Well-known Russian journalist received a Ukrainian passeport (photo: exhibition about journalists during the war in Kyiv)

Read the report of the PEC Representative in Ukraine on PEC NEWS

24.06.2022.ISRAEL/PALESTINE.Shireen Abu Aqleh killed by ‘seemingly well-aimed’ Israeli bullet, UN says.

The UN has said its investigations have found that the shot that killed Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh on 11 May was fired by Israeli forces. The Palestinian-American journalist, who was wearing a vest and helmet marked “press”, was killed while covering an Israeli army operation in Jenin, in the northern West Bank.“We find that the shots that killed Abu Aqleh came from Israeli security forces,” the UN human rights office spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani said in Geneva. “It is deeply disturbing that Israeli authorities have not conducted a criminal investigation.” Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls upon the Israeli authorities to carry out a proper and full investigation in order to render justice to Shireen Abu Akleh.

Read more on our page END IMPUNITY

22.06.2022. UKRAINE. LUTTER CONTRE L'IMPUNITE EST ESSENTIEL. Interview du président de la PEC parue dans EDITO, le magazine suisse des médias

Lire l'interview sur PEC NEWS (en français seulement)

17.06.2022. UNITED KINGDOM. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is disappointed by the decision of UK Home Secretary Priti Patel to approve the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange (photo) to the United States. His legal team now has two weeks to appeal the decision. "This absurd human tragedy keep on going, while Julian Assange has already paid with several years of deprivation of liberty for his commitment to denounce war crimes. It is a shame for democracies", said PEC President Blaise Lempen. "It's really time to put an end to this appalling relentlessness with no justification and to allow Assange to live peacefully with his family in his country", he added. We appeal to the United Nations to stop this injustice. PEC called for the release of the Wikileaks founder since many years.

16.06.2022. BANGLADESH. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses concern over the police inaction to nab the killers of Dhaka-based television journalist Abdul Bari (photo), who was found dead on the bank of Hatirjheel lake in Gulshan area of the capital city on 8 June. Journalist Bari (28), who was associated with private channel DBC as a news producer, was severely stabbed by miscreants on his stomach and neck.

Read more on PEC NEWS

13.06.2022. BRAZIL. Bodies have been found in the search for the British journalist Dom Phillips and the Brazilian indigenous expert Bruno Pereira, eight days after they went missing in a remote part of the Amazon, according to multiple sources.

Media reports in Brazil claimed bodies had been found, citing Mr Phillips’ wife. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) pays tribute to the work of the courageous British journalist and his companion. Mr Phillips has reported from Brazil for more than a decade. The journalist’s sister, Sian Phillips, said in a video statement last week: “We knew it was a dangerous place but Dom really believed it’s possible to safeguard the nature and the livelihood of the Indigenous people". He paid with his life for his commitment. PEC sends its condolences to the family and friends of the two victims.

10.06.2022. SWITZERLAND. Forte hausse des journalistes tués depuis le début de l'année (only in French). Interview du président de la PEC Blaise Lempen à la Radio suisse:


09.06.2022. BRAZIL. Dom Phillips (photo, center, 57), a British freelance reporter and regular contributor to The Guardian, went missing Sunday in the Brazilian Amazon while on a reporting trip in the Indigenous territory of the Javari Valley. Indigenous issues expert Bruno Pereira was accompanying Phillips, and is also missing. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is very worried about these disappearances and called on Brazilian authorities to launch a full investigation. Indigenous leaders on the ground, family members and peers of Mr Pereira and Mr Phillips have expressed concern that authorities’ search efforts were slow to start, and remain insufficient. The Javari Valley region has experienced repeated shootouts between hunters, fishermen and official security agents in the area, which has the world’s largest concentration of uncontacted indigenous people. It is also a major route for cocaine produced on the Peruvian side of the border, then smuggled into Brazil to supply local cities or to be shipped to Europe.

30.05.2022. UKRAINE. One more foreign journalist was killed. A French journalist, Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff (photo, 32) was killed after a car was hit near Severodonetsk. Leclerc-Imhoff worked for BFMTV. The sad news was released by the Lugansk regional governor, Serhiy Gaidaias: "Today our armored evacuation vehicle – said Gaidai – was going to collect 10 people from the area and ended up under enemy fire. Shrapnel from the grenades pierced the armor of the car, a fatal wound in the neck was received by an accredited French journalist who was making a report on the evacuation, a policeman on patrol was saved by a helmet “. France’s foreign minister, Catherine Colonna, said Leclerc-Imhoff was killed by a Russian attack “while he was carrying out his duty to inform.” Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns this crime and calls on Russian and Ukrainian authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances of his death. He is at least the 22th media worker killed in Ukraine in 3 months of war.

21.05.2022. INDIA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has strongly condemned the murder of  journalist Subhash Kumar Mahato (photo), who hailed from Begusarai locality of Bihar in central India on 20 May 2022. The global media safety and rights body also demanded punishments under the law to all four identified gunmen who targeted Subhash (27) outside his residence in Sankhu village. Subhash becomes the 59th media-worker to be killed in 2022 and the fourth victim (after Rohit Kumar Biswal from Odisha, Sudhir Saini from Uttar Pradesh and Juned Khan Pathan from Gujarat) in India.

Read more on PEC NEWS

11.05.2022. ISRAËL/PALESTINE. Press Emblem Campaign strongly condemns the killing by Israeli forces in Jenin (West Bank) of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh (51, photo). The Al-Jazeera’s veteran TV journalist was covering an Israeli army raid on the Jenin refugee camp when she was shot in the face by a single bullett despite wearing a press vest. Another Palestinian journalist Ali al-Samoudi was wounded in the back. PEC calls for an independent investigation to hold those responsible to account for this heinous crime.

10.05.2022. MEXICO. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is shocked by the assassination of three more journalists in five days in Mexico. Luis Enrique Ramirez (El Debate) was murdered in Sinaloa May 5, Yesenia Mollinedo and Sheila Johana Garcia (El Veraz) were shot to death in Veracruz May 9. Since January, a recor number of 12 media workers were killed in Mexico. This would make the tally of 52 journalists slain under Lopez Obrador since he became president on December 1st, 2018 (41 months this May), much more than his predecessors.

 10. 05.2022. UKRAINE. Read the 6th report of our Correspondent in Ukraine on the situation of media during the war on PEC NEWS. Pulitzer special citation for Ukrainian journalists amid rising death toll

05.05.2022. Interview with Spanish photographer Guillermo Cervera: “I have covered the stupidity of the human race”.

Guillermo Cervera is a Spanish photographer named "the outsider of photojournalism" by Vice Magazine. He has covered, among other subjects, numerous wars and conflicts for more than 20 years, and has published his photos in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, El Mundo, El País, La Vanguardia, among others. He not only worked as a photographer and journalist in difficult areas, but he was also attacked several times because of his media position: in Chad where he was detained and tortured, in the Egyptian revolution where he was attacked by the police, in Libya, he was next to photographers Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros, when they were killed by a mortar. For Guillermo Cervera, a war is necessarily linked to risk and it is important for journalists who go to war to be aware of this.

Read our interview on PEC NEWS (Spanish, French and English)

02.05.2022. World Press Freedom Day 2022 - Brutal deterioration
Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is alarmed at the sharp deterioration of press freedom caused

by the war in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the year, 52 media workers have paid with their

lives for doing their job. In Russia, the Kremlin's controls have created a regression in media

space unprecedented since the communist era. On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day

on 3 May, the PEC is making an urgent appeal for a halt to hostilities in Ukraine and for the

independence of the media in Russia to be respected.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS (English, French, Spanish)

29.04.2022. UKRAINE. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is saddened to learn that one more journalist has been killed in Ukraine. Vira Hyrych (photo), a journalist at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, has died as a result of Russia's missile attack on Kyiv on April 28.

That's according to the Institute of Mass Information. Inna Kuznetsova, the editor-in-chief at the Ukrainian service of RFE/RL, confirmed this information to the IMI. During the shelling, a missile hit the journalist's apartment, Kuznetsova added. The shelling of Kyiv on April 28 took place during a visit by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. "We condemn these indiscriminate bombings that strike civilians", said PEC President Blaise Lempen. Vira Kyrych is the 21st media person to be killed in Ukraine in 2 months of war.

24.04.2022. UKRAINE 5th report on the State of Media in Ukraine during the War (April 12-23) -  Journalists often have to blindly rely on the words of their sources, since it is impossible to verify information under conditions of war or occupation. This makes journalists and their audiences vulnerable to propaganda. Investigative journalists are the best at this challenge, thanks to their skills in analyzing social networks, satellite images, documents, databases, and previously verified sources. The death toll of media persons in the war is on the rise: already 21 journalists and media persons were killed (local and international both), dozens wounded.

Read the report of Andrii Ianitsky on PEC NEWS

20.04.2022. UNITED KINGDOM. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) deeply regrets the decision of a British judge on Wednesday formally approving the extradition of Julian Assange (photo) to the United States to face spying charges. PEC asks Britain’s interior minister Priti Patel not to grant the extradition and to release the Wikileaks founder. «Assange has already paid a very high price for his investigative work related to WikiLeaks’ publication of US classified documents on Iraq and Afghanistan. He must be released without further delay after more than 10 years of deprivation of liberty to reunite with his family and return to his country in Australia. The treatment imposed on him is inhuman», said PEC President Blaise Lempen. Assange has been held at Britain’s high-security Belmarsh Prison in London since 2019, before that, he spent seven years inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. His lawyers have four weeks to make submissions to Patel, and can also seek to appeal to the High Court.

16.04.2022. BANGLADESH. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of Bangladeshi journalist Mohiuddin Sarker Nayeem (photo, 28) and demands exemplary punishments to the perpetrators. Mentionable is that Cumilla-based journalist Mohiuddin was shot dead by suspected drug smugglers on 14 April 2022. His family members claimed that Mohiuddin used to report about the drug trafficking in his locality.

Read more on PEC NEWS

13.04.2022. MORE JOURNALISTS KILLED IN UKRAINE. After Russia’s withdrawal, Ukrainian journalists were found murdered in Bucha and Yahidna. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is profoundly saddened by the deaths of journalists Roman Nezhyborets (photo) and Zoreslav Zamoysky and call on Ukrainian authorities to determine whether they were killed in retaliation for their work. Nezhyborets’ body was recently found buried in the northern Ukrainian village of Yahidne, and Zamoysky’s body was found in Bucha, a city near the capital of Kyiv.

Read the 4th report on the State of Media in Ukraine (April 5-11) of the PEC Representative in Ukraine on PEC NEWS

09.04.2022. MYANMAR. More Burmese scribes imprisoned, PEC denounces military action. As the dictators of Myanmar and military courts continue to detain and imprison journalists, Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) urges the international community to support the Burmese media fraternity at this time of crisis. Local media outlets report that three journalists (photos) were imprisoned by the court under sedition charges in the first week of April 2022. Ma Lwe Am Phaung, a female television scribe at Shwe Phee Myay news agency of Shan State was imprisoned on 7 April. Another Shan State-based journalist Khaing Myint Tun (alias Shwe Lin Thit) was sentenced to jail same day by the court. Earlier on 5 April, a Mandalay-based scribe Win Naing Oo was imprisoned by the court.

Read more on PEC NEWS

05.04.2022. UKRAINE. 3rd PEC report on the State of Media in Ukraine during the War (March 28 - April 4) – Collection of evidence on the massacre in Bucha. After the Russian military left the Kyiv region, Ukrainian troops discovered mass graves there (photo). Massacre in Bucha city attracted a lot of attention from journalists. On April 3 and 4, hundreds of foreign journalists arrived in Kyiv to record these crimes for the world community. On April 4, President Volodymyr Zelenski met with journalists. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) stresses that journalists are key players, they are witnesses. They can contribute to the collection of evidence, which may be used in court at a later stage. Documentation of the crimes on the ground can help the justice efforts under way to identify the perpetrators. To do their job independently they need protection.

Read the report on PEC NEWS

04.04.2022. Sharp rise in journalists killed in three months. Press Emblem Campaign

(PEC) is alarmed by the large number of journalists killed in the first three months of

2022. The year-on-year increase is 153% with 38 victims in 15 countries since January (3

per week) compared to 15 deaths in the same period last year. "This dramatic rise is very

worrying. The war in Ukraine and the rampant criminality in Mexico are the main

reasons of this appalling deterioration", said PEC President Blaise Lempen (photo: photojournalist Maks Levin (40) has disappeared 13 March north of Kyiv - he was found dead near Kyiv on April 1rst)

Read the PEC press release (English, French and Spanish on PEC NEWS)

01.04.2022. YEMEN, THE FORGOTTEN WAR. PEC condemns the continuing violence targeting the media in Yemen. In Yemen, journalists face the dangers of war and air strikes, they are also targeted by the ruling parties and suffer attacks from the Houthis, Al Qaeda, and the government. Since 2014, between 38 and 45 journalists have been killed, according to PEC research. At least 16 journalists are currently in detention/kidnapped. The camera and the pen have become more dangerous than weapons for all sides, according to PEC testimonies (photo afp: funeral of a reporter, Taiz, January 2021)

Read more on PEC NEWS (English, French and Arabic)

28.03.2022. The State of Media in Ukraine during the War – second report 32 days after the Russian invasion in Ukraine, Ukrainian authorities have tightened control over the media - 7 journalists killed (local and international both), dozens wounded - Russians put in place a ban on the work of Ukrainian media in Russian-occupied territories, replacing them with Russian state broadcasters.

Read the full report of the PEC representative in Ukraine on PEC NEWS - Read also on our page END IMPUNITY an article on the inquiry on the killing of Pierre Zakrzewski

25.03.2022. MYANMAR. Press Emblem Campaign denounces the continued crackdown on the media by the military junta of Myanmar and demands the unconditional release of all scribes. Three journalists were imprisoned in the third week of March 2022 for covering the anti-junta demonstrations across the south-east Asian nation. The number of arrested (or detained) media workers in Myanmar has lately increased up to 125, while around 50 are still behind the bars. All the three Burmese journalists namely Than Htike Aung (Mizzima), Han Thar Nyein (Kamayut) and Ye Yint Tun (Myanmar Herald, photos) were imprisoned to two years each for allegedly preparing false news.

Read more on PEC NEWS

24.03.2022. UKRAINE. ONE MORE JOURNALIST KILLED. PEC is saddened to learn that Oksana Baulina (photo), a Russian journalist with The Insider, was killed as a result of shelling in Podilsky district of Kyiv on Wednesday, the editorial office of the publication said. "She filmed the destruction after the shelling of Podilsky district of the capital by Russian troops and came under new missile fire. Another civilian was killed with her, two people accompanying her were wounded and hospitalized," the publication said. It said that in the past Baulina worked for the Anti-Corruption Foundation in Russia. After the organization was included in the list of extremist, it went abroad. Later, as a correspondent for "The Insider" (the editorial office is located in Latvia), the journalist came to Ukraine, where she worked on creating reports from Lviv and Kyiv (with Ukraine news agency). One journalist is still missing: on March 13, Maks Levin, a freelance photojournalist and documentary filmmaker who has covered Russia’s invasions of Ukraine since 2014, went missing near the village of Huta-Mezhyhirska, in the Kyiv region.

24.03.2022. UKRAINE 2022 - HUNGARY 1956. Christian Campiche is currently the honorary president of the PEC after having been a member of its committee for several years representing the Swiss union of journalists, Impressum, whose president he was from 2015 to 2019. Today he is sharing with us his testimony regarding information on the war in Ukraine on the occasion of the publication of his historical novel situated in Hungary under communist control.

Read the PEC interview on PEC NEWS

23.03.2022. GENEVA. PEC welcomes a new member to its steering committee. After the death of our president Hedayat Abdel Nabi on March 7 in Cairo, PEC is pleased to welcome a new member to its steering committee who will be able to take over responsibility for contacts in the Arab world. Franco-Lebanese, Suzanne Halal (photo) has always had a passion for journalism. She obtained a Master's degree in Political Communication from the University from Navarre in Spain, followed by a career of more than ten years in all types of Communication in the Emirates and for the Middle East region, from the Gulf to North Africa via the Levant countries.She has helped more than 30 private and public organizations in their digital communication transformation. Welcome Suzanne !

22.03.2022. GENEVA. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. 49th session item 4 General Debate. PEC is seriously concerned by two country situations, Mexico and Ukraine, and strongly condemns war crimes in Ukraine.

Read the PEC statement at the Human Rights Council on PEC NEWS

19.03.2022. UKRAINE. The new PEC Representative in Ukraine Andrii Ianitskyi (photo) describes

in his report the state of media in Ukraine during the first weeks of the war (february 24 – March

19). Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) appeals to help the Ukrainian media in this very difficult

situation. Information on the sufferings of the population is of crucial importance. 

Read the report on PEC NEWS

18.03.2022. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses serious concern and condemns the killing of scribes in Ukraine, who have been reporting from ground after the Russian invasion, and urges every concerned to respect freedom of the press. PEC also criticizes the Taliban, who continues to victimise the Afghan journalists after seizing power in Kabul during August last year. Till date, globally 32 journalists have lost their lives to assailants since 1 January. It is an increase of 100 per cent compared to the same period of last year.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS

16.03.2022. MEXICO. Nuevo homicidio contra la prensa mexicana. PEC esta horrorizado por este nuevo homicidio y pide detener este baño de sangre. El periodista Armando Linares López (photo), director del medio de comunicación Monitor Michoacán, fue asesinado a balazos este martes en su domicilio en la ciudad michoacana de Zitácuaro. El homicidio se produce seis semanas después de que su compañero del mismo medio, Roberto Toledo, fuese también ejecutado. Es el noveno asesinato de un periodista mexicano en lo que va de año. Como director de Monitor Michoacán, Linares se dedicaba a investigar la corrupción en el oeste de México. Antes, había pedido protección a las autoridades porque temía por su vida. NO A LA IMPUNIDAD.

15.03.2022. UKRAINE. Two journalists killed outside Kyiv, one more injured. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the killing of a Fox News cameraman and a Ukrainian journalist traveling with him when their vehicle came under fire outside Kyiv, according to the network and Ukrainian authorities. The cameraman, Pierre Zakrzewski, 55, and the Ukrainian journalist and producer, Oleksandra Kuvshynova (photo), were traveling in the same vehicle as the Fox News correspondent Benjamin Hall, who was also injured in the attack in the town of Horenka. Mr. Hall remained hospitalized in Ukraine. The deaths of Oleksandra Kurshynova and Pierre Zakrzewski bring the death toll among journalists in the war to five. Dozens of journalists had also been wounded. Mr. Zakrzewski was a veteran reporter who covered nearly every international story for Fox News from Iraq to Afghanistan to Syria. Ms. Kuvshynova was a local journalist working with the Fox News reporting team. PEC is appalled by this already very high toll in 3 weeks of war in Ukraine. Journalists should never be the target of military action. This brings the total worldwide to a record 30 fatalities since January.

13.03.2022. AMERICAN JOURNALIST KILLED IN UKRAINE. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply saddened to hear that Brent Renaud (photo), an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist, was killed in Ukraine on Sunday while reporting in a suburb of the capital, Kyiv, according to Ukraine’s Interior Ministry. Mr. Renaud, 50, had worked for a number of American news and media organizations in the past, including HBO, NBC and The New York Times. The Ukrainian authorities said he was killed in Irpin, a suburb that has been the site of intense shelling by Russian forces in recent days, but the details of his death were not immediately clear. Ukrainian officials said another journalist was wounded as well. Mr. Renaud had contributed to The Times in previous years, most recently in 2015, but he was not on assignment for the company in Ukraine (source: New York Times). It is the first reported death of a foreign journalist covering the war in Ukraine. However, half a dozen foreign journalists at least were injured and two Ukrainian journalists were killed so far. Journalists are not fighters and should not be targeted. It is a war crime.

08.03.2022. GENEVA/CAIRO. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) mourns the death of its president Hedayat Abdel Nabi who died in Cairo on Monday. The entire PEC board is shocked by the sudden disappearance of its president Hedayat Abdel Nabi (photo) at the age of 73. We extend our most sincere condolences to her family, her many friends and colleagues who appreciated her availability, her dynamism, her convictions. Born on November 10, 1948 in Cairo, Hedayat co-founded our NGO in 2004 with other correspondents at the UN in Geneva. Indefatigable, she supported the cause of a better protection of journalists thoughout conflicts and crises.

La PEC pleure la mort de sa présidente Hedayat Abdel Nabi décédée au Caire lundi. Tout le comité de la PEC est choqué par la disparition subite de sa présidente Hedayat Abdel Nabi à 73 ans. Nous adressons nos plus sincères condoléances à sa famille, ses nombreux amis et confrères qui appréciaient sa disponibilité, son dynamisme, ses convictions. Née le 10 novembre 1948 au Caire, Hedayat a co-fondé notre ONG en 2004 avec d’autres correspondants à l’ONU à Genève. Infatigable, elle a soutenu la cause d’une meilleure protection des journalistes au fil des conflits et des crises.

Lire notre hommage sur PEC NEWS / Read our tribute on PEC NEWS

07.03.2022. UKRAINE MORE AND MORE DANGEROUS FOR JOURNALISTS. Swiss photoreporter Guillaume Briquet (photo) wounded after being shot by Russian soldiers. Guillaume Briquet, 58, was deployed as a photojournalist in southern Ukraine when his vehicle was hit while driving near a small village towards the besieged city of Mykolaiv on Sunday. Pictures of the bullet-riddled four-by-four show it was marked ‘Press’ in large writing on all sides (photos below). The head of the regional military administration, Maria Chorna, claimed the shots were fired by Russian soldiers at close range. Guillaume Briquet suffered wounds to his face and forearm. He was admitted to a hospital in Kirovograd.

The soldiers searched Mr Briquet and took his passport, 3,000 euros in cash, a helmet, camera footage, a laptop and personal effects before releasing him, local media reported. Mykolaiv is located between the city of Kherson, in the south-east, which has been the scene of heavy fighting, and Odessa, in the south-west.

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is alarmed by this attack against an international journalist despite the clear signs PRESS on his vehicle. PEC recalls that journalists are not combatants and benefit from the protection of the Geneva Conventions. The 58-year-old, based in Geneva, has photographed conflicts and disaster zones around the world including occupied Iraq, earthquake-stricken Haiti and North Korea. The presence on the ground of independent journalists is essential to have an objective view of the fighting.

04.03.2022. NO IMPUNITY IN UKRAINE. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) applauds the adoption by the Human Rights Council in Geneva of a resolution condemning «in the strongest possible terms the human rights violations and abuses resulting from the continuing military invasion by the Russian Federation of Ukraine», calling for the «swift and verifiable withdrawal of Russian troops» and deciding «to urgently establish an independent international commission of inquiry (…) to investigate all alleged violations and abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law» in Ukraine. Out of the 47 current members of the Council, 32 voted in favour, with two against (Russia and Eritrea) and 13 abstentions (photo). PEC also welcomes the fact that the HRC resolution reaffirms «that the right to freedom of opinion and expression, both online and offline, is a human right guaranteed to all, reiterating in this regard the important role of free media and non-governmental organizations, and condemning any attack against journalists, newspapers and media workers» and expresses concern «at the spread of disinformation and misinformation». The resolution «stresses the importance of maintaining free, open, interoperable, reliable and secure access to the Internet, and condemns unequivocally any measures that prevent or disrupt an individual’s ability to receive or impart information online».

In this regard, PEC strongly condemns a new censorship law adopted today in Moscow by the Duma, Russia’s parliament, enabling anyone accused of publishing «false information» regarding Russia’s military to be prosecuted and potentially imprisoned.

PEC is also appalled by the attack targeting on Monday, near Kyiv, a Sky News' team. Chief correspondent Stuart Ramsay was wounded and camera operator Richie Mockler took two rounds to his body armour. Read more: https://news.sky.com/story/sky-news-teams-harrowing-account-of-their-violent-ambush-in-ukraine-this-week-12557585

Read more on PEC NEWS

01.03.2022. UKRAINE. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the missile attack launched today by Russian forces on the TV tower in the city of Kyiv, attempting to disrupt broadcasting (photo). Videos shared on Twitter show plumes of smoke engulfing the Kyiv TV Tower, which stands at 385m high. The tower was built in 1973 for radio and television broadcasting. PEC recalls the Security Council resolution 2222 adopted unanimously on protection of journalists 27 May 2015 condemning «all violations and abuses committed against journalists, media professionals and associated personnel in situations of armed conflict», and calling «upon all parties to armed conflict to bring an end to such practices». Article 10 «recalls also that media equipment and installations constitute civilian objects, and in this respect shall not be the object of attack or of reprisals». The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs says that “channels will not work for a while.” “The backup broadcasting of some channels will be enabled in the near future,” it says. The Russian Defense Ministry earlier said the strikes would be "to suppress information attacks against Russia," according to a statement reported by Russian state media TASS, adding that Kyiv residents near the sites should leave their homes.

attacks against Russia," according to a statement reported by Russian state media TASS, adding that Kyiv residents near the sites should leave their homes.

PEC supports the adoption of a resolution by the Human Rights Council on Ukraine seeking an international investigation into human rights violations by Russia. Such a probe would be important to ensure documentation and accountability for all war crimes committed in Ukraine.

PEC is also very sad to learn that TV cameraman Yevhenii Sakun was killed as a result of Russian missile strike on Kyiv's Babyn Yar, along with 4 other people. It is becoming more and more dangerous for journalists to cover this war. Although wearing bulletproof vests, two Danish reporters Stefan Weichert and Emil Filtenborg Mikkelsen sustained serious gunshot injuries when they came under fire in the northeastern city of Ohtyrka on Saturday. They have been evacuated from Ukraine.

26.02.2022. UKRAINE. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins dozens of organisations expressing their solidarity with the Ukrainian journalists at the frontlines of a large-scale European war. Here is the statement:

We, the undersigned organisations, stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, but particularly Ukrainian journalists who now find themselves at the frontlines of a large-scale European war.

We unilaterally condemn the violence and aggression that puts thousands of our colleagues all over Ukraine in grave danger.

We call on the international community to provide any possible assistance to those who are taking on the brave role of reporting from the war zone that is now Ukraine. 

We condemn the physical violence, the cyberattacks, disinformation and all other weapons employed by the aggressor against the free and democratic Ukrainian press.

We also stand in solidarity with independent Russian media who continue to report the truth in unprecedented conditions.

List of signatories on: https://ifex.org/ifex-joins-dozens-of-organisations-in-joint-statement-of-support-for-ukraine/

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) also condemns the efforts by Russian authorities to censor independent media reporting on the invasion of Ukraine and the multiple detentions of domestic and international journalists covering anti-war protests across Russia. All journalists detained must be released immediately.

24.02.2022. UKRAINE. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns in the strongest terms the Russian military aggression in Ukraine contrary to international law. PEC calls on all belligerents to ensure safety of journalists, reminding that all OSCE participating States, including Russia and Ukraine, have committed themselves to adopt, where appropriate, all feasible measures to protect journalists engaged in dangerous professional missions and to condemn all attacks and violence against journalists. Journalists must be safe to do their work, under all circumstances, and to inform independently. PEC also urges all parties to refrain from spreading propaganda for war or incitement to hostility or violence. PEC calls on all journalists on the ground to take precautionary measures. We remind the belligerents of documents adopted by consensus at the UN Security Council on the safety of journalists in conflict zones, resolution 2022 adopted on 27 May 2015 and resolution 1738 adopted on 23 December 2006, as well as resolutions on the safety of journalists adopted by the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council (see on our page DOCUMENTS). PEC will follow the situation in Ukraine very closely.

23.02.2022. MEXICO. La conductora de televisión y modelo, Michelle Pérez Tadeo (photo), conocida como “Michell Simón”, originaria de Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, fue hallada sin vida y con signos de violencia en un paraje del cerro del Ajusco, alcaldía Tlalpan, al sur de la capital del país. La joven de 29 años y madre de una menor fue reportada como desaparecida desde el pasado domingo. En lo que va del 2022, en México han sido asesinados, además de la periodista Michelle Pérez, seis trabajadores de los medios de comunicación, o uno por semana. PEC esta horrorizado por esta escalade de violencia y exige que la investigación por este nuevo asesinato no descarte ninguna hipótesis.

21.02.2022. TURKEY. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of Güngör Arslan (photo), the owner and managing editor of the local Ses Kocaeli newspaper in Turkey. On Saturday 19 February, Arslan was attacked in front of his office and shot in the chest and leg in the city of Izmit. He was taken to hospital, where he died of his injuries. In a written statement, the Governor’s office announced that a 21-year-old suspect had been taken into custody. PEC calls for a swift and thorough investigation and prosecution of the gunman and those who may have assisted or ordered the murder. All those responsible must be held to account. In a broadcast made before the attack, Arslan had stated that he had previously suffered attacks for “trying to do his job as a journalist”. PEC reiterates its concern about the impunity for murders of journalists in Turkey: there has been no or incomplete justice for Uğur Mumcu, assassinated outside his home in Ankara in 1993; Metin Göktepe, tortured and murdered in police custody in Istanbul in 1996; Hrant Dink, assassinated in Istanbul in 2007; Naji Jerf, gunned down in Gaziantep in 2015; Rohat Aktaş, found dead in Cizre in 2016; Jamal Khashoggi, murdered in a Saudi consulate in 2018; or Hazim Özsu, killed in Bursa in 2021.

19.02.2022. PAKISTAN. Television journalist shot dead in Pakistan, PEC demands punishment to perpetrators. Expressing grief over the demise of Karachi-based Pakistani television journalist Athar Mateen, Press Emblem Campaign insists on a genuine probe into the incident that led to his killing during the morning hours on 18 February 2022. PEC also demands compensation to the bereaved family. Till date, 20 journalists have been killed worldwide in 2022, where Mexico tops the list with six casualties, followed by Pakistan (3).

Read more on PEC NEWS

16.02.2022. TCHAD. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) est consternée par l'assassinat du

journaliste Evariste Djaï-Loramadji (photo), correspondant de la radio chrétienne "Lotiko", dans un affrontement intercommunautaire qui a fait plus d'une dizaine de morts dans le village de Sandana (Moyen-Chari), le 9 février 2022. La PEC condamne cet assassinat barbare, et exhorte les autorités à diligenter une enquête complète et rapide et à punir le ou les coupables. La PEC salue le courage d'un journaliste de terrain qui a fait son métier jusqu'au bout pour témoigner des affrontements. Evariste Djaï- Loramadji est le premier journaliste tué en Afrique cette année, dans un contexte global alarmant avec déjà 19journalistes tués dans le monde en six semaines.

CHAD. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is dismayed by the assassination of journalist Evariste Djaï-Loramadji, correspondent for the Christian
radio station "Lotiko", in a massacre following an inter-community clash which left more than a dozen dead in the village of Sandana,
Wednesday February 9, 2022. The PEC condemns this barbaric assassination and urges the authorities to carry out a full and rapid
investigation and to punish the culprits. Evariste Djaï-Loramadji only did his job as a journalist by reporting on the situation until the last
moment. PEC salutes the courage of these field journalists. Evariste Djaï-Loramadji is the first journalist killed in Africa this year, in an
alarming global context with already 19 journalists killed worldwide in six weeks.

Communiqué de la PEC sur PEC NEWS

15.02.2022. SRI LANKA. Condemning the attack on the residence of Sri Lanka’s senior television journalist Chamuditha Samarawickrema (photo) by a group of masked armed men in the early hours of 14 February 2022, Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) on Tuesday demands a fair probe into the incident and to punish the perpetrators. Local media outlets reported that at least four unidentified persons stormed into the residential complex of Samarawickrema at Piliyandala area of Colombo. “It’s unacceptable that a journalist, who remains critical about the government functioning, has to face this kind of attack on him. The Lankan government, must identify the culprits to maintain its credibility,” said Blaise Lempen, PEC secretary-general.

Meanwhile, the PEC expresses grief over the untimely demise of a senior photojournalist T Kumar, who killed himself on 13 February in the south Indian city of Chennai, and who used to work for prominent news agency United News of India (UNI). PEC also demanded stringent punishments to perpetrators of the murder of a young scribe Sudhir Saini in central India’s State of Uttar Pradesh some days back.

Read more on PEC NEWS

11.02.2022. MEXICO. Yet another journalist has been cowardly assassinated in the state of  Oaxaca Mexico on Feb 10, 2022. The slain journalist is Heber Lopez Osorio (photo),  who was gunned down  by two men who have been arrested, in the municipality of  Salina Cruz,  Oaxaca. He worked for the  digital news portal Noticias Web de Salina Cruz. On Noticias Web, Heber López was a vehement critic of local politicians. He is the 6th journalist killed in  just 6 weeks in Mexico. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns this wave of violence targeting the media and calls upon Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to fight impunity to put an end to this dramatic murderous escalation.

10.02.2022. Guinée Bissau : PEC condamne la violente attaque armée d’un groupe de militaires contre la radio privée Capital FM

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condamne la violente attaque ciblée, contre le personnel et les installations de la radio privée Capital FM, en Guinée Bissau, perpétrée le 7 février 2022, par des des hommes en uniforme militaire, lourdement armés. L'ONG appelle à des enquêtes pour identifier et sanctionner les auteurs de cette agression. Selon le témoignage recueilli par PEC auprès de Mme Indira Correia Balde, présidente du Syndicat des Journalistes et Techniciens de la Communication sociale de Guinée Bissau (SINJOTECS) : « Un groupe d’hommes armés a attaqué la radio, en tirant avec des armes AK à l’intérieur de l’édifice et détruisant tous les équipements. Il y a eu cinq blessés parmi les journalistes, techniciens et personnels administratifs qui essayaient d’échapper aux tirs.  Une journaliste qui a dû sauter du premier étage est hospitalisée, dans un état grave, et doit être évacuée au Portugal, le vendredi 11 février, pour des soins appropriés ». En effet, blessée à la colonne vertébrale et aux côtes la journaliste Maimuna Bari (photo) est dans le coma et a été évacuée au Portugal le 11 février.

Guinea Bissau: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the violent targeted attack against the staff and facilities of the private radio station

Capital FM, in Guinea Bissau, perpetrated on February 7, 2022, by heavily armed men in military uniform. The NGO calls for investigations

 to identify and punish the perpetrators of this attack. There were five wounded among the journalists, technicians and administrative staff

trying to escape the gunfire. A journalist Maimuna Bari who had to jump from the first floor is hospitalized in a coma and must be evacuated

to Portugal on Friday February 11 for appropriate treatment.

Lire le communiqué complet de la PEC sur PEC NEWS

07.02.2022. YEMEN. Take action for Yemeni journalists on death row. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins an appeal launched today by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) to save the lives of four journalists Abdul Khaleq Amran, Tawfiq Al-Mansouri, Harith Hamid, and Akram Al-Walidi (photo) arrested on 9 June 2015 at the Hotel Dream Castle in Sana’a. Their arrest was motivated by their reporting on human rights violations committed by Houthi forces, who charged them with “espionage for foreign states and spreading fake news”. Since their arrest, they have been subjected to a series of crimes, including forced disappearance, physical and psychological torture, denial of the right to be visited and the right to have access to medical care. These actions break all international conventions and norms on the treatment of prisoners. Now they are on death row and the IFJ and the YJS are seeking to increase pressure on the Ansar Allah to release them and push key actors across the international community to put the lives of our colleagues high on their agenda. Sign the open letter to the United Nation’s envoy to Yemen to treat this case as an urgent matter, put pressure on relevant government and intergovernmental bodies to demand that this issue has a priority in his agenda, secure the participation of YJS at the upcoming meeting of the Human Rights Council to raise this issue in particular and the critical situation of Yemeni media workers in general.

Sign the open letter:


In a separate development, Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) regrets the killing of journalist Mervan Yusuf in the fighting in Harad, announced today by Deputy Information Minister of Yemen Abdukbasit al-Qaidi on his Twitter account. He died Sunday while on duty covering clashes between Yemeni government forces and Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in northwestern Yemen.

06.02.2022. INDIA. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) mourns the demise of a promising Indian scribe in a
landmine blast, planted by left-wing rebels in Kalahandi locality of Odisha province.
Rohit Kumar Biswal (photo, 40) stepped on the mine on 5 February 2022 and died on the spot. Rohit used to work for an Oriya daily (Dharitri) and he went to report about the posters of ultra-left extremists (belonging to outlawed
Communist Party of India-Maoist), asking the people to boycott the forthcoming local (Panchayat) elections scheduled for different phases in 16-24 February next.

Read more on PEC NEWS

04.02.2022. La PEC a désigné son nouveau Représentant Régional pour l’Afrique Subsaharienne,

Touré Hamidou Elhadji (photo). Journaliste, expert Médias et Sécurité, directeur de publication du

journal en ligne malimedias.com, M. Touré est aussi notamment Coordinateur des journalistes du G5

Sahel. «Nous félicitons Hamidou Touré et nous nous réjouissons de pouvoir coopérer avec le directeur de

malimedias.com afin de mieux couvrir l’actualité africaine, comme nous le faisons pour l’Amérique

latine, l’Asie et le Moyen-Orient», a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. «L’an

dernier, 12 journalistes ont été tués en Afrique, un chiffre en hausse, et il faut stopper cette tendance

alarmante», a-t-il ajouté.

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has appointed its new Regional Representative for Sub-Saharan Africa, Touré Hamidou Elhadji (photo). Journalist, Media and Security expert, director of online newspaper malimedias.com, Mr. Touré is also notably Coordinator of journalists of the G5 Sahel. “We congratulate Hamidou Touré and look forward to cooperating with the director of malimedias.com to better cover African news, as we do for Latin America, Asia and the Middle East,” said PEC Secretary General Blaise Lempen. “Last year, 12 journalists were killed in Africa, a figure on the rise, and this alarming trend must be stopped,” he added.

Lire le communiqué sur PEC NEWS (français et anglais)

01.02.2022. 12 journalists killed in one month, PEC demands justice to bereaved families. Expressing shock over the murder of a record number of 12 journalists killed in the first month of 2022, the global media safety and rights body Press Emblem Campaign demands justice and adequate compensation to the bereaved families. PEC laments that another journalist has been cowardly assassinated in Mexico. The slain journalist is Roberto Toledo (photo), of 55 years of age, gunned down on Monday, January 31st, 2022, in the municipality of Zitacuaro, Michoacan. He worked for the Monitor Michoacan news outlet. Toledo is the 4th journalist killed in less than a month in Mexico. If the current continues, we could be having one journalist per week being killed in the county. PEC also condemns the murder of another journalist in Pakistan within a week, Ghulam Murtaza Shar (32), who was associated with private Urdu news channel Ummat.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS (English and French)

25.01.2022. PAKISTAN. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), condemns the murder of Lahore-based Pakistani journalist Hasnain Shah (photo) on 24 January and demands justice to the Pak media fraternity. It urges Prime Minister Imran Khan to identify the perpetrators to punish them under the law and offer adequate compensation to the bereaved family. New year begins with sad news as 10 media workers have lost their lives to assailants within four weeks.

Read more on PEC NEWS

24.01.2022. MEXICO. Yet another journalist has been killed in Mexico Lourdes Maldonado Lopez (photo). She worked for different news services, the most important one being Primer Sistema de Noticias (PSN). She was killed in Tijuana Mexico last night, January 23rd, 2022, after arriving home in her car. She was shot at point-blank range in the head in her driveway. She had just won a 9-year lawsuit against her former boss media mogul turned-politician, Baja California State Governor (2018-2021), Jamie Bonilla. It is well-known that Bonilla had threatened Maldonado. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condems this shameful new murder, the third journalist to be killed in Mexico in 2022, and demands a full investigation and the arrest of all those responsible. Maldonado's killing follows that of freelance photojournalist Alfonso Margarito Martínez Esquivel on January 17 in Tijuana, and that of Jose Luis Gamboa - a journalist who founded and edited the Inforegio news website and co-founded and edited the news website La Noticia - on January 10 in Veracruz state.

21.01.2022. MYANMAR. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands the unconditional release of all 45 journalists still behind the bars since 1 February 2021 coup that deposed the democratically elected Aung San Suu Kyi-led government in Naypietaw. Local media outlets in Yangon reported that the Min Aung Hlaing-led military junta has lately arrested two reporters namely Ko Zaw and Ma Moe Myint from Dawei (photo). Along with them, a media employee Ko Thar Gyi, who also works for DaweiWatch Burmese news portal was also detained. Even offices of the media outlet, which primarily covers socio-political events taking place in the southern localities of Myanmar, were also raised by the military personnel and they seized documents as well.

Read more on PEC NEWS

21.01.2022. HOMMAGE A DANIEL FAVRE // TRIBUTE TO DANIEL FAVRE. Le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen (à gauche) et son vice-président Jean-Philippe Jutzi, également président de la section suisse de l'Union de la presse francophone (UPF), ont remis vendredi à Lausanne à la fille de Daniel Favre, Florence Rachez (au centre) une plaque en l'honneur de son père, décédé en novembre 2021. Daniel Favre a été membre fondateur de la PEC en 2004 et son vice-président en charge de la Francophonie jusqu'à son décès (photo pec).

18.01.2022. MEXICO. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of 2 journalists in Mexico. A news photographer was killed in the Mexican border city of Tijuana on Monday. Photographer Margarito Martínez (photo) was well-known for covering the crime scene in violence-plagued Tijuana. He worked for the local news outlet Cadena Noticias, as well as for other national and international media outlets. Another Mexican journalist who criticized local authorities in Veracruz state died, several days after he was found badly wounded. José Luis Gamboa was the director of the online news site Inforegio. He died at a hospital in the state capital on Jan. 10, but his relatives were not informed until Jan. 14. 

10.01. 2022. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of 4 journalists in the 10 first days of January 2022. PEC demands a fair probe into the incidents that led to the death of Chin journalist Pu Tui Dim (photo, 35) by the Burmese military forces. Tui Dim died in the police firing at Matupi locality of Chin State in north-western Myanmar on 9 January 2022. Tui Dim became the fourth journalist to be killed this year after Amady John Wesley and Wilguens Louissaint killed by gang criminals in Port-au-Prince in Haiti and Muratkhan Bazarbayev in Kazakhstan. Employed by Almaty TV, Bazarbayev was part of a team covering protests when the vehicle he was driving came under attack as protesters and security forces clashed. PEC demands justice as well as adequate compensations to the victim families.

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07.01.2022. Nearly 2000 journalists have died with Covid-19 in 94 countries since March 2020 -

Près de 2000 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans 94 pays -  Casi 2000 periodistas murieron por la Covid-19 en 94 países.

Last year, in 2021, at least 1400 media workers

succumbed to the virus, that is to say 116 par month or

some 4 per day on average, announced Friday in Geneva

 the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC). No continent is

spared by the pandemic. Of the 1940 journalists

dead registered by the PEC since March 1, 2020,

Latin America leads with half of the victims, or 955

deaths. Asia follows with 556 dead, ahead of Europe 263,

then Africa 98 and North America  68. After a spike in

deadly infections in the first half of 2021, the death toll slowed in the second half thanks to advances in vaccination.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS (English, French, Spanish and Arabic), list of dead journalists on our page COVID-19

05.01.2022. INDIA. Expressing shock over the repeated incident of targeting women, including many Indian scribes in social media, Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands proper actions against the individuals behind the ‘Bulli Bai’ online application. We urge the Indian federal government in New Delhi to take necessary actions against the perpetrators. Virtual attacks against the journalists are seemingly aimed to discourage them in performing their duties, which can not be accepted (photo: Mumbai police have detained a number of suspects including a young Indian student involved in the case).

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03.01.2022. "En matière de technologies, nous dérivons vers le modèle chinois". Entretien publié sur heidi.news avec Blaise Lempen, secrétaire général de la PEC, sur son livre "La Dictature numérique en marche, société de l'hypersurveillance: un appel à la vigilance". "Nous critiquons à juste titre la Chine pour la surveillance de ses citoyens, son système de crédit social, une forme de goulag électronique. Mais en Occident, nous dérivons lentement vers le modèle chinois", prévient l'auteur.

Lire l'interview sur PEC NEWS

01.01.2022. 2021 marks a decrease of 14% in journo-killings globally // L'année 2021 enregistre une baisse de 14% des meurtres de journalistes dans le monde.

The bygone year witnessed the killing of 79 media employees by assailants in 29 countries marking an improvement in journo-murder index by 14% compared to last year where 92 media workers were killed. PEC has lately confirmed the death of Burmese journalist A Kay Sai (also known as Sai Win Aung, photo) because of serious head injuries by the shell operated by the Myanmar military junta at Maekheewar village of Karen State on 25 December. Sai (38) was trapped in crossfire between the junta forces and KNLA rebels and finally hit by artillery from Tatmadaw.

Read more on PEC NEWS (English and French), CASUALTIES

26.12.2021. AFGHANISTAN.  Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses serious concern over the negative development to Afghan media. Afghanistan emerges most dangerous country for scribes with 12 journo-casualties in 2021. Since the Taliban take over the country in August, it also witnessed the collapse of over 150 print media outlets following new restrictions, thousands of professional journalists lost their jobs. Lately a young reporter Javid Yousufi (photo) was stabbed in Kabul. Other localities like Balk, Takhar and Kunduz also witnessed physical attacks on journalists in the last few days.

16.12.2021. MYANMAR. Burmese photojournalist dies in military custody, PEC deplores - Freelance photojournalist Ko Soe Naing (photo) died lately on 14 December under the Myanmar military custody and thus the young scribe becomes the first media-victims in the country after the 1 February 2021 military coup. He started taking photographs of various anti-military demonstrations. In some occasions, his photographs were also used by a number of outside agencies.

Also in Myanmar, three ethnic Shan journalists along with a civilian were imprisoned for three years by a military court for spreading misinformation about the regime in Naypyidaw. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) deplores the sentences and urges the military junta to respect the freedom of press. Editor Nann Nann Tai (also known as Nann Nway Nway Hlaing), publisher Ko Tin Aung Kyaw and female reporter Nan Win Yi of Kanbawza Tai News (photos) along with Ko Sai Sithu, who were detained by the security forces from Hopong locality of Shan State on 24 March, continued to be in Nyaungshwe prison and incidentally the verdict came on Human Rights Day.

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10.12.2021. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange can be extradited from the UK to the US, the High Court has ruled. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is appalled by the decision of the british justice. Julian Assange (photo, leaving court in 2020) is sentenced to more months of imprisonment and uncertainty, it is an unbearable physical and psychological torture, lamented the PEC.

The US won today its appeal against a January UK court ruling that he could not be extradited due to concerns over his mental health. Judges were reassured by US promises to reduce the risk of suicide and ordered the case must return to Westminster Magistrates' Court for a district judge to formally send it to Home Secretary Priti Patel. Mr Assange is wanted in the US over the publication of thousands of classified documents in 2010 and 2011. For the past two years and a half, Julian Assange (50) has remained in Belmarsh prison, and he has been detained since 7 December 2010 for 11 years after going into hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The right of journalists to publish material that governments and corporations find embarrassing is threatened by this legal relentlessness. PEC still hopes that the Australian can return to his country as soon as possible.

09.12.2021. PEC annual report. Afghanistan and Mexico most dangerous countries in 2021 for journalists

Afghanistan and Mexico are the most dangerous countries for media work this year, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said in its annual report in Geneva on Thursday in view of Human Rights Day. Since January, 77 media workers have been killed in 28 countries around the world.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS in English, French, Spanish and Arabic -

list of victims on CASUALTIES

Of the 77 journalists murdered, 29 were in war zones (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, DRC, Ethiopia, Gaza, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen). 62% wew killed outside conflict zones, by criminal gangs. Terrorist groups were responsible of at least 20 murders (Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen), an increase compared to previous years.

07.12.2021. MYANMAR. PEC demands unconditional release of all Myanmar journalists. Lately the PEC expresses serious concern over a recent intentional attack on anti-junta protesters that left many seriously wounded including a female journalist Ma Hmu Yandanar Khet Moh Moh Tun (photo) who was on duty at that moment in the Yangon city and still remains in critical condition. It’s already a grave situation in Myanmar and following the imprisonment of pro-democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi by the military court in NayPieTaw the situation may deteriorate more.

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30.11.2021. The PEC Award 2021 goes to Indian Journalist Nava Thakuria

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) rewards Indian journalist Nava Thakuria for his relentless initiatives to safeguard the rights of media persons in the south Asian country and defending the press freedom in the region with an exemplary commitment. Last year, a record number of 15 journalists were killed in India and six more this year. The PEC award also wants to pay tribute to some 300 journalists who died throughout India with Covid-19 complications (on the picture Nava Thakuria, far right, during a demonstration with other media workers).

Read the PEC press release, speeches, bio on our page PEC AWARD

21.11.2021. SOMALIA. Journalists again among the prime targets of terrorist groups. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns in the strongest terms possible the targeted killing of the state-owned Radio Mogadishu journalist and director, Abdiaziz Mohamud Guled (popularly known as Abdiaziz Africa, photo) and the injuries of two other colleagues in Mogadishu, on Saturday night 20 November. The prominent Somali journalist who was a critic of the al-Shabab armed group was killed by a suicide bomber as he was leaving a restaurant in the capital, Mogadishu, relatives and officials said. Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the blast. He became the second journalist murdered in Somalia this year. On 1 March, gunmen shot dead independent journalist, Jamal Farah Adan in Galkayo. Those responsible must be held accountable.

20.11.2021. La PEC est heureuse d’accueillir un nouveau membre dans son comité directeur. Jean-Philippe Jutzi (photo) remplace notre vice-président décédé le 7 novembre dernier Daniel Favre, membre fondateur de la PEC en 2004. Actuel président de la section suisse de l’Union internationale de la presse francophone (UPF), Jean-Philippe (66 ans) a été journaliste dans plusieurs journaux suisses de 1982 à 2003 (La Liberté, Le Matin, 24 Heures), avant de devenir le porte-parole de l’Aide humanitaire suisse de 2003 à 2005, puis le chef adjoint de la communication de la DDC (Coopération au développement) (2006-2008), et le porte-parole du chef du Département fédéral des Affaires étrangères (DFAE) en 2008 et 2009. De 2010 à 2013, il a été chargé des Affaires culturelles au DFAE et membre de Présence Suisse avant de devenir conseiller culturel à l’ambassade de Suisse en France (2013 à 2016) et chef de la section médias et culture à l’ambassade de Suisse à Pékin à partir de 2016 avant de prendre sa retraite en 2020.

 «Sa vaste expérience comme journaliste et diplomate à la fois en Suisse et à l’étranger sera certainement très utile au sein du comité directeur de la PEC pour renforcer notre travail de protection des journalistes à travers le monde», a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. // 20.11.2021. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is pleased to welcome a new member to its steering committee. Jean-Philippe Jutzi (photo) replaces our vice-president who died on November 7, Daniel Favre, founding member of the PEC in 2004. Current president of the Swiss section of the International Union of the Francophone Press (UPF), Jean-Philippe (66) was a journalist in several Swiss newspapers from 1982 to 2003 (La Liberté, Le Matin, 24 Heures), before becoming the spokesperson for the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit from 2003 to 2005, then the deputy head of communication of the SDC (Swiss Development Cooperation Agency) (2006-2008), and the spokesperson for the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) in 2008 and 2009. From 2010 to 2013, he was in charge of Cultural Affairs at the FDFA and member of Présence Suisse before becoming cultural advisor at the Swiss Embassy in France (2013 to 2016) and head of the section media and culture at the Swiss Embassy in Beijing before retiring in 2020. “His vast experience as both a journalist and diplomat in Switzerland and abroad will certainly be very useful within the Steering Committee of the PEC in strengthening our work to protect journalists around the world, ” said General Secretary of the PEC Blaise Lempen.

14.11.2021. AFGHANISTAN. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to learn that another journalist has been killed in Afghanistan. Hamid Saighani (photo) was killed in yesterday's explosion in Kabul. His wife Fawzia Wahdat, also a journalist, confirmed the heart-breaking news. Saighani used to work with Khurahid and Aryana News. It is the 12th journalist to be killed since the beginning of 2021 in the war-torn country, according to PEC casualties.

Meanwhile, in INDIA, a 22 years old journalist and Right to Information (RTI) activist named Buddhinath Jha (also known as Avinash Jha, photo) was found dead in Madhubani district of Bihar in eastern India. Buddhinath used to report on many fake medical clinics operating in his locality He is the sixth journalist killed this year in India.

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13.11.2021. MYANMAR. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expressed its dismay over the 11-year imprisonment of American journalist Danny Fenster (photo) by the military junta of Myanmar (also known as Burma) and demanded his immediate and unconditional release by the military dictators in Naypietaw. Nearly 50 journalists are behind bars in Myanmar.

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12.11.2021. Le comité de la PEC a appris avec tristesse le décès, dimanche 7 novembre 2021 à Lausanne, de l’un de ses membres fondateurs, Daniel Favre (photo), à l’âge de 82 ans // The PEC committee learned with sadness of the death, Sunday November 7, 2021 in Lausanne, of one of its founding members, Daniel Favre, at the age of 82.

Lire notre hommage sur PEC NEWS// Read more on PEC NEWS

11.11.2021. PAKISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is shocked by the killing of two media activists in one week in Pakistan. Pakistan loses one more socially responsible media activist Muhammad Zada (photo) killed by two gunmen on 8 November at his residence in Sakhakot area of Malakand locality in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Nazim Samwal Jokhio, a videographer in western Sindh province, was killed on 4 November. Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa authorities must take the brutal murder of Nazim Samwal Jokhio and Muhammad Zada seriously and assure that the culprits will not enjoy impunity.

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10.11.2021. YEMEN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the killing of a Yemeni journalist and her child in an explosion that targeted her family’s vehicle Tuesday in Yemen’s southern city of Aden. The explosion took place in Aden’s neighborhood of Khormaksar when Rasha Abdalla (photo, with her husband and her first child) and her family were heading to a doctor, officials said. Abdalla, who works for the United Arab Emirates-based Asharq satellite television channel, was pregnant. Her husband Mahmoud al-Attomy, also a journalist, was seriously wounded and hospitalized in critical condition. It is the third journalist to be killed in Yemen in one month and the fourth this year. On October 10, two yemeni journalists were killed in an explosion targeting the governor of Aden. Perpetrators must be brought to justice. The war since 2015 in Yemen spawned the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

08.11.2021. UNITED NATIONS. Civil society participation at UN Human Rights Council cannot be an afterthought.

Civic space conditions are declining under the pretext of Covid-19. These measures have been instrumentalised by some delegations. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins other organisations in recommending the maintenance of the option of remote participation in all debates. Read the open letter on PEC NEWS

05.11.2021. NUMERIQUE ET LIBERTES. Une évolution très rapide et incontrôlée des technologies de l'information et de la communication a eu lieu ces dernières années. Les milliards de capteurs déployés dans notre environnement, nos confidences sur les réseaux sociaux et les smartphones, les logiciels de pistage sur les ordinateurs, les capacités de traitement des données de l’intelligence artificielle se conjuguent pour créer une société de l’hypersurveillance. Dans son nouveau livre, "La Dictature numérique en marche - société de l'hypersurveillance: un appel à la vigilance", Blaise Lempen, journaliste, secrétaire général de la PEC, sonne l’alarme. Un débat est indispensable sur le développement de techniques invasives de manipulation des comportements et des pensées. L’avenir de la démocratie est en jeu. Le totalitarisme high-tech n’a rien d’inéluctable, à condition de percevoir la menace. L’auteur lance un appel à la vigilance, essentielle pour préserver nos libertés. Il évoque des pistes pour maîtriser la civilisation numérique en gestation : droit à la déconnexion, sobriété numérique, réglementation de la reconnaissance faciale, démantèlement des géants de la Tech.

To mark the United Nations International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on 2 November 2021, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands governments to bring those who threaten journalists to justice. According to PEC figures, at least 66 journalists have been killed so far this year (2 more than last year in 10 months). Mexico and Afghanistan remain the most dangerous countries for journalism. "There is no progress for the safety of media workers and killers of journalists still get away with murder. No crime must go unpunished", stressed PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen. No one has been held to account in 81% of journalist murders during the last 10 years, CPJ’s 2021 Global Impunity Index has found. Two journalists were killed in Mexico in the last three days. On Thursday, Mexican journalist Fredy López Arévalo (photo) was shot dead outside his home in San Cristobal de las Casas in the state of Chiapas. Lopez, who was a correspondent for El Universal in Guatemala in the 1990s, worked for the Central American magazine Panorama and was in charge of the Notimex office in Chiapas. He also was head of information in the newspaper Novedades and published articles in the magazine Proceso. On October 31, in Acapulco, photojournalist Alfredo Cardoso died from his wounds. PEC strongly condemns those new cowardly murders which brings the total figure for Mexico to 10 journalists killed since January.


PEC endorses demand of Cambodian civil society organizations (CSO) on the occasion of ‘International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists’ for ensuring safety to working journalists in the south-east Asian country and urged the Cambodian government in Phnom Penh to allow the media
persons to perform their duties without any fear and trepidations. According to a group of CSOs, the incidents of persecution against journalists are increasing while over 80 media persons were targeted in 2021 till date. Among them over 30 were arrested, 20 subjected to violence, 8 faced judicial harassment
(photo: demonstration in Cambodia for the Day to End Impunity)

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08.10.2021. NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. The Press Emblem Campaign warmly congratulates journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov (photo) who have won the Nobel Peace Prize for their fights to defend freedom of expression in the Philippines and Russia. « PEC welcomes the choice of the Nobel committee on the very day of the 15th anniversary of Anna Politkovskaya’ murder. It is a posthumous tribute and an encouragement for all journalists and organizations fighting for press freedom and against impunity », said PEC General Secretary Blaise Lempen.

Ms Ressa, who co-founded the news site Rappler in 2012 , openly critical of President Rodrigo Duterte, was commended for using freedom of expression to "expose abuse of power, use of violence and growing authoritarianism in the Philippines". The Nobel committee said Mr Muratov, the co-founder and editor of independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta, had for decades defended freedom of speech in Russia under increasingly challenging conditions. Six of its reporters, including Anna Politkovskaya, have been murdered because of their journalistic work. October 7, 2021 marks 15 years since journalist and human rights defender Anna Politkovskaya was killed in Moscow for her brave work bringing to light human rights abuses in the conflict in Chechnya. The PEC again urges that all of those involved in her murder be identified and held accountable for their crimes.

06.10.2021. CAMBODIA. PEC insists on fair trial to convicted Cambodian journalist Youn Chhiv (photo).  The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expressed serious concern over the imprisonment of a Cambodian journalist without the fair trial and urged the government led by Prime minister Hun Sen to help Youn Chhiv defending his position in the legal courses of action.

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05.10.2021. INDIA. PEC demands authentic probe into killing of Indian scribe Raman Kashyap.
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condoles the demise of young television scribe
Raman Kashyap (photo) at Lakhimpur Kheri locality of Uttar Pradesh in central India and demands an authentic probe into the incident that led to killing of the rural reporter on 3 October 2021. Raman Kashyap is the 59th journalist killed so far in 2021 across the globe and the 4th in India.

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04.10.2021. AFGHANISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) laments the shrinking space for press freedom and collapse of media fraternity in Afghanistan

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Geneva based global media rights body, laments over missing of newspapers from the stands across Afghanistan as most of the media managements shifted to online space after the arrival of Taliban forces in the capital city of Kabul. Expressing serious concern on the growing security threats for
professional journalists in the southeast Asian country, the PEC calls upon the United Nations and the international community to urge the new government in Kabul to respect press freedom and the safety of journalists. On October 2, Afghan journalist Sayyed Marof Saadat was killed in a shooting incident in Nangarhar province. It brings to 11 the number of media workers killed this year in Afghanistan
(photo: a recent demonstration of women in Kabul brutally interrupted by the Taliban - for female journalists, the work is more and more difficult)

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28.09.2021. MEXICO. Otro asesinato de un periodista en México, el séptimo desde principios de año.

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condena este nuevo asesinato y pide a las autoridades que realicen una investigación completa y que lleven ante la justicia a los responsables de la ejecución del periodista Manuel González Reyes (photo) en Cuernavaca, en el estado mexicano de Morelos. La encuesta debe considerar la labor periodística como uno de los motivos del asesinato. México es el pais más violento del mundo para el gremio periodístico y cada año se registran numerosos asesinatos y asaltos contra la prensa por parte del crimen organizado y de autoridades. Manuel González Reyes es el séptimo periodista asesinado en México en 2021.

17.09.2021. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 48th session. MYANMAR. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) urges UNHRC to demand the release of all Burmese journalists.

Expressing concern over the recent arrest of three more journalists by the military rulers of Myanmar, the Switzerland based global media rights body Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls upon the UN Human Rights Council meeting now in progress at Geneva to condemn the military junta and initiate for release of over 50 scribes along with a large number of political prisoners (photo: Mizzima News former editor-in-chief Myo Thant was arrested on 15 Septermber).

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07.09.2021. AFGHANISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to hear of the death of Fahim Dashti (photo), the spokesperson of Resistance Front in Afghanistan’s northeastern province of Panjshir, who was killed in fighting in the province on Sunday. Dashti was the editor of Kabul Weekly and a member of the Federation of Afghan Journalists. When Taliban invaded Afghanistan, he joined the resistance. The death of Fashim Dashti brings to 10 the number of media workers killed this year in Afghanistan since January, making it the most dangerous country in the world for journalists. The PEC calls on the country's new authorities to ensure the safety of journalists and to respect press freedom.

The Taliban must immediately cease detaining journalists, end the use of violence and beating against them, preventing them from filming, and allow the media to operate freely, added the PEC. In the last few days, the Taliban briefly detained at least 14 journalists covering protests in Kabul, according to reports.

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03.09.2021. THE LIST OF JOURNALISTS DEAD FROM COVID-19 IS GROWING. More than 1,788 media workers have succumbed to the virus in 80 countries in the 18 months since the start of the pandemic, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced Thursday in Geneva. During the months of July and August, at least 117 more journalists died from the coronavirus, or nearly 2 a day. Given the new variants, the PEC warns that the number of journalists who have died from Covid-19 is likely to reach the 2,000 mark by the end of the year. The average age of victims is now younger.

Read the PEC press release in English, French, Spanish and Arabic on PEC NEWS - list of victims on our page COVID-19

28.08.2021. AFGHANISTAN. Two journalists were among the casualties of the Kabul airport blast :

Alireza Ahmadi (left), a reporter for the Raha News Agency, and Najma Sadeqi (right), a presenter at Jahan-e-Sehat TV channel, according to the AFJC (Afghanistan Journalists' Center), were killed in the suicide attack on August 26 that also claimed the lives of more than 180 people including 13 US military personnel amid a chaotic evacuation effort. The Afghan affiliate of the ISIL (ISIS), known as the Islamic State Khorasan Province, ISKP (ISIS-K), claimed responsibility for the attack. The Press Emblem Campaign strongly condemns the attack and is saddened at the deaths of yet two more journalists in Afghanistan. The Kabul’s airport deaths bring to 9 the number of media workers killed this year in Afghanistan since January, making it the most dangerous country in the world for journalists. The PEC renews its concern to the safety of journalists at this critical juncture and urges the international community to evacuate all journalists and NGOs members at risks who want to leave the country, before it's too late.

21.08.2021. MYANMAR. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Switzerland based global media rights body, expresses serious concern over the continued harassments to journalists and media workers in Myanmar by the Burmese junta

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15.08.2021. AFGHANISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is very concerned by the rapidly changing situation in Afghanistan. Over the past 20 years, independent media has proliferated in Afghanistan. As the Taliban are gaining power across the country, journalists are coming under increasing attack. Those who defy the Taliban face threats, pressure, kidnapping and murder. Female journalists are at greater risk due to their public role.

The PEC is gravely concerned about the wellbeing of local journalists as well as journalists reporting for international media. Seven journalists and media workers including four women have already lost their lives in 2021. Suspected Taliban fighters killed Toofan Omari (photo) a manager of the privately-owned media center Paktia Ghag in Deh Sabz district in Kabul on Sunday 8 August and kidnapped Nematullah Hemmat, a journalist in southern Helmand province.

The PEC calls on all governments to ensure the protection of courageous journalists who continue to do their work in Afghanistan. The Taliban must respect press freedom and journalists’ safety if they want to give a positive image to the world.

13.08.2021. INDIA. SECOND JOURNALIST KILLED IN ONE WEEK. Expressing shock at the mysterious death of a television scribe in Bihar, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands an authentic probe into the incidents that led to Manish Kumar Singh’s untimely demise so that the probable culprits can be punished under the law. He is the second journalist killed this week in the populous country, the fourth this year.

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10.08.2021. INDIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses shock at the murder of young journalist Ch. Keshav (photo) in Andhra Pradesh of central India and demanded a thorough probe into the incidents which led to his death, so that the culprits can be booked under the law. He is the third journalist to be killed in India this year, the 45th worldwide.

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08.08.2021. AFGHANISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the targeted killing of the director of Afghanistan's media and information centre Dawa Khan Menapal (photo), assassinated by Taliban militants in Kabul on Friday. The Taliban said he had been "punished for his deeds". The PEC is very worried by the deterioration of press freedom in Afghanistan as journalists have come under increasing threat, in a bid by the Taliban to silence voices of dissent in the war-torn country. The PEC welcomes recent announcements by Britain and the United States to offer refuge to Afghan journalists who worked with British and US-based media outlets and are under threat from the Taliban.

05.08.2021. MYANMAR 6 MONTHS AFTER THE COUP - The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands relief to journalists, political prisoners. As the pandemic claims many victims in the country, it is of the utmost importance that journalists be able to inform freely about the evolution of the disease (photo: Thin Thin Aung arrested by the military)

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30.07.2021. MALTA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the conclusions of a 437-page inquiry into the October 2017 assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia (photo). The report said the state of Malta should shoulder responsibility for her death. It concluded that a culture of impunity was created from the highest echelons of power and singled out former prime minister Joseph Muscat (who resigned in January 2020 amid allegations that his right-hand man Keith Schembri was involved in the murder) for enabling this culture of impunity. It found his entire cabinet collectiverly responsible for their inaction in the lead up to the assassination. The board said all the evidence heard throughout the inquiry led to a conviction that Caruana Galizia's assassination was either intrinsically or directly linked to her investigative work.

"This long-awaited report is an important milestone in the fight against the culture of impunity. We call on all governments around the world to draw the lessons of this inquiry in order to better protect the work of journalists. We fully support the recommendations of the inquiry board. Anyone involved must be held accountable. We once again congratulate Daphne's family for its courage and perseverance in shedding light on this shameful crime", said PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.

Read more on our page END IMPUNITY

16.07.2021. AFGHANISTAN. Very sad news: Indian photojournalist Danish Siddiqui (photo) was killed in Afghanistan clashes. On July 13, the Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist was travelling with the Afghan Special Forces when the Taliban attacked near Kandahar. Reuters India chief photographer Danish Siddiqui was killed on Friday in crossfire while reporting about clashes, according to the news agency.

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the brutal killing of Danish Siddiqui, the sixth journalist killed in Afghanistan since the start of this year. Our thoughts are with his family and his colleagues. The PEC demands Afghan authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the killing and calls on all parties to the conflict to guarantee the protection of journalists in the current transition period.

15.07.2021. NETHERLANDS. Dutch reporter Peter R. de Vries dies after being shot last week in Amsterdam (photo: where the journalist has been attacked July 6). The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply dismayed. De Vries had been fighting for his life in an Amsterdam hospital since the attack. Authorities in the Netherlands must ensure that those responsible for this heinous killing and those who ordered the crime are held to account. De Vries, 64, was a reporter who covered crime, and was on an “underworld hit list” due to his work as an adviser in a drug prosecution. Police have detained two suspects in the killing, according to news reports. "This despicable murder illustrates the dangers faced by journalists investigating criminal organizations in Europe after the killings of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta in October 2017, Jan Kuciak in Slovakia in February 2018 and Giorgios Karaivaz in April 2021 in Greece. Impunity must not prevail", stressed the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.

07.07.2021. NETHERLANDS. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is shocked by the attack on journalist Peter de Vries (photo) yesterday in the Netherlands. Those responsible must be brought to justice. Enough is enough after the killings in Europe in Malta, Slovakia and Greece. Dutch crime reporter Peter de Vries, known for his work in exposing the criminal underworld, has been shot and seriously wounded on a street in Amsterdam. Three suspects were detained, including the possible gunmen, police said, without providing details.

06.07.2021. 35 journalists killed in first six months of 2021 - At least 1580 journalists dead from Covid-19

In the first six months of the year, 35 journalists were killed in 21 countries around the world, the Emblem Campaign Press (PEC) reported on Tuesday. Afghanistan was the most dangerous country with five journalists killed. The casualty figure is stable compared to the previous year (photo: the most recent victim Diego Charles, killed on 30 June in Port-au-Prince)

The Covid-19 pandemic also continues to claim many victims among media workers. Since March 2020, the PEC has identified more than 1580 journalists dead from Covid-19 in 78 countries. The number of victims slowed during the month of June, especially in India, with around 60 dead, compared to more than 200 in the world in May. Latin America witnessed the highest casualties, with more than half of the victims.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS (English, French, Spanish and Arabic) - consult our page CASUALTIES for the journalists killed and our page COVID-19 for journalists dead from Covid-19

24.06.2021. MEXICO. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of two journalists in one week in Mexico. Gustavo Sánchez Cabrera (photo), director of the digital newspaper Noticias Minuto a Minuto, was shot dead on 17 June in Mexico’s state of Oaxaca. Sánchez Cabrera had received violent threats in the past and had survived an armed attack in July 2020. Saul Tijerina Rentería, La Voz de Coahuila, was shot dead in Ciudad Acuna, June 23. The PEC urges a thorough investigation into those killings.

10.06.2021. Why so many journalists are dying from Covid-19 in Brazil?

Amidst layoffs, income cuts, loss of private healthcare, precarious employment, lack of social protection, unsatisfactory or dangerous working and sanitation conditions, Brazil has reached the sad mark of more than 200 media workers killed by Covid-19 infection. In comparison to the general population, the casualties’ rate has been the triple among journalists in the South American nation (photo: a press conference in Rio)

Read on PEC NEWS the article of the PEC Representative in Brazil

07.06.2021. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced in Geneva on

Monday that the pandemic has claimed the lives of more than 1,500

journalists in 77 countries around the world. We deplore a record number

of deaths in May, more than 200 in one month. According to the PEC tally,

media in India have paid the heaviest price for the novel corona virus, with at

least 246 deaths since March 2020. Brazil follows India closely with 239

journalists who died from the corona virus, ahead of Peru 163 and Mexico 112.

Read on PEC NEWS the PEC press release in English, French, Spanish and Arabic - list of victims on COVID-19

05.06.2021. Myanmar Military Intensifies Crackdown on Journalists: The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands unconditional release of all scribes in Myanmar. At least 85 journalists were arrested in the last four months where over 50 scribes are still behind the bars as they are facing a newly revised law on spreading wrong information. Lately two reporters namely Ko Aung Kyaw (associated with Democratic Voice of Burma) and Ko Zaw Zaw (photo, working for Mizzima media group) were imprisoned by a military court for two years because of their coverages on public unrests.

Read the article of the PEC Representative for South Asia on PEC NEWS

04.06.2021. THE GENEVA CALL TO FREE JULIAN ASSANGE // APPEL DE GENEVE A LIBERER JULIAN ASSANGE. On the occasion of a press conference and the inauguration of the statues of David Dormino in Geneva, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) signed the Geneva call to free Julian Assange and launched an urgent appeal to the new United States administration and to President Joe Biden to rescind their request for extradition to the United States and to authorize the British judicial system to free Julian Assange immediately, for humanitarian reasons. It is time to close this case, which has already gone on far too long, and to allow Julian Assange to join his family and return to his country.

Photo pec: the statues of Snowden, Assange and Manning in Geneva

Read on PEC NEWS the appeal launched by the PEC (English and French) and the Geneva call to free Julian Assange open for signature (English and French)

Speakers at the press conference in Geneva for the launch of the Geneva call:

Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture 

Stella Morris, Julian Assange's fiancée 

Frédérique Perler, Mayor of Geneva 

Yves Daccord, Director General of the ICRC (2010 - 2020)

Carlo Sommaruga, State Councillor, Swiss Parliament 

Antoine Vey, Julian Assange's attorney 

Christophe Deloire, director general, Reporters Without Borders

Jean Rossiaud, former geneva parliamentarian, initiator of the Swiss visa idea for Assange,

Blaise Lempen, secretary general, Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) 

John Rees, British author, activist 

Davide Dormino, sculptor (AnythingToSay?), member of DiEM25 

Sarah Ducret, Association des Usagers des Bains des Pâquis.

01.06.2021. INDIA. The Press Emblem Campaign, the Switzerland based international media rights and safety body, appreciates the initiative of Indian federal government along with many province authorities for sanctioning financial assistances to the families of Covid-19 victims among journalists, as India continues to be a worst affected country with the highest number of scribes dying of novel corona virus infection aggravated aliments.

Read the article of Nava Thakuria on PEC NEWS

23.05.2021. BELARUS. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the hijacking of a Ryanair plane to arrest Raman Pratasevich (photo of the video after his arrest in Minsk), a prominent journalist and opponent of Belarus’s president Alexander Lukashenko. "This operation of banditry and state terrorism is another escalation in the repression of independent media in Belarus", said PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen. "We demand the immediate release of the journalist and his girl friend arrested by illegal means", he added.

A spokesman in Minsk said President Lukashenko personally ordered that a MiG-29 fighter jet accompany the plane – which was travelling from Athens to Vilnius in Lithuania – to an airport in Minsk. Mr Pratasevich is a co-founder of the Telegram messaging app’s Nexta channel, which Belarus last year declared as extremist after it was used to help organise major protests against Mr Lukashenko. Mr Pratasevich, who had fled the country for Poland, faces charges that could carry a prison sentence of up to 15 years. Exiled opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya called on the International Civil Aviation Organisation to begin an investigation. “It is absolutely obvious that this is an operation by the special services to hijack an aircraft in order to detain activist and blogger Raman Pratasevich,” she said. Belarus continued to take action against the opposition and independent news media. Last week, 11 staff members of the TUT.by news website were detained by police. The PEC asks the democratic countries to sanction the illegal methods of the authoritarian regime.

23.05.2021. MALI. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins other media and associations to demand the release of French journalist Olivier Dubois (photo), after French Foreign Affairs minister Jean-Yves Le Drian confirmed on Sunday that he was probably taken hostage by Islamist militants in West Africa's Sahel region. He disappeared on 8 April in Mali's northern city of Gao and then appeared on 5 May in a video appealing to authorities to do everything they can to free him from the JNIM (al Qaeda North Africa) holding him. The Sahel is one of the world’s most dangerous regions for journalists. Two Spanish journalists, David Beriain and Roberto Fraile, were killed on 26 April in neighbouring Burkina Faso #FreeOlivierDubois already detained since 45 days

18.05.2021. PEC press release: India has overtaken Brazil in the number of journalists dead from Covid-19, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced in Geneva on Tuesday. At least 1,356 journalists have died in 76 countries from the coronavirus since March 2020. India has just passed the milestone of 200 journalists dead from Covid-19, just ahead of Brazil (194). In India, 68 journalists have died from Covid since the beginning of May, an average of four a day, a majority of them in their 40s or 50s.

Read the PEC press release in English, French and Spanish on PEC NEWS, list of victims on Covid-19

para português (Brasil) leia:


15.05.2021. ISRAEL/GAZA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) urges the United Nations to call for an international investigation on the destruction by the Israeli defence forces of a building housing the offices of the Associated Press and Al Jazeera Network in Gaza (photo). Even if media staff working in the building have been evacuated following a warning by the Israeli forces, media offices are protected under international law. The targeting of news organisations is completely forbidden and represents a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions. The PEC condemns this war crime, the second attack in one week on media offices.

13.05.2021. ISRAEL/GAZA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the targeting of media offices in Gaza city by the Israeli forces. The offices of 13 media organisations in Al-Jawhara tower were destroyed in the bombing of the Israeli warplanes on the night of 11 May. There were no injuries as journalists evacuated their offices after the Israeli army warned some of the media that the building would be bombed. However media organisations lost their equipment. On 13 May, an Israeli airstrike destroyed Gaza City’s Al-Shorouk Tower, a 14-storey building that housed seven media outlets. The Israel Defence Forces said they were “striking Hamas weapons stores hidden inside civilian buildings in Gaza.” The PEC suspects an Israeli attempt to silence Palestinian media.

According to UN Security Council Resolution 2222 adopted in May 2015 on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, media offices must be protected. The UN resolution «recalls that media equipment and installations constitute civilian objects, and in this respect shall not be the object of attack or of reprisals, unless they are military objectives», and «calls upon Member States to create and maintain, in law and in practice, a safe and enabling environment for journalists, media professionals and associated personnel to perform their work independently and without undue interference in situations of armed conflict». The PEC urges all the belligerents to respect their international obligations.

12.05.2021. Globally over 1300 journalists died of Covid-19, India loses 40 in last 10 days

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to kill working journalists around the world, where the global tally reaches at least 1302 victims in 76 countries till 11 May 2021. Brazil with 191 journo-casualties because of novel corona virus infection aggravated ailments still tops the list of victims among journalists narrowly followed by India (173 dead). In the south Asian country, at least 40 journalists died of Covid-19 complications in the last 10 days.

Read more on PEC NEWS, COVID-19

05.05.2021. INDIA. India is now losing four journalists every day and emerges as the second most Covid-19 affected nation in the world with at least 141 journalists dead from coronavirus while the global toll reaches 1248 scribes in 75 countries due to corona complications since March 2020.

Read more on PEC NEWS, COVID-19


29.04.2021. The Covid-19 pandemic had a devastating impact

on the media. The human cost of the pandemic is very high:

more than 1,200 journalists have died from the novel coronavirus

since March 2020 in 75 countries.

The situation is particularly  alarming in India: in the past two weeks,

at least 50 journalists have succumbed to the virus, 3,5 per day.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS

(English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic)


list of victims on our page Covid-19

27.04.2021. BURKINA FASO. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the murder of two Spanish journalists and one Irish citizen on Monday in Burkina Faso. David Beriain and Roberto Fraile (photo) were in the Pama area of the country, making a documentary on poaching in the region. The area is a dangerous one, where terrorist groups, poachers, bandits and jihadists operate. The journalists were embedded in a patrol of some 40 Burkinabe anti-poaching troops, which was attacked by armed individuals. The PEC sends its condolences to the families of the victims. Authorities in Burkina Faso must ensure that those responsible are found and brought to justice.

26.04.2021. INDIA. Now it's alarming for Indian journalists, loses 107 scribes to Covid-19, 45 in two weeks

Read more on PEC NEWS, Covid-19

26.04.2021. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Press Emblem Campaign is shocked by the murder of a young journalist in Kansas City. Aviva Okeson-Haberman (photo), a KCUR reporter, has died after suffering a gunshot wound in her Kansas City apartment. She was 24.

Aviva joined the radio KCUR in June 2019 as the Missouri politics and government reporter. In her nearly two years at KCUR, Aviva covered a host of issues, ranging from corruption in Clay County and medical marijuana to the conflicting pandemic restrictions in differing Kansas City area cities and inequities in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. The PEC calls for a full investigation of this tragic incident. Homicides in Kansas City have increased in the last few years, mostly due to gun violence.

Read more on: https://www.kcur.org/news/2021-04-25/kcur-reporter-and-beloved-colleague-aviva-okeson-haberman

24.04.2021. INDIA. DRAMATIC RISE IN NUMBER OF JOURNALISTS DEAD. India rapidly losing scribes to Covid-19, global tally reaches 1180 - India is fast losing working journalists to Covid-19 and crosses 100 mark till date where the global tally hits 1180 scribes in 76 countries. The country lately starts losing around three journalists every day.

Read more on PEC NEWS, COVID-19

22.04.2021. MYANMAR/BURMA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls for the unconditional release of all journalists in Myanmar. "The arrested journalists face sedition laws under section 505 (a) of Myanmar penal code that may put them behind the bars for around three years. The military authority run Myanmar Radio and Television continues to broadcast the name of wanted journalists under the specified rules, which is appalling,” said PEC general secretary Blaise Lempen. Over 65 journalists performing their job were arrested/detained since the military coup on 1 February.

Read more on PEC NEWS

17.04.2021. INDIA. More scribes dying of Covid-19 in South Asia, PEC urges preparedness

As more journalists are falling preys to Covid-19 in south Asian nations (India and Bangladesh), the Switzerland based media rights and safety body Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) urges for preparedness among media persons as they have to continue playing the role of corona warriors after the doctors, nurses, sanitation workers.

Read the article of the PEC Representative on PEC NEWS

13.04.2021. PEC press release. More than a thousand journalists have died from Covid-19 around the world // Comunicado de prensa de la PEC. Más de mil periodistas han muerto por la Covid-19 en todo el mundo // Communiqué de presse PEC. Plus d’un millier de journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans le monde

Read the PEC press release (English, Spanish, French and Arabic) on PEC NEWS

12.04.2021. Impact on the safety and work of journalists of the measures that Governments have taken to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. PEC submission to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights - Impact sur la sécurité et le travail des journalistes des mesures prises par les Gouvernements pour répondre à la pandémie du Covid-19. Contribution de la PEC pour le Bureau du Haut-Commissariat de l’ONU aux droits de l’Homme

Read the PEC submission on PEC NEWS (English and French)

09.04.2021. GREECE. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is appalled by the murder of journalist Giorgios Karaivaz (photo), shot dead on April 9 near his home in Athens. The PEC urged the authorities to fully investigate this cold-blooded murder. Giorgios Karaivaz was the founder and owner of bloko.gr and one of Greece's most well-known crime reporters. It is the second murder of a journalist in Greece since 2010. It sadly reminds us of the killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta and Jan Kuciak in Slovakia. All light must be shed on this despicable murder.

01.04.2021. Indian scribe died of Covid-19, The global tally of novel coronavirus infected individuals among journalists has reached 970 in 72 countries, PEC urges for alertness

Read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS

29.03.2020. MYANMAR. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the release of Associated Press journalist Thein Zaw (photo). He has been released from detention in Myanmar three weeks after he was arrested on February 27 for covering a protest against the country’s military coup. Thein Zaw told the Associated Press by phone following a court hearing on Wednesday that all charges had been dropped because he was doing his job at the time of his arrest. The PEC is relieved that Thein Zaw has been freed from prison, but additional journalists there remain detained. We urge Myanmar to release all journalists and allow them to report freely and safely on what is happening inside the country. We strongly condemn the increasing violence, restrictions on Internet access, on publication and broadcasting by media outlets in the country.

Read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS

12.03.2021. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 46th session. Item 4 General Debate. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC): The PEC is concerned by the deterioration of the safety of journalists in Belarus, Myanmar and Afghanistan, and calls for the release of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS

10.03.2021. PEC joins call for the UN Security Council to act against the killing of journalists in Afghanistan.

The Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) with the suport of the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) and 39 other civil society organizations from around the globe, in a letter to the UNSC and UNAMA, highlights the wave of journalists’ killings in Afghanistan and urges them to stand in solidarity with the Afghan journalists to help ensure their safety and media freedom given the role they play in a peaceful and democratic transition during and after the ongoing peace negotiations.

Read the letter to the UN Security Coucil and UNAMA on PEC NEWS

04.03.2021. COVID-19. In one year, at least 840 journalists died from Covid-19 in 68 countries, more than 2 per day on average, the heaviest toll in the media community since World War II.

Read the PEC press release in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic on PEC NEWS - list of fatalities on our page COVID-19

UPDATE 10.03.2021. Read the article on the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN):


02.03.2021. AFGHANISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the killing of three female workers of the Enikas TV network in the eastern Jalalabad city, capital of the Nangarhar province on Tuesday. "They were going home from the office on foot when they were shot in two separate attacks in Qasaba and Arabzai areas of the city," Zalmai Latifi, the director at Enikas TV said. According to the network director, Mursal Waheedi, Saadia Sadat, and Shahnaz Raoufi (photo) all three employees worked in the dubbing department for the broadcaster.

The PEC is outraged at these brutal killings and expects these heinous crimes to be investigated and perpetrators brought to justice. According to PEC data, 11 journalists and media workers have been killed in Afghanistan since the peace deal was signed between the United States and the Taliban in February 2020. Most of these journalists were deliberately targeted for their work, which underscores the lack of effective protection in the country, specially for female journalists (18 female journalists killed in Afghanistan since 2001, according to AFJC data). The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the killing of the three women.

26.02.2021. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a long-awaited US intelligence report released Friday according to which Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved an operation to capture or kill journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018. The report "the Saudi Government's Role in the Killing of Jamal Khashoggi" says: «We assess that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved an operation in Istanbul, Turkey to capture or kill Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. We base this assessment on the Crown Prince's control of decisionmaking in the Kingdom, the direct involvement of a key adviser and members of Muhammad bin Salman's protective detail in the operation, and the Crown Prince's support for using violent measures to silence dissidents abroad, including Khashoggi. Since 2017, the Crown Prince has had absolute control of the Kingdom's security and intelligence organizations, making it highly unlikely that Saudi officials would have carried out an operation of this nature without the Crown Prince's authorization» (end quote). The PEC is relieved that all light has been shed, even only more than two years after the journalist's atrocious death in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, but further steps are needed to fight impunity. #EndImpunity

Read the statement of UN Rapporteur Agnès Callamard on our page END IMPUNITY

26.02.2021. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. 46th session. PEC video statement. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is very concerned by the devastating impact of the pandemic on press freedom. The PEC calls upon all UN Member States 1) to guarantee a safe and free environment for the work of journalists who are informing on the pandemic, 2) to ensure an early vaccination for all journalists on the frontline and 3) to extend financial aid to the bereaved families of media staff killed by the virus.

Read the full PEC statement on PEC NEWS

25.02.2021. BANGLADESH. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is concerned by the deterioration of freedom of expression in Bangladesh. PEC is worried by the death of writer and commentator Mushtaq Ahmed (photo). He should not have been detained in the first place. Mushtaq Ahmed, detained in a case filed under the Digital Security Act, died in Kashimpur High-Security Jail in Gazipur on February 25.The 54-years-old writer was declared dead by the duty doctor of Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College. He was arrested on May 6, 2020, and later shifted to a high-security jail on August 24, 2020, from the Dhaka Central Jail. Writer Mushtaq and cartoonist Ahmed Kabir Kishore were sent to jail in the case in May 2020, a day after they had reportedly been picked up from their residences. In his case lodged on May 5, 2020, RAB-3 warrant officer Abu Bakar Siddique named 11 people, including Mushtaq and Kishore, and five to six unidentified people on charge of tarnishing the image of the country’s founding President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, hurting the spirit of the liberation war and spreading rumors about COVID-19 and the army and other security forces on social media. In another incident, Borhan Uddin Mujakkir, the Companiganj correspondent of daily Bangladesh Samachar, died in Dhaka Medical College Hospital on February 20 after he had been shot while covering a clash between two factions of the ruling Awami League at Chaprashirhat of Companiganj on February 19.

23.02.2021. MALTA. Finally a judgment. It's never too late for justice to be done. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the verdict: Vincent Muscat was sentenced to 15 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to the murder of Malta investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Caruana Galizia was murdered in Malta on October 16, 2017, in a car bomb attack (photo).

Read more on our page END IMPUNITY

18.02.2021. BELARUS. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the intensification of the crackdown on the media in Belarus. On Thursday, a Belarusian court sentenced two Belarusian journalists from Poland-based TV news channel Belsat to two years in prison. Katsiaryna Andreyeva, 27, and Darya Chultsova, 23, were detained in an apartment in November from where they had been filming protests taking place over the death of a protester who was killed several days earlier. Both women are not guilty, they have just done their job documenting the demonstrations. They must be release unconditionally (Photo epa: Katerina Andreyeva gave a victory sign in court, next to Daria Chultsova).

On Tuesday, police in Belarus raided the Minsk headquarters of the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), and the apartments of two of BAJ’s employees and independent journalits. Police officers confiscated mobile phones, laptops, and money. The PEC reminds the authorities in Minsk that journalists have the right to to their work in a safe environment without interference. Belarusian authorities must put an end to their relentless harassment of journalists and press freedom organizations. Dozens of journalists have been arrested during opposition protests since the August 2020 election.

17.02.2021. INDIA. PEC lauds New Delhi’s gesture to corona media victims - Global tally reaches 800. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) lauded the Indian Union government in New Delhi for extending financial aids to the bereaved families of media corona warriors. The PEC urges other nations to follow the example and go for an early vaccination for journalists.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS

15.02.2021. MYANMAR. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses concern over complete internet shut down in Myanmar 

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS


PEC welcomes the adoption by consensus of a resolution on the situation in Myanmar after the military coup last week at a special session of the Human Rights Council Friday in Geneva. The UN deputy human rights chief and the independent expert on Myanmar Tom Andrews (photo)

have called for targeted sanctions against the leaders of the coup. The human rights body has demanded “the immediate and unconditional release of all those arbitrarily detained” since the military coup on 1 February and for the state of emergency imposed by the military to be lifted. The resolution also called for the restoration of the elected government and for UN monitors to be granted access to the country. It urged Myanmar's military to "ensure that members of civil society organisations and the media are able to operate freely and without fear of violence, harassment or intimidation." And it calls for the "immediate lifting of restrictions on the Internet, telecommunication and social media," as well as "safe and unimpeded humanitarian access to all people in need."

07.02.2021. International Day of Solidarity with Belarus. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins other organisations to demand the release of all journalists detained in Belarus. At least 11 journalists and media workers are in detention. For more than two months now, Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova (photo), reporters for Poland-based TV channel Belsat, have been held behind bars. Both are charged with violating the public order for their reporting on rallies in the capital Minsk and will face trial at the Frunzensky District Court of Minsk on February 9. Overall, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) has documented 477 detentions of journalists in 2020. PEC condemns Belarus’s crackdown on press freedom which continues six months after the presidential election. Last week, Swiss TV Russia correspondent, Luzia Tschirky, has been detained in Minsk for three hours without any justification. #StandWithBelarus

04.02.2021. LEBANON. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the murder of a prominent Lebanese writer and opponent of Hezbollah who was found dead in his car in southern Lebanon on Thursday morning, hours after going missing as he drove to Beirut. Police said Lokman Slim (photo), 59, a well-known political commentator, had been shot in the head. The PEC calls for a thorough investigation into this shocking murder. Slim was the founder of Shia Watch.

03.02.2021. PEC press release. The Covid-19 is claiming more and more victims in the media community. At least 735 journalists have died from Covid-19 in 63 countries in 11 months, or 66 per month on average, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced on Wednesday in Geneva // Le Covid-19 fait de plus en plus de victimes dans le monde des médias. Au moins 735 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans 63 pays en 11 mois, soit en moyenne 66 par mois, a annoncé mercredi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) // El Covid-19 está cobrando cada vez más víctimas en el mundo de los medios. Al menos 735 periodistas han muerto por la pandemia en 63 países en 11 meses, haciendo un promedio de 66 muertes por mes, anunció en Ginebra este miércoles la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) // A Covid-19 está fazendo mais e mais vítimas entre a comunidade midiática. Ao menos 735 jornalistas morreram de Covid-19 em 63 países durante 11 meses – 66 por mês em média – conforme divulgado pela “Press Emblem Campaign” (PEC) nesta Quarta-feira, em Genebra.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic

27.01.2021. ECUADOR. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is appalled by the killing of television journalist Efrain Raules (photo, 36) in Guyaquil. The PEC called on the authorities to ensure that those responsible for the murder are held to account. Ruales, a popular presenter for the Ecuadorian television network Ecuavisa, was shot four times by an unidentified assailant. The journalist had reported receiving threats in relation to his denunciation of alleged corruption.

21.01.2021. ETHIOPIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the killing of journalist Dawit Kebede Araya (photo) in Mekelle, the capital of the northern state of Tigray. Ethiopian authorities must conduct a thorough and independent investigation into the killing of the journalist and hold those responsible to account. In the evening of January 19, unidentified attackers shot and killed Dawit, a reporter with the state-owned broadcaster Tigray TV, and his friend, Bereket Berhe, while they were driving near Dawit’s home in Mekelle, according to news reports. The Ethiopia Human Rights Council, an independent watchdog group, alleged that unspecified government security forces had killed Dawit and Bereket.

05.01.2021. PEC press release. More than 600 journalists died of Covid-19 in 59 countries in ten months in 2020, that is to say 60 per month, or two per day on average, announced Tuesday in Geneva the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) // Plus de 600 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans 59 pays en dix mois en 2020, soit 60 par mois, ou deux par jour en moyenne, a annoncé mardi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) // Más de 600 periodistas murieron por la Covid-19 en 59 países en diez meses en 2020 (o sea 60 por mes, o dos por día), en promedio, anunció la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC) este martes // Comunicado de imprensa PEC: Mais de 600 jornalistas morreram de Covid-19 em dez meses em 2020.

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic

04.01.2021. PEC welcomes decision not to extradite Julian Assange. Geneva/London, January 4 (PEC) The PEC welcomes the decision of UK Judge Vanaissa Baraitser not to extradite Julian Assange from the United Kingdom to the United States. But the fight goes on: he must be freed for humanitarian reasons and the legal battle must end.

Read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS

02.01.2021. AFGHANISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of Afghan radio journalist in car ambush, first media person to be killed in 2021. Besmullah Adel Aimaq (28), editor-in-chief of Voice of Ghor radio, was killed en route to Firoz Koh city, the capital of Ghor province, said Aref Aber, the governor’s spokesman. He is the fifth journalist slain in Afghanistan in the past two months.

10.12.2020 - updated 31.12.2020. PEC ANNUAL REPORT. India and Mexico most dangerous countries in 2020. India and Mexico have been the most dangerous countries for media work this year, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said in its annual report in Geneva. The number of journalists killed increased by more than 22% compared to last year.In total, since January, 92 media workers have been killed in 31 countries around the world (up from 75 last year).

Read the PEC press release in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic on PEC NEWS - list of victims and graphs on CASUALTIES

01.12.2020. Nearly 500 journalists have died from Covid-19 in 56 countries in nine months, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said in its monthly report on Tuesday. During the month of November, 47 more media workers succumbed to the coronavirus, compared to 22 known deaths in October // Casi 500 periodistas han muerto a causa de la Covid-19 en 56 países durante nueve meses, dijo el martes la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) en su informe mensual sobre la cuestión. Durante el mes de noviembre, 47 trabajadores de los medios más sucumbieron al coronavirus, en comparación con las 22 muertes conocidas en octubre // Près de 500 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans 56 pays en neuf mois, a affirmé mardi la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) dans son rapport mensuel. Au cours du mois de novembre, 47 travailleurs des medias de plus ont succombé au coronavirus, contre 22 décès connus en octobre.

Read the PEC press release in English, Spanish, French and Arabic on PEC NEWS

18.11.2020. Journalist Deaths from COVID-19 Rise Seven-Fold; Nearly 500 Dead Worldwide (Global Investigative Journalism Network).

Read the PEC interview on PEC NEWS or on:


17.11.2020. PEC AWARD 2020 - PEC AWARD 2020 - PEC AWARD 2020

El Premio 2020 para la Protección de Periodistas otorgado a la periodista mexicana Carmen Aristegui

La situación de los periodistas en México es particularmente dramática. La Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC) ha decidido honrar la memoria de todos los periodistas asesinados, amenazados y censurados en este país, otorgando su Premio anual de Protección a los Periodistas a la periodista mexicana Carmen Aristegui (photo), que ha demostrado un coraje excepcional en la defensa de la libertad de prensa y la lucha contra la impunidad.

The PEC Award for the Protection of Journalists goes to Mexican journalist Carmen Aristegui

The situation of journalists in Mexico is particularly dire. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has decided to honor the memory of all murdered, threatened and censored journalists in this country by awarding its annual Prize for the Protection of Journalists to the Mexican journalist Carmen Aristegui who has demonstrated exceptional courage in the defense of press freedom and the fight against impunity.

Read the PEC press release on our page PEC AWARD (Spanish, English and French)

02.11.2020. Day against impunity. At least 442 media workers died from Covid-19 in 8 months // Journée contre l’impunité. Au moins 442 travailleurs des médias sont morts du Covid-19 en huit mois // Día Internacional para Poner Fin a la Impunidad. Al menos 442 trabajadores de los medios ha muerto a causa del Covid-19 en 8 meses

Covid-19 continues to claim many victims among journalists. At least 442 media workers from 52 countries have died from the
novel coronavirus  since early March, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said Monday, on the occasion of the International Day
to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. In addition, 63 journalists have been murdered since January in various
circumstances, which brings the total number so far this year at more than 500 fatalities.

La Covid-19 continue de faire de nombreuses victimes parmi les journalistes. Au moins  442 travailleurs dans les médias de
52 pays sont morts des suites du nouveau coronavirus depuis début mars, a indiqué lundi la Presse Emblème Campagne  (PEC),
à l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour mettre fin à l’impunité des crimes commis contre les journalistes. En outre,
63 journalistes ont été tués depuis janvier dans des circonstances variées, ce qui porte le total des victimes jusqu’ici cette année
à plus de 500 morts.

El Covid-19 sigue cobrándose muchas víctimas entre los periodistas. Al menos 442 trabajadores de los medios de comunicación, de 52 países, han muerto por el nuevo coronavirus desde principios de marzo, dijo el lunes la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés.) con motivo del Día Internacional para Poner Fin a la Impunidad de los Crímenes contra Periodistas. Además, 63 periodistas han sido asesinados desde enero de 2020, en diversas circunstancias, lo que eleva la cifra total en lo que va del año, a más de 500 muertos.

READ the full PEC Press release on PEC NEWS (English, French, Spanish and Arabic)

26.10.2020. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a new regional contributor for India.

Read on PEC NEWS

21.10.2020. NO IMPUNITY. Two years after, Khashoggi fiancee sues MBS, Saudi officials in US over murder - Daphne Caruana Galizia: Fight to uncover the truth behind her murder continues three years on.

Read on our page NO IMPUNITY


The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the adoption by consensus by the Human Rights Council of a new resolution on the safety of journalists, in particular reporting on the pandemic. The PEC welcomes the decision to request the High Commissioner to present to the Human Rights Council in one year a report on the impact  and repercussions of measures taken by governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

 (photo: Ambassador Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger, Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations Office at Geneva, president of the Council for 2020)

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS

Read the new resolution on safety of journalists on DOCUMENTS

28.09.2020. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. Oral statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign on item 4. The coronavirus must not be the pretext for additional restrictions on freedom of expression.  Journalists should not fear reprisals and must be able to do their job safely (photo: PEC UN Representative Ana Leurinda speaking at the Human Rights Council in Geneva).

Read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS

15.09.2020. PEC Press Release: Sharp increase in the number of victims of Covid 19 among journalists, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) appeals to the Human Rights Council // Communiqué de la PEC: Forte augmentation du nombre de victimes du Covid-19 parmi les journalistes – appel au Conseil des droits de l‘homme // Comunicado de prensa de la PEC: Fuerte aumento del número de víctimas del Covid-19 entre los periodistas - llamamiento al Consejo de Derechos Humanos

Read the PEC press release in English, French, Spanish and Arabic on PEC NEWS

01.09.2020. Genève/ONU. La PEC participe à un débat avec la présidente de la Confédération Simonetta Sommaruga et la Haut Commissaire aux droits de l'Homme au cours duquel la Suisse et le Haut Commissariat aux droits l'Homme soulignent l’importance de la liberté de la presse et de la liberté d’expression (photo PEC).

More on PEC NEWS

01.07.2020. Coronavirus: The toll continues to increase. More than 186 journalists died from Covid-19 in four months in 35 countries // Plus de 186 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 en quatre mois dans 35 pays // Más de 186 periodistas han muerto por el Covid-19 en cuatro meses en 35 países

Read the PEC press release in English, French, Spanish and Arabic on PEC NEWS

02.06.2020. Over 127 journalists died from coronavirus in three months in 31 countries - Latin America most affected // Plus de 127 journalistes sont morts du coronavirus en trois mois dans 31 pays - L'Amérique latine région la plus touchée // Más de 127 periodistas murieron por coronavirus en tres meses en 31 países - América Latina, el continente más afectado

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS (English, French, Spanish and Arabic)

07.05.2020. Coronavirus. How does the PEC count journalists who died from coronavirus ? Interview of the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen published by the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN):

COVID-19’s Toll on Journalists: At Least 64 Dead in 24 Countries

(read the GIJN article on PEC NEWS)

World Press Freedom Day 2020 - Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse 2020 - Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa 2020 - Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa 2020

01.05.2020. Coronavirus used as a pretext for many press freedom violations - at least 55 journalists have died from Covid-19 in two months // Le coronavirus prétexte à de nombreuses violations de la liberté de la presse – au moins 55 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 en deux mois // El COVID 19 se ha utilizado como un pretexto para que se hagan muchas violaciones a la libertad de prensa. Al menos 55 periodistas han muerto desde el 1 de marzo // Coronavírus usado como pretexto para diversas violações à liberdade de imprensa – ao menos 55 jornalistas morreram em decorrência de Covid-19 em dois meses

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic

20.03.2020. CORONAVIRUS. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomed the joint statement issued by David Kaye, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Harlem Désir, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, and Edison Lanza, IACHR Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression calling on governments to promote and protect access to and free flow of information during COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the statement on PEC NEWS

18.03.2020. CORONAVIRUS. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns measures taken by some governments to restrict or censor news under the pretext of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is imperative that the health crisis is not used as an excuse to adopt regulations that could affect independent media coverage, limit media freedom and silence critical voices. In this regard, the PEC condemns measures taken by Iran to limit the access to information on the coronavirus crisis in the country. It also condemns the decisions by the United States and China to cut foreign media staffs. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on March 18 that all US journalist working in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post will have their press passes revoked, after recent restrictions on Chinese journalists in the US. “International exchange of information and free flow of independent news are needed more than ever to fight the virus, and not fake news, ideological bias and political pressures. Targeting journalists in these very difficult times is a blow to informing the public about the evolution of the epidemic”, stressed PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen. Regarding safety,  the PEC also urges governments to ensure that journalists reporting the health crisis on the ground have access to proper medical protection and are not prevented from doing their job.

10.03.2020. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. 43rd session. Item 4. Oral statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC): "Democracies are sending the wrong message and setting an unfortunate precedent by inflicting on Julian Assange severe mental suffering and psychological torture (…). As a journalist, Julian Assange has only done his job (…) Julian Assange like other journalists arbitrary detained around the world must be released as soon as possible".

Read the full PEC statement on PEC NEWS


lea el texto de la declaración en PEC NEWS

28.02.2020. FREEASSANGE. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes and supports the decision by the Geneva parliament to ask Switzerland to issue a humanitarian permit for Julian Assange. At his trial for extradition to the US in London, the cofounder of WikiLeaks appears this week in a very bad shape. It is a question of offering a concrete and immediate solution to a person prosecuted for political reasons and seriously affected in his physical and mental health. This visa must allow Julian Assange to be treated at the University Hospitals of Geneva, where security measures can be put in place. "Julian Assange must be released for medical reasons", added PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.

Now more than 1400 journalists have signed. Join us on: www.speak-up-for-assange.org

20.02.2020. #FREEASSANGE. More than 1200 journalists from 99 countries have released a joint statement today in defence of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange, in the lead up to proceedings in a UK court to extradite him to the United States to face the espionage charges. The court case begins on 24 February. "All journalists use information from confidential sources so the legal actions are an extremely dangerous precedent that threatens the world’s journalists and news media", the statement notes. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) signed the statement (photo pec: demonstration in front of the United Nations in Geneva on 19.12.2019). 

Read the statement on PEC NEWS and on www.speak-up-for-assange.org

View the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHOoMhu8FPg&feature=youtu.be

26.02.2020. PAKISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) in Geneva mourns the death of two journalists in Pakistan. Javedullah Khan, 36, was shot dead Tuesday in Matta, in the Swat Valley (northwest of the country) when two gunmen opened fire on his vehicle. He worked as a bureau chief for the Urdu language newspaper Ausaf. A local police official confirmed that it was a targeted attack. Many of his relatives were killed due to their involvement in anti-Taliban peace committees. It is the second journalist killed this year in Pakistan after Aziz Memon (photo) , who worked for the privately-owned Sindhi TV channel KTN News and Sindhi-language Daily Kawish. He was found strangled to death in an irrigation ditch near the town of Mehrabpur (Sindh) on 16 February. The PEC condemns these murders and calls for independent investigations. Pakistan ranks among the world’s most dangerous countries for media workers.

20.02.2020. MEXICO. La Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC) condena el asesinato de Teresa Aracely Alcocer, conocida públicamente como “Bárbara Greco” (photo, 37).

Trabajaba como locutora de radio en La Poderosa, en Ciudad Juárez, una de las ciudades fronterizas entre México y Estados Unidos con alta presencia del crimen organizado. Recientemente se habia manifestado, desde sus redes sociales, en contra del asesinato de Fatima, femicidio que por sus resonancias aun conmueve a gran parte del pais. El PEC exige a las autoridades que garanticen el pronto esclarecimiento de lo ocurrido y la condena a los responsables. Es la primera periodista asesinada este año en México. El año pasado, 14 periodistas fueron asesinados en México.

16.02.2020. SOMALIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to learn the heinous murder of journalist Abdiweli Ali Hassan (photo) in Agfoye, south of Mogadishu. The reporter was working with Universal TV. He was attacked by two unidentified gunmen who shot him in the head. The killing of the journalist is the first in Somalia in 2020. Last year, three media workers were killed in Somalia, one of the most dangerous countries for media. The PEC calls on local authorities to investigate this crime, bring its perpetrators to justice and to better ensure the safety of journalists who informs the public at great risk.

13.02.2020. PARAGUAY. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condena el asesinato del periodista brasileño Lourenço Leo Veras (photo) encargado del portal web Pora News y corresponsal de varios medios brasileños

en Pedro Juan Caballero en la frontera con Brasil. El PEC exhorta a las autoridades a realizar una investigación completa y exige proteccion de los colegas de la zona ante la inseguridad  reinante.

06.02.2020. SYRIA. Media activist killed in Idlib. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of Amjad Aktalati (photo), on February 4 in Ariha in Idlib countryside by Russian airstrikes. The brave media activist worked for several media outlets, according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights. Amjad's last post on Facebook was "The situation is so catastrophic." This killing reminds us that the war in Syria is still raging. According to the United Nations, Russian-Assad offensive against opposition-held areas in Syria has displaced more than half a million people in two months, since 1 December, 80% women and children. In another incident, two journalists and two cameramen were injured on 3 February while covering the clashes near Aleppo city between the Syrian army and arned groups: reporter Diaa Qadour and Ibrahim Kahil, cameraman for al-Alam TV, Kinanah Aloush, a correspondent for Sama TV and Souhaib al-Masri cameraman of Al Kawthar TV. In a separate incident, Wafa Shabruni, a reporter working for Russia Today, was severely injured by ammunitions left by militants at Maarret-en-Nuuman in the province of Idlib. The PEC demands that the safety of journalists be guaranteed by all the belligerents.

27.01.2020. TURKEY UNDER SCRUTINY at the UNITED NATIONS. Panels on Press Freedom and Human Rights Defenders. On the occasion of the report of Turkey delivered at the 35th session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the Human Rights Council, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has organized a side event at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, 27th January, 1pm-2.30pm, room XXV: "Information meeting on the UPR process in Turkey".

25.01.2020. #FREEASSANGE IN 2020. UPDATE: Edward Snowden joined more than 1150 journalists from 96 countries who have signed the appeal to free Assange. Julian Assange, publisher of Wikileaks, has been charged under the US espionage act for publishing the Afghanistan and Iraq war diaries and US embassy cables, important documents that many of us around the world used and helped to publicise.This sets an extremely dangerous precedent for journalists, media organizations and freedom of the press. We do not want to be silent at this time. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) invites all journalists and people in journalism-related roles to be part of this global statement in defence of Julian Assange.

Please read the statement and join us on: www.speak-up-for-assange.org

23.01.2020. BRASIL. Brazilian prosecutor should drop charges against Intercept Brasil co-founder and editor Glenn Greenwald (photo). On January 21, Federal Public Prosecutor Wellington Divino Marques de Oliveira filed a petition before the 10th Federal Court in Brasília, charging Greenwald with multiple crimes, including criminal association and invasion of an electronic device. Charging Glenn Greenwald with criminal association for his communication with sources poses a threat to any investigative journalist, stresses the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC). In a statement published January 21, The Intercept said it viewed the charges as an attempt to criminalize its journalism and that it was “appalled” by the “blatantly politically motivated charge against Greenwald, in an apparent retaliation for The Intercept’s critical reporting on abuses committed by Justice Minister Moro and several federal prosecutors.”

08.01.2020. NO TO IMPUNITY. Two milestones in January in Malta and in Slovakia. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) will closely follow these major developments in the fight against impunity:

- Slovakia: Trial begins in the Kuciak murder case. The trial of those suspected of involvement in the murders of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnirová in February 2018 has begun before a special court in the Slovakian town of Pezinok on December 19. The court accepted the indictement and set January 13 as the date on which the main trial will begin. Commentators' expectations are high. Businessman Marian Kočner (photo) is accused of contracting the assassination, Miroslav Marcek and Tomas Szabo are accused of carrying out the killing, and Alena Zsuzsova is accused of acting as an intermediary

- Malta: Malta' Prime Minister Joseph Muscat resigned mid-January. Daphne Caruana Galizia who was killed by a car bomb in October 2017 had been investigating alleged corruption within the government. Her family and protesters have accused Muscat of trying to shield members of his inner circle from the investigation into her death. The arrest of a prominent businessman Yorgen Fenech doesn't mean the case is close.
The public inquiry into the assassination of the journalist held its first sitting in court in December and continues in January.

23.12.2019. Saudi Arabia sentences five to death for murder of Jamal Khashoggi. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) regrets that the Saudi court had failed to bring the real perpetrators to justice. Masterminds walk free one more time.

Five men have been sentenced to death and another three face a total of 24 years in prison for their roles in the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last year. However, the investigation concluded “the killing was not premeditated …. The decision was taken at the spur of the moment,” the deputy public prosecutor and spokesperson Shalaan bin Rajih Shalaan said, reading the verdict in the Saudi capital on Monday. Three senior figures, including the de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s former top adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, were cleared of wrongdoing during the trial. The verdict contradicts the conclusion of the CIA and other western intelligence agencies that Prince Mohammed directly ordered Khashoggi’s assassination. Khashoggi, a US-based columnist for the Washington Post who was critical of the Saudi government, was killed after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October last year. The 59-year-old’s body has not been found and is thought by Turkish investigators to have been dissolved in acid. UN special rapporteur Agnès Callamard said in a tweet on Monday that the trial’s conclusion was a “mockery” and the “antithesis” of justice.

19.12.2019. DEMO IN GENEVA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands the immediate release of Julian Assange

"Assange and WikiLeaks have documented serious violations of humanitarian law in Afghanistan and Iraq. To enforce the law, it is necessary to make known the abuses. Assange did only his job of journalist, he must be freed on humanitarian grounds", PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen said at the demo in Geneva in front of the UN building.

Read the Press Release in French, English and German on PEC NEWS

13.12. 2019. PEC ANNUAL REPORT: 75 media workers killed in 2019 a decrease of 36 percent // Rapport annuel de la PEC: 75 journalistes tués en 2019, en baisse de 36% // Informe anual de la PEC: 75 periodistas asesinados en 2019, en baja del 36% // PEC relatório anual: 75 profissionais de mídia mortos em 2019, uma diminuição de 36 por cento

Read on PEC NEWS the PEC statement in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic, go to casualties for the list of journalists killed

06.12.2019. Speak Up for Assange. Julian Assange (photo), founder and publisher of WikiLeaks, is currently detained in Belmarsh high-security prison in the United Kingdom and faces extradition to the United States and criminal prosecution under the Espionage Act. He risks up to 175 years emprisonment for his part in making public the leak of US military documents from Afghanistan and Iraq, and a trove of US State Department cables. The legal action underway against Mr Assange sets an extremely dangerous precedent for journalists, media organizations and the freedom of the press. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins today an appeal launched by more than 120 journalists and journalistic organizations around the globe, expressing our grave concern for Mr Assange's wellbeing, for his continued detention and for the draconian espionage charges. In a democracy, journalists must reveal war crimes in conflict zones without having to go to jail. It is the very role of the press to act in the public interest. The PEC requests that Assange be released on medical and humanitarian grounds.

Read the statement on PEC NEWS - To sign go to: speak-up-for-assange.org

02.12.2019. MALTA. A TRIPLE VICTORY. Finally after two years of stalled investigations the hope of justice gets closer. Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announced on Sunday that he will step down in January, following mounting criticism of his response to the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia (photo). It comes as Maltese businessman Yorgen Fenech was on Saturday charged with complicity in the murder case. "What we now expect is for the Prime Minister to leave office and Parliament, and to be properly investigated along with Keith Schembri (his chief of staff) for their possible involvement in Daphne's assassination", the journalist's sister Corinne Vella told the Malta Independent. She added on Twitter: "Until he resigns, we will use all legal remedies to ensure Muscat has no further involvement in the investigation and criminal proceedings, other than a possible suspect".

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes this progress. "It is a triple victory: for the family who fought for justice with determination and courage in an exemplary manner during more than two years; a victory for numerous NGOs, journalists, the people of Malta and the European institutions who mobilized so that a credible investigation takes place; and a victory in the fight against impunity. It demonstrates that with perseverance and mobilization no crime can go unpunished", stressed the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen. The family of Daphne Caruana Galizia received in June 2018 the PEC Award for the protection of journalists.

26.11.2019. UNITED NATIONS. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a new resolution adopted last week by the General Assembly on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity. The resolution adopted by consensus was sponsored by 106 States, a record number. It is the 11th resolution on the safety of journalists adopted since 2006 by the United Nations. The PEC calls upon all Member States to fully implement the new resolution.

Read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS, the text of the new UN resolution on DOCUMENTS

16.11.2019. MALTA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the revised terms of the public inquiry into Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination, in particular the fact that her family can be involved in proceedings. The PEC, alongside the family of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament, have long called for an independent and effective public inquiry into her assassination, which took place in Malta on 16 October 2017. The PEC will continue to closely monitor the progress of the Board of Inquiry, an important test to combat the impunity of crimes against journalists in Europe.

Read more on our page NO IMPUNITY

1.11.2019. IRAQ. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. Universal periodic review. On the occasion of the UPR 34 review of Iraq by the Human Rights Council in Geneva, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns attacks and arrests of journalists while violent unrest continues.

PEC expresses concern over the upsurge in attacks on media outlets and calls on authorities to ensure the safety of all journalists reporting on protests. Unprecedented violations have occurred and must stop, among them attacks on several journalists by riot police, numerous arrests of reporters, raids on radio and TV broadcasters, several death threats against reporters, the firing of live bullets and tear gas towards journalists, and numerous cases of beatings and obstruction by police. On October 25 Hisham Waseem correspondent of Alsumaria (photo) was seriously injured in the face after the explosion of a tear gas canister in it. The PEC calls on UN Member States to condemn the ongoing violence which has already killed more than 300 people.

05.11.2019. GENEVA PEACE WEEK. Interview published by the Foundation ict4peace of the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen (photo) author of: “Guerre et Paix dans le Cyberespace – Les démocraties à l’épreuve de la révolution numérique” (Georg, 2019).

"I sound an alarm in the face of the emergence of a new form of totalitarianism, a soft or high-tech totalitarianism, which is a threat to peace and freedom. China, Russia, Iran, Turkey and many other countries in Asia and Africa are censoring the Internet and social networks to the detriment of privacy, freedom of expression and association. These countries use the arsenal of cyber warfare to influence public opinion, including in democracies. This digital counter-revolution aims to stifle the emancipatory power of social networks. Orwell’s prophecies have come true...but we can react and we must react", said Blaise Lempen to ict4peace on the occasion of the Geneva Peace Week.

Read the full interview on PEC NEWS

31.10.2019. International Day to Combat Impunity for crimes committed against journalists November 2 // Journée internationale de la fin de l'impunité pour les crimes commis contre des journalistes le 2 novembre // Día internacional para poner fin a la impunidad por crímenes contra periodistas el 2 de noviembre

PEC Press release: Fewer journalists killed, but media workers targeted in demonstrations in several countries, and insufficient progress in the fight against impunity // Communiqué de la PEC: moins de journalistes tués, mais des reporters visés lors de manifestations dans plusieurs pays, et des progrès insuffisants contre l'impunité // Comunicado de prensa de la PEC: menos periodistas asesinados, pero reporteros atacados durante protestas en varios paises y progreso insuficiente contra la impunidad.

read the PEC press release English, French, Spanish, Arabic on PEC NEWS - consult also our page NO IMPUNITY

14.10.2019. MALTA. JUSTICE FOR DAPHNE. NEVER AGAIN IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. Wednesday 16 October marks two years since the brutal assassination of Malta’s investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) reiterated its call to the Maltese authorities to prosecute all those involved in planning and carrying the attack.

Although three men have been formally charged with her murder, those who ordered her killing remain at large. The Maltese authorities’ recent announcement to launch a public enquiry into the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia is a long overdue and essential step towards justice. The PEC supports the Caruana Galizia family’s call to ensure the full independence and impartiality of the inquiry. The Geneva-based NGO renews its congratulations for his exemplary courage to the family of Daphne who has received in June 2018 the PEC Award for the protection of journalists. In this regard, the PEC welcomes the statement of the new commissioner tasked with defending democracy and the rule of law in the European Union Vera Jourova on Monday 7 October telling MEPs at her hearing that "we definitely must do more" on media freedom "and support journalists whose safety is under threat". Jourova told MEPs she had promised the mother of murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia to scrutinise the investigation into her death and promised her son Matthew (photo with his brother Paul) to better protect journalists. NO IMPUNITY ! NEVER AGAIN SUCH A CRIME IN THE EUROPEAN UNION !

02.10.2019. KHASHOGGI. ONE YEAR AFTER. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is grateful to UN Special Rapporteur Agnès Callamard and UK media freedom envoy Amal Clooney (photo) for recommending a UN Standing Instrument to investigate killings of journalists.

In an interview published by The Guardian, Amal Clooney (photo) said that a “glaring gap” exists in the world’s ability to investigate targeted state killings of human rights defenders and journalists such as Jamal Khashoggi. The international human rights lawyer also said she expected a specialist legal panel, set up by the UK government and due to report soon, to champion a new standing UN investigatory mechanism into such killings. The UN Special Rapporteur Agnès Callamard has herself called for such a mechanism, saying there is “a large accountability deficit”. The PEC has repeatedly called on the United Nations to establish such an international mechanism, to fill the gaps in prevention, protection and prosecution.

07.10.2019. HONG KONG. Many journalists injured in ongoing protests. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns excessive use of force against journalists, supports the Hong Kong Journalists Association in its legal challenge, calls on the authorities to allow media workers to do their job safely.

On October 3, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) has filed a legal challenge against the police over what it described as improper treatment of media at ongoing protests. The HKJA said journalists have been subjected to “a pattern of deliberately aggressive and obstructive police tactics as well as unnecessary and excessive force” since demonstrations began in June. The HKJA said the judicial review application referred to incidents of abusive and insulting language, use of high-intensity lights and strobe lighting to interfere with visual recording equipment, exclusion of reporters from newsworthy scenes and locations, deliberate blocking of reporters’ line of sight, as well as deliberate withholding of police officers’ identities. It also noted incidents of journalists being beaten, kicked, pepper-sprayed (photo), targeted with tear gas, having tear gas grenades thrown at them, water cannon jets directed at them and being hit with rubber bullets and bean bag rounds. On Sept 29 a Hong Kong-based Indonesian journalist Veby Mega Indah, who works for Suara, has been hit by a rubber bullet while covering a demonstration. Her right eye was injured by the projectile fired by a police officer. A journalist working with Hong Kong's public broadcaster RTHK was recovering in hospital on Monday Oct 7 after he was hit by a petrol bomb during weekend protests. The PEC will continue to closely follow the situation of freedom of the press in Hong Kong.

01.10.2019. KHASHOGGI. ONE YEAR AFTER. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins other organizations for a moment of unsilence one year after the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. It is important that the whole truth be established and accountability be achieved. Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate in Turkey on Oct. 2, 2018. Agents of the Saudi government killed the journalist inside the consulate and apparently dismembered his body, which has never been found. Saudi Arabia has charged 11 people in the slaying and put them on trial, which has been held in secret. As of yet, no one has been convicted. A U.N. report by the Special Rapporteur Agnès Callamard asserted that Saudi Arabia bore responsibility for the killing and said Prince Mohammed’s possible role in it should be investigated. Speaking to the US network CBS on its 60 Minutes programme aired on Sunday, Prince Mohammed bin Salman MBS said: "Absolutely not," when asked if he ordered the killing. But he said he took full responsibility, "since it was committed by individuals working for the Saudi government". "This was a mistake. And I must take all actions to avoid such a thing in the future," MBS said of the killing, which he finally called "heinous". The PEC says no to barbaric practices, no to impunity. We call on the international community to ensure that all perpetrators of the crime are identified and prosecuted in a fair trial and to guarantee freedom of expression in Saudi Arabia.

22.09.2019. MALTA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the launch by the Maltese authorities of a public inquiry into the death of Daphne Caruana Galizia (photo), killed on 16 October 2017. "It's coming late, but it is an important step in the fight against impunity and a texbook case for Europe", said the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen. He added that the public inquiry must be truly independent, impartial and have the truth of all parties, including the family of Daphne Caruana Galizia. The PEC called repeatedly for a public investigation to find out who ordered the killing, and if it had been possible to prevent it. The PEC donated its annual award in 2018 to Daphne's family and it once again salutes the courage and determination of Daphne's family in their struggle to make all the clarity on this crime. The PEC will follow up the inquiry which is expected to be concluded within nine months (read more on the terms of reference on our page NO IMPUNITY).

19.09.2019. PEC AWARD 2019. The Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) has been chosen this year to receive the PEC annual award

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has today in Geneva handed over the award to its Executive Director Ahmad Quraishi (photo). "Afghanistan is at a crossroad. Freeedom of the press is at stake. Terrorist groups are a constant threat to civilians and journalists", said the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen at the PEC Award press conference at the Geneva Press Club. "The AFJC works to defend rights of Afghan journalists, the safety of journalists in a very dangerous conflict zone and to ensure freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Afghanistan. They deserve our support", he added. Ahmad Quraishi thanks the PEC for honoring the AFJC. "Taliban, IS (Islamic State group) and constant abuses by warlords, drug mafia and corrupt officials constitute a permanent threat and fear to journalists, the media, and in general freedom of expression/press in Afghanistan", said the AFJC Executive Director. He confided his fear that "we may go back to the dark era experienced under the Taliban". He called upon the international community who supported the Afghan young democracy in the past two decades to uphold the values gained .

Ahmad Quraishi Director of the Afghanistan Journalists Center, receiving the PEC Award 2019 from the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen, with His Excellency Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United Nations Nasir Andisha (photo pec)

Read the press release English and French, speeches, biography on our page PEC AWARD

17.09.2019. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. 42nd session. Oral statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) item 4. The PEC worried by the restrictions imposed on the media under the lockdown in Jammu and Kashmir (read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS)


The Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) has been chosen this year to receive the PEC annual award. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) will handed over the award to his Executive Director Ahmad Quraishi (photo) on Thursday September 19, 2019.

Invitation to a press conference with:
His Excellency Nasir Andisha Afghan Ambassador to the UN in Geneva
Ahmad Quraishi director of the Afghanistan Journalists Center in Kabul

Caroline Trautweiler Deputy Regional coordinator South Asia Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Blaise Lempen Secretary-General of the Press Emblem Campaign

Thursday 19 September at 2.30pm - Swiss Press Club, Geneva

Afghanistan is at the crossroad. Democracy and freedom of the press are threatened. Terrorist groups have killed 17 journalists last year and 7 more this year. The director of the Afghan Journalists Center Ahmad Quraishi is in Geneva to receive the PEC annual award for the protection of journalists and will give his testimony. His Excellency Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United Nations Nasir Andisha will analyze the political situation at a critical moment: the United States want to withdraw their troops but negociations with the Talibans are deadlocked.

07.09.2019. RUSSIA-UKRAINE. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomed today’s release of Ukrainian film director and writer Oleg Sentsov from Crimea, of the correspondent of the Ukrainian National News Agency, Ukrinform, Roman Sushchenko, and of journalist Kirill Vyshinsky, the chief of the RIA Novosti Ukraina office in Kyiv, as a result of the exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine. Sentsov was arrested in Simferopol by Russian security services in May 2014 and convicted in Rostov-on-Don in August 2015. He was serving a 20-year prison term on terrorism charges at a high-security penal colony in the Russian Federation. Sushchenko was arrested in Moscow in September 2016 and sentenced in June 2018 to 12 years on espionage charges.

In May 2018, the Ukrainian security services raided the office of RIA Novosti Ukraina and arrested Vyshinsky on charges of high treason. In July 2018, he was presented with additional charges and his pre-trial detention was extended several times. The PEC recalls that journalists should not under any circumstances be imprisoned for their journalistic work and must have the right to freely express opinions and dissenting views, even those that could be considered controversial.

02.09.2019. Missing Maldives journalist abducted in Aug 2014 was killed by al-Qaeda affiliate. Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla (28, photo) had been missing since August 7, 2014. Husnu Suood, the head of a presidential commission set up to investigate the case, found that members of a local affiliate of Al-Qaeda executed Rilwan on a ship for his writing about alleged Al-Qaeda links in the Maldives and his advocacy for freedom of expression, according to news reports. Officials in the Maldives have previously denied the existence of hardline Islamic groups in the Maldives, despite a spate of attacks against people advocating the practise of moderate Islam and freedom of belief. The attacks include the killing in 2017 of a prominent blogger, Yameen Rasheed, who led a campaign to find Rilwan. Rilwan worked for Minivan News, an English news website now named The Maldives Independent. Weeks before his abduction in August 2014, the 28-year-old journalist wrote a series of reports on Maldivians joining armed groups in Syria's war, said Suood. Maldivian authorities should prosecute those responsible for the 2014 killing of Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla, including the planners of the attack as well as any government officials who interfered in the investigation, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said today.

25.08.2019. ONE MORE JOURNALIST KILLED IN MEXICO. A Mexican reporter has been found dead in his home Aug 24, making him the thirteenth journalist killed in the country this year. Nevith Condes Jaramillo (photo) died as result of being stabbed several times. Jaramillo, 42, ran the local news site El Observatorio del Sur. On his website, he posted stories that led to him being at odds with local government, resulting in several threats over the last year. Jaramillo had requested federal protection because of the threats. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the murder and calls for an independent investigation.

21.08.2019. YEMEN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply concerned about the fate of journalists after days of fightings between government forces and Yemeni separatists from the Southern Transitional Council in the port of Aden. The PEC condemns a series of attacks and calls on the warring parties to let journalists report freely and free all journalists detained. The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) reports that an armed group broke into the house of journalist Ali Saleh Al-Essa who works for the daily 14th October while he was abroad and seized some of his personal effects. Another armed group linked to the Transitional Council (TC) in Aden lodged a complaint against journalist Ahmed Maher for his writings which criticized the illegal practices of the Transitional Council militias. A group of journalists have also claimed they have been prevented from working at the state-owned newspaper 14th October which is now controlled by the TC. Other media workers from Yemen Public Radio and Television were refused access to the broadcaster's building which is also controlled now by the TC. Saba press agency is also prevented from producing any work by groups close to the TC, YJS reports.

15.08.2019. INDIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly criticized the restrictions imposed on the media under the lockdown in Jammu and Kashmir and called on the authorities to guarantee the media’s access to information and right to work. Communication in and out of the Indian region of Jammu and Kashmir has been blocked since August 4 following changes to the region’s autonomy in India’s Constitution. In the following days mobile, landline and the internet were cut off in the region. The PEC stands in solidarity with journalists in Kashmir and demands that all communication is restored in the region. Kashmir has nearly 180 English and Urdu daily newspapers, but only five are publishing these days due to restrictions imposed by Indian authorities to prevent unrest after New Delhi revoked the state’s autonomy.

11.08.2019. RUSSIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses deep concern about violence against journalists covering protests in Russia.

The PEC condemns several detentions and repeated attacks on foreign and russian journalists during demonstrations for fair elections on July 27, August 3 and August 10. The PEC calls on Russian authorities to allow journalists to cover protests freely and safely. Police must stop use of abusive force, a clear attempt to intimidate journalists and censor coverage (photo Reuters: Russian opposition figure Lyubov Sobol was detained August 10 near her office in Moscow)

10.08.2019. Northern Ireland. Deathly silence shields the killer of journalist Lyra McKee. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) asked for the investigation to be accelerated (read on our page NO IMPUNITY)

03.08.2019. MEXICO. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of three more journalists. Rogelio Barragán Pérez (47) was killed on July 30, in the town of Zacatepec, in Morelos state (photo). He was the founder of the news website Guerrero Al Instante. Separately Edgar Alberto Nava López, founder of the news website La Verdad de Zihuatanejo, was found dead on August 2 in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, and Jorge Celestino Ruiz Vazquez has been murdered in Veracruz. These three brutal killings in one week are the tragic consequence of Mexico’s failure to address impunity in attacks on the press, said the PEC. Only an international mechanism to investigate these crimes can help to solve the problem. Mexico is the most dangerous country for journalists. At least 12 journalists have been killed in Mexico since the beginning of 2019 and 17 last year, according to PEC figures.

13.07.2019. SOMALIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is saddened to learn that two Somali journalists were among the 26 fatal victims of an attack by the Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab on a hotel in Kismayo, in southern Somalia, on 12 July. The two media fatalities were Mohamed Sahal Omar, who worked for SBS, a TV channel based in the northwestern Puntland region, and Hodan Nalayeh (photo), who had Canadian as well as Somali nationality and worked for Integration TV. The death of these two reporters, the first to be killed this year in Somalia, is a reminder that Somali journalists continue to be the ones who are most exposed to this kind of terrorist attack after those in Afghanistan.

04.07.2019. PEC report for the first six months of 2019. According to the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), 38 journalists were killed in 20 countries from January to the end of June 2019. During the same period in 2018 (January to June) 66 journalists were killed: the decrease is significant with 42% less casualties than the previous year. This decrease is a positive development, however the trend remains very worrying in two countries. In Mexico, 9 journalists have been killed in six months and 6 in Afghanistan, more than one third of the total of fatalities (read the PEC report on PEC NEWS in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese or Arabic)

03.07.2019. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 41st session item 4 - The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) draws the attention of the Human Rights Council to two dramatic situations for media workers and freedom of the press: Afghanistan and Mexico. An independent mechanism must fill the gaps in prevention, protection and prosecution  (read the statement delivered by the PEC on PEC NEWS)

01.07.2019. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 41st session item 3. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) thanks the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings Agnes Callamard for her presentation at the Human Rights Council of her report (A/HRC/41/36) into the killing last October of Mr Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. In order to address similar cases in the future the PEC fully supports the Special Rapporteur's recommendation to the Human Rights Council or the General Assembly to establish a Standing Instrument for the Criminal Investigation into Allegations of Targeted Killing, or other acts of violence against journalists and human rights defenders. It is of utmost importance that crimes targeting journalists do not go unpunished and that all officials at all levels are identified and prosecuted (read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS)

20.06.2019. UKRAINE. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply shocked by death of journalist Vadim Komarov in Ukraine. He had been in a coma since suffering a violent attack on 4 May in Cherkasy, Ukraine. Vadim Komarov (photo) was a well-known media professional exposing corruption and uncovering abuses of power. It is regrettable that about one-and-a-half months after the attack the law enforcement have not yet identified the perpetrators nor reported any progress on the investigation. The investigation into the July 2016 murder of Belarusian journalist Pavel Sheremet in Kyiv also continues to be shrouded in mystery. Those responsible for those crimes must be identified and face justice.

19.06.2019. Khashoggi killing: the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the report of UN human rights expert Agnes Callamard (photo) confirming that Saudi Arabia is responsible for “premeditated execution”.

Following a six-month investigation, the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings issued her findings into the killing last October of Mr Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. "His killing was the result of elaborate planning involving extensive coordination and significant human and financial resources. It was overseen, planned and endorsed by high-level officials. It was premeditated", the report said. "The killing of Mr Khashoggi constitutes an international crime over which other States should claim universal jurisdiction. I call on those States to take the necessary measures to establish their competence to exercise jurisdiction under international law over this crime of extrajudicial execution,” Callamard said. The Special Rapporteur also determined that there was credible evidence, warranting further investigation of high-level Saudi officials’ individual liability, including that of the Crown Prince. Callamard called on the Human Rights Council, the Security Council or the UN Secretary-General to conduct an international follow-up criminal investigation for the purpose of determining individual liability and identifying options towards judicial accountability. The PEC fully agrees with the statement of Agnes Callamard and asks States to follow her recommendations.

16.06.2019. A l'occasion de la parution de son nouveau livre: "Guerre et Paix dans le Cyberespace - les démocraties à l'épreuve de la démocratie numérique" (Georg éditeur, 282 pages), Blaise Lempen a expliqué sa démarche et confié ses inquiétudes à la PEC. Il faut défendre nos libertés, nos démocraties à la fois contre les abus des multinationales du numérique qui concentrent les données et ceux de régimes autoritaires qui cherchent à supprimer toute opinion critique. L'Europe doit mener ce combat face aux empires numériques chinois, russe et américain. Une réflexion sur les mutations profondes de notre environnement sociopolitique et les outils de promotion de la paix numérique (lire l'interview de Blaise Lempen sur PEC NEWS)

12.06.2019. ENDLESS TRAGEDY IN MEXICO. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to learn that an other woman journalist has been killed in Mexico. Norma Sarabia (photo) was shot dead on 11 June in Huimanquillo, Tabasco. She is the 9th journalist killed in Mexico since the start of 2019. Mexico is the most dangerous country for media workers. The PEC calls for an international investigation into these killings to end impunity.

28.05.2019. BRAZIL. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) denounces the assassination of journalist Robson Giorno in Maricá in the state of Rio de Janeiro on 25 May. The PEC trusts that the investigation will lead to the prosecution of the perpetrators of this crime. Robson Giorno (photo) was the founder and principal reporter of the online Jornal O Maricá, which focused on local news and politics. Unidentified callers lured Giorno out of his house where he was killed by unidentified assailants who immediately fled the scene. Robson Giorno is the first journalist to be killed in Brazil in 2019. Four journalists were killed last year in Brazil. Impunity must end (see casualties).

27.05.2019. SYRIA. As Syrian government air strikes continue to pound the last rebel-held stronghold in Syria, international and domestic journalists have come under fire - seemingly intentionally. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the attacks on Sky News' team in Idlib and other journalists by Syrian forces. According to Sky News' special correspondent Alex Crawford (photo), Sky News crew - clearly identified as journalists - was deliberately targeted on May 24 and attacked by Syrian regime forces using military drones to pinpoint their location, before launching a series of strikes. No members of the Sky News crew were hurt, according to Crawford's report. American journalist Bilal Abdel Karim, who was with them at the time, was wounded. The attack followed shortly on from the wounding of journalist Ayham Mohammed al-Bayoush on 18 May, as a result of another aerial attack by the Syrian government in the town of Maarat al-Numan, in the south of Idlib. On May 24, airstrikes also injured Mustafa al-Abbas, a reporter for the pro-opposition broadcaster Al-Jisr, and Mustafa al-Khalaf, a reporter for the pro-opposition broadcaster Syria TV, according to the Syrian Journalists' Association. Such attacks are shocking. Media workers should be allowed to work without such threats to their lives. The PEC reminds all belligerents that targeting journalists is a war crime.

12.05.2019. AFGHANISTAN. ONE MORE JOURNALIST KILLED. A prominent Afghan journalist Mena Mangal (photo) has been gunned down on Saturday morning in south-east Kabul, just days after she warned on social media that she feared for her life. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns this deliberate and heinous murder against a women's rights defender and asks the authorities to bring those responsible to justice. Mangal made her name as a presenter on the Pashto-language channel Tolo TV, the country’s largest private broadcaster, and later worked for Shamshad TV. She was a passionate advocate of women’s rights to education and work, and had recently become a cultural adviser to the lower chamber of Afghanistan’s national parliament. Afghanistan is after Mexico the most dangerous country for media workers this year with 5 journalists killed since January.

06.05.2019. MYANMAR. Finally a good news. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the release of two Reuters reporters after 511 days in jail. The Press Emblem raised the case of Wa Lone (33) and Kyaw Soe Oo (29) many times at the Human Rights Council since march 2018 and is pleased to learn that dialogue can work even with difficulties and delays. Both reporters should never have spent a day in prison. They were released under a presidential amnesty for 6,520 prisoners. Before their arrest in December 2017, they had been working on an investigation into the killing of 10 Rohingya Muslim men and boys by security forces and Buddhist civilians in western Myanmar’s Rakhine State. Government spokesman Zaw Htay said the decision to release the two was made after the families wrote to government leader Aung San Suu Kyi, according to Reuters.

04.05.2019. MEXICO. One more journalist killed, seventh this year.

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of another journalist Telésforo Santiago Enríquez (photo), founder of a community radio station El Cafetal. He was found shot to death in a car on Thursday May 2nd in the southern state of Oaxaca. Enriquez is at least the seventh media member to be killed during President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s administration. In March, the deputy interior minister for human rights, Alejandro Encinas, said six others had been murdered since López Obrador took office in December. The PEC calls on the authorities to conduct an exhaustive investigation into Enriquez' death and to bring the killer to justice. Mexico is the world’s most dangerous countries for media workers, according to the PEC.

02.05.2019. World Press Freedom Day 2019 - Net decrease in the number of media victims // Journée de la liberté de la presse 2019 - Nette diminution du nombre de victimes parmi les journalistes // Día de la Libertad de Prensa 2019 - Fuerte disminución en el número de víctimas entre los periodistas (read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS - English, French, Spanish and Arabic)

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) noted with satisfaction a decrease in the number of journalists killed so far in the year compared with the same period last year. On the occasion of Press Freedom Day the PEC noted close to a 56 percent decrease registering 20 victims in 12 countries from 1rst January to 30 April against 46 during the same period last year.

21.04.2019. Northern Ireland. Freelance journalist Lyra McKee (photo) shot dead while she was covering the riots in the city of Londonderry, Northern Ireland, on Thursday night 19 April. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is shocked and urges the authorities to ensure a full investigation into her death. Our thoughts are with her partner, family and many friends and colleagues. On April 23rd, the New Irish Republican Army (New IRA) ackowledged its responsiblity in Lyra McKee's death and offered apologies to the journalist' relatives. Her death underscores dangers journalists face around the world while doing their job.

18.03.2019. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to learn the murder of four journalists in three days, one in Mexico, one in Afghanistan, one in India and one in Honduras. The PEC condemns those killings and demands thorough investigations. A Honduran reporter critical of the government Leonardo Gabriel Hernandez (photo) was shot dead Sunday, March 17, in Nacaome, 100 kilometers south of the capital Tegucigalpa. He is the first journalist to be killed in the central American country since 2017 (go to Casualties)

13.03.2019. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 40th session. Since the beginning of 2019, 13 more journalists were killed. The PEC urges the Members of the Human Rights Council to fight more firmly impunity and to bring the responsible of those crimes to justice (read the oral statement delivered by the PEC on PEC NEWS)

08.03.2019. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 40th session. On the occasion of #InternationalWomensDay and the general debate on item 3 at the Human Rights Council, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) agrees with the Special Rapporteur Michel Forst that women journalists face high risks in a number of countries and calls upon Member States to better protect women defenders.

(Read the oral statement delivered at the HRC by the PEC on PEC NEWS)

05.03.2019. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 40th session. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly protests against the pressure exerted by the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the UN in Geneva // La Presse Emblème Campagne proteste fermement contre les pressions exercées par la Mission permanente de Turquie auprès de l'ONU à Genève (read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS)

The side-event took place at the Palais des Nations on March, 5 with the support of the Global Alliance MGF and the PEC (photo: the panellists with the moderator Eric Sottas). The Permanent Mission of Turkey in Geneva exerted pressure to remove civil society from the work of the Human Rights Council. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) denounces it firmly. The UN Director-General and the Office of the High Commissionner said that there was nothing against the speakers justifying an action against them.

19.02.2019. NO PROGRESS IN TURKEY. Cumhuriyet trial convictions a new setback for media freedom. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is alarmed by the decision of an Istanbul court to uphold convictions and severe sentences handed down to dozens of Cumhuriyet journalists. The PEC urges the immediate release and dismissal of all charges against these journalists. On 18 February, an Istanbul court upheld a ruling to jail journalists and executives from the newspaper Cumhuriyet. According to the court ruling, many journalists will have to return to prison to serve the remainder of their sentences. Several other media workers, all of them convicted to more than five years in prison, will appeal against their sentences at a higher court.

18.02.2019. MEXICO. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is appalled by the killing of radio announcer Reynaldo López (photo) in Hermosillo, Sonora.

Reporter Carlos Cota is in critical condition. Several men armed with automatic weapons opened fire on them from another vehicle, killing López and seriously wounding Cota before fleeing the scene.
The PEC condemns the aggression against the reporters and urges Mexican authorities to bring the responsible of this crime to justice and ensure the safety of journalists. Reynaldo López is already the third journalist to be murdered in Mexico this year, following the killing of radio host Jesús Ramos Rodríguez in Tabasco a week ago and the assassination of community radio director Rafael Murúa in Baja California in January. Mexico was the most dangerous country for journalists in 2018 with Afghanistan.

17.02.2019. SLOVAKIA. One year after the murders of Kuciak and Kušnírová several protest gatherings will be held under the slogan “We won’t forget! We will continue!”. Slovakia will commemorate the one-year anniversary of the cold-blooded murder of investigative reporter Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová on February 21. One year later, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) regrets that the crime remains unsolved and unpunished. The PEC is also worried that the attention of authorities is mainly on the individual culpability of the murderers and not on the state’s responsibility for failing to protect Ján Kuciak. States have positive obligations to protect journalists - especially after they report threats.

16.02.2019. PHILIPPINES. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins 24 civil society groups calling for the dropping of charges against "Rappler" and Maria Ressa (photo). The PEC views with extreme concern the unwarranted arrest of Rappler's chief executive officer Maria Ressa on Wednesday, 13 February 2019, based on libel charges arising from a story published almost seven years ago by the online news site. Although Ms. Ressa was released on bail on 14 February 2019, the charges against her remain pending (read the statement of solidarity with Ressa and Rappler published on: www.seapa.org )

08.02.2019. Turkey/Saudi Arabia: UN expert delivers early findings in Khashoggi probe. “Evidence collected during my mission to Turkey shows prime facie case that Mr Khashoggi was the victim of a brutal and premeditated killing, planned and perpetrated by officials of the State of Saudi Arabia,” said in a statement Agnes Callamard (photo), the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the statement of the UN Special Rapporteur, urges all States to cooperate with the investigation and to send a clear message that arbitrary killings motivated to silence critical voices and impunity will not be tolerated (Read the UN statement on our page PEC NEWS)

06.02.2019. YEMEN. A Japanese journalist Kosuke Tsuneoka (photo) ordered to surrender passport in Tokyo on way to report on Yemen humanitarian crisis. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) does not agree with this measure. Keeping them out of war zones is not the best way to protect journalists who are essential witnesses of humanitarian crises (read the full story of the Japan Times on PEC NEWS).

05.02.2019. AFGHANISTAN. Two Afghan Journalists killed in targeted attack. Unidentified gunmen have opened fire at Radio Hamsada station in Taloqan, capital of Northern Takhar province, killing two journalists: reporter Shafiq Aria (26) and presenter Rahimullah Rahmani (25) in what the director of the Radio said was a "targeted attack". The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply concerned by the murder of the young journalists, strongly condemns the attack and demands a full investigation of the incident to bring those responsible to justice. Afghanistan was last year the deadliest country for journalists in the world with Mexico.

02.02.2019. BRAZIL. Investigative journalism helps to shed light on murders of communicators in Brazil.

31.01.2019. SYRIA. US court finds Assad regime liable for Marie Colvin's death in Syria

(read the stories on our page NO IMPUNITY)


The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the visit to Turkey of a three-member team of international experts to conduct an inquiry into the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi on October 2 last year and hopes that the mission will be able to shed light on new elements in order to ensure accountability and transparency in this case . The PEC calls upon all authorities to cooperate with the experts. The experts in Turkey between January 28 and February 3 plan to report to the UN Human Rights Council in June. The UN rights office in Geneva said in a statement before the visit that the independent panel would seek to establish "the nature and extent of states and individuals responsibilities for the killing". The three members of the panel are Agnes Callamard (left on the photo meeting with Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, ap), UN special rapporteur on summary or arbitrary executions, British barrister Helena Kennedy and Duarte Nuno Vieira, a professor at the department of legal and forensic medicine and medical law at Coimbra University, Portugal. A Saudi public prosecutor's spokesman said last year that 21 Saudis had been taken into custody over the case, 11 of whom had been indicted and referred to trial. The prosecutor said it was seeking the death penalty for five of the 11 suspects. US intelligence agencies believe Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the operation to kill Khashoggi, a critic and Washington Post columnist, and say his body was dismembered and removed to a location still publicly unknown. Riyadh denies the Crown Prince had any involvement in the murder.

22.01.2019. FIRST JOURNALIST KILLED IN MEXICO IN 2019. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of Rafael Murúa Manríquez (photo, 34), calls on Mexican authorities to undertake a transparent and exhaustive investigation and to bring the killers to justice. Murúa was the director of Radiokashana FM, a community radio station in the town of Santa Rosalía, in the northern state of Baja California Sur. The journalist had reported receiving threats several times in recent years, and since June 2017 Murúa was assigned protective measures by the Federal Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists. Such measures include bodyguards, a panic button, and security systems at their residences and offices. Mexico was the most dangerous country for journalists in 2018 with 17 killed.

20.01.2019. LIBYA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) mourns the death of popular photographer, Mohamed Ben Khalifa (photo, 35) who worked for Associated Press news agency. He was killed by shellfire on Saturday Jan 19th south of Libya’s capital Tripoli where he was covering militia clashes. He was one of the leading photographers in Libya since 2014 and has won many awards. The PEC sends its condolences to his family, colleagues and friends.

17.01.2019. GHANA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of investigative journalist Ahmed Hussein-Suale (34) on Wednesday, 16 January in Medina, a suburb of the capital, Accra. Hussein was a member of the team led by award-winning journalist Anas Aremeyaw that exposed corruption in African football. The PEC calls on the Government of Ghana to bring to justice the perpetrators and those who ordered this heinous crime. Ahmed Hussein-Suale is the second journalist to be killed in Africa in 2019.

11.01.2019. MYANMAR court confirms seven-year jail terms for Reuters journalists. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is appalled to learn that Myanmar’s high court upheld the jail sentences of Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo (photo) detained since December 2017. Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo just did their job as reporters, investigating a massacre of Rohingya civilians by soldiers in a village in the north of Rakhine state. The PEC calls upon the United Nations and the Human Rights Council to condemn this judicial harassment against the two journalists that sent a chilling message to Myanmar’s journalists.

06.01.2019. KENYA: Journalist found dead, strangled in Kisii home. Johnson Nyakundi (photo) was found dead at his home in Jogoo estate, Kisii County on New Year’s day. The former cameraman for Newstar, Mwanyagetinge and Voice of Victory TV stations, was last seen two days before Christmas. Journalist Johnson Nyakundi was strangled, post-mortem report shows. He is the first journalist killed in 2019. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns this murder, calls for a swift and thorough investigation and that those behind this heinous act are identified and punished.

03.01.2019. UPDATE PEC annual report : 117 media workers killed in 2018 in 31 countries, an increase of 18 percent compared to 2017. Since the publication of its annual report on December 16, the PEC mourns the death of 4 more journalists, one in India, one in France, one in Colombia and one in Somalia.

In a decade, from 2009 to 2018, the final figure is 1225 journalists and media workers killed, 122 per year, on average 2,34 per week.

read the updated PEC press release on PEC NEWS

22.12.2018. SOMALIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) mourns the loss of Somali Journalist Awil Dahir Salad (photo), working for Universal TV. He was killed with at least 15 other people in a car bomb attack claimed by al Shabaab close to the president’s residence in the Somali capital Mogadishu. The prominent journalist is the fourth journalist killed in Somalia in 2018. The PEC send its condolences to the family's members, friends and colleagues of Awil Dahir.

19.12.2018. NEW VICTIM OF TERRORISM AMONG THE MEDIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) regrets the death of Antonio Megalizzi (photo, 29) an Italian journalist killed by Chérif Chekatt in Strasbourg (France) on December 11th. He had come to Strasbourg to cover the news of the European Parliament for Europhonica. Our thoughts go to the family and all Antonio’s friends and colleagues.

17.12.2018. PEC ANNUAL REPORT: the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced that since the beginning of the year 113 journalists were killed in 30 countries, an increase of 14 percent in media casualties compared to the previous year // Rapport annuel de la PEC: depuis le début de 2018, 113 journalistes ont été tués dans 30 pays, une hausse de 14% par rapport à l'année précédente, a affirmé lundi la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) dans son rapport annuel // Informe anual de la PEC: la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció que desde el comienzo del año, 113 periodistas han sido asesinados en 30 países, lo que representa un aumento del 14% en las bajas en los medios de comunicación en comparación con el año de 2017.

Read the PEC press release on PEC News, list of victims and graphics on our page Casualties

Main figures: most dangerous countries in 2018: Afghanistan 17 killed, Mexico 17, Syria 11, India 8, Yemen 8, USA 6, Pakistan 5, Brazil 4, Philippines 4

By region, Asia 36 killed, Latin America 32, Middle East 24, Africa 8, Europe 7, North America 6

In a decade from 2009 to 2018: 1221 media workers killed, 122 per year on average, 2,3 per week

During the last 5 years (2014 to 2018) the most dangerous countries were Syria (with 64 killed), Mexico (61), Afghanistan (48), Iraq (46), Pakistan (36), India (30), Yemen (29), the Philippines (24), Brazil (22) and Somalia (22).

11.12.2018. Time Magazine Person of the Year 2018 recognises journalists. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) congratulates the Time magazine team for choosing killed and imprisoned journalists - "The Guardians" - as people of the year 2018. The magazine featured four different covers with journalists who have been targeted for their work this year. They include Jamal Khashoggi who was killed in the Saudi embassy in Turkey and staff from Capital Gazette, the US newspaper where five people were killed.

The founder of Rappler Maria Ressa of the Philippines, and the wives of Myanmar's Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, detained since one year in Rangoon, are also featured. Time said they were chosen "for taking great risks in pursuit of greater truths, for the imperfect but essential quest for facts, for speaking up and for speaking out". Thank you Time Magazine ! Many more journalists killed or detained deserve attention.

05.12.2018. TWO MORE JOURNALISTS KILLED IN MEXICO. Jesús Alejandro Márquez Jiménez (photo), the founder and editor of the news website Orión Informativo, was murdered on same day as Mexico’s new president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador inauguration December 1st. Diego Garcia Corona was killed on December 5th in Ecatepec. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns these latest crimes and calls upon the authorities to conduct thorough investigations. Since January, 17 journalists were killed in Mexico, the most dangerous country this year with Afghanistan. Two more journalists, Rodrigo Acuña Morales in Veracruz and Ana Ledesma in Quintana Roo, survived murder attempts last month.

03.12.2018. A sign of hope: November was the least deadly month of the year. Only three journalists killed in November: this is the first time in several years that so few victims have been identified in a month, according to the PEC. Unfortunately, the record for 2018 remains very high with 110 victims identified so far (see on our page Casualties)

24.11.2018. SYRIA. Prominent Syrian radio journalist shot dead by gunmen in the rebel-held Syrian province of Idlib

Raed Fares (photo) was killed in the north-western town of Kafranbel. He was a prominent anti-government journalist and also a sharp critic of Islamist militants. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) mourns a huge loss known for his influential "Radio Fresh" broadcasts. Photographer Hamoud Jneed was murdered with him on Friday morning by gunmen who have not been identified. Raed Fares' US-funded Radio Fresh station provides news of the conflict to Syria's northern provinces and is a source for international news outlets. Mr Fares survived an earlier assassination attempt in 2014 when he was shot in the chest by armed men. In 2016, he was abducted by militants affiliated with an Al Qaeda group and tortured. His radio station was raided by militants and bombed by government warplanes. The PEC is appalled by a new blow to the few independent voices that have continued to promote democratic change in the war-torn country.

16.11.2018. NO TO IMPUNITY. JAMAL KHASHOGGI CASE. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the new US sanctions on 17 Saudis allegedly involved in the killing of Khashoggi inside the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul. The new measures, which follow travel bans already in place, freeze any assets the 17 may have in the US and prohibit any Americans from doing business with them. However, for the PEC these measures are not sufficient.

The PEC supports the move by a bipartisan group of US senators who introduced legislation seeking to punish Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi's murder. If the bill were to become law, it would suspend weapon sales to Saudi Arabia and prohibit US refuelling of Saudi coalition aircraft conducting air raids in Yemen. The move came after Riyadh's public prosecutor said five out of 11 suspects are facing a possible death sentence in the case. Saudi Arabia has admitted Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi writer, US resident and Washington Post columnist, was killed inside its consulate in the Turkish city of Istanbul on October 2.

Funeral prayers have been held Friday in absentia for slain Saudi journalist in Ankara, Istanbul, London and the Grand Mosque in Mecca and Prophet Muhammad's mosque in the Saudi city of Medina with the participation of Salah Khashoggi, the son of murdered Washington Post columnist.

It is outrageous that the whereabouts of his body are still unknown. The PEC welcomes reports that Turkey is calling for an international investigation into the murder. We need a credible and independent investigation to establish facts and ensure all those responsible are brought to justice in fair trials.

13.11.2018. GAZA. Israeli air strike destroys Hamas TV building in Gaza. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the air strike which bombed Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV building in the Gaza Strip on Nov 12. The PEC recalls that media facilities like any civilian building should not be targeted, on the pretext that they belong to the opposing camp.

The Israeli warplanes fired three warning missile, before F16 planes targeted with at least three missiles the TV headquarters, destroying it completely and causing serious damages to neighboring buildings, according to reports. No injuries were immediately reported and workers were believed to have evacuated after the warning shots. The station began broadcasting again a short while after the strike from an undisclosed location. Israel's military acknowledged hitting the building, saying in a statement "it contributes to Hamas's military actions, including by providing operational messaging to militants, directing and explicitly calling for terror activities against Israel, and providing guidance on how to carry out such terror activities".

07.11.2018. NO TO IMPUNITY. UNESCO launches Observatory of Killed Journalists, tracking actions taken to punish crimes against media practitioners. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes this initiative and hopes that it will help to fight against impunity. Link to the Observatory on our NO IMPUNITY page

Non à l'impunité. L’UNESCO lance l’Observatoire des journalistes assassinés, qui répertorie les mesures prises pour punir les crimes commis contre les professionnels des médias - la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) se félicite de cette initiative en espérant qu'elle aidera à combattre l'impunité. Lien avec l'Observatoire sur notre page NO IMPUNITY

05.11.2018. UKRAINE. One more woman journalist killed in Europe. Kateryna Gandziuk (photo), a civic activist and local council member from Kherson, a city some 550 kilometers south of Kyiv, died on Nov. 4 in a Kyiv hospital. Gandziuk, 33, was attacked with acid on July 31, resulting in severe burns of her head and body. She was a co-founder of the Agency of civic journalism “MOST”, which is engaged in anti-corruption and monitoring research in the region. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns this attack against freedom of expression and urges the Ukrainian authorities to bring to justice the perpetrators of this crime.

International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on 2 November - PEC Condemns an Escalation in Killings of Journalists // Journée internationale de la fin de l'impunité pour les crimes commis contre des journalistes le 2 novembre - la PEC condamne l'escalade des meurtres de journalistes // Día Internacional para Acabar con la Impunidad por los Crímenes contra Periodistas el 2 de noviembre - PEC condena la escalada de asesinatos de periodistas

A cette occasion, la PEC et l'Organisation des journalistes de Côte d'Ivoire ont joint leurs forces pour le soutien à une Convention internationale

read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS

25.10.2018. SYRIA. Japanese journalist Jumpei Yasuda released, more than three years after he was abducted in Syria. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) warmly welcomes the release of Mr Yasuda (photo), abducted in June 2015, after travelling from Turkey to Syria to report on the country’s civil war. According to press reports, Yasuda was held by the al-Qaeda-linked group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which was once known as al-Nusra Front. He was released on Wednesday, October 24 and arrived back in Tokyo on Thursday. The PEC wishes him a good recovery.

16.10.2018. MALTA. On the first anniversary of the murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls on the authorities of Malta and of the European Union to ensure that all those involved in this killing face justice. An international and independent investigation is needed to shed light on the sponsors of this murder and the possibility of state complicity. All those responsible for her death must be brought to justice and convicted. Last June, the PEC awarded her family with its annual prize for the protection of journalists to honor his fight against impunity. Daphne Caruana Galizia (photo) died on 16 October 2017 when a bomb in her car was detonated as she was driving from her home in Bidnija, Malta (read on our page PEC AWARD the testimony of Daphne's sister Corinne Vella)

12.10.2018. TURKEY/SAUDI ARABIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) considers that there is enough audio and video evidence that Jamal Khashoggi was killed on 2 October during his visit to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. According to this evidence, you can hear how the Saudi journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post was interrogated and then killed. The PEC asks for an international commission of inquiry to identify the perpetrators of this heinous crime and bring them to justice.

09.10.2018. TURKEY/SAUDI ARABIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply concerned by the possible murder of Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi (photo) and urges Turkey and Saudi Arabia to support an impartial and independent investigation to shed light on his disappearance one week ago from the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. If reports of the circumstances are confirmed, this is truly shocking and marks a very disturbing escalation in criminal activity targeting journalists around the world.

08.10.2018. MALTA. ONE YEAR AFTER THE ASSASSINATION OF DAPHNE CARUANA GALIZIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) supports an appeal to establish a public inquiry into the murder of the journalist killed on 16 October 2017. A thorough investigation has still not taken place

Read the letter sent to the Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat and signed by 25 organisations on PEC NEWS

07.10.2018. BULGARIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the brutal killing of TV journalist Viktoria Marinova in the north of Bulgaria and demands a full investigation to find the perpetrators of this crime.

Viktoria Marinova (photo, 30) is the third journalist killed in the European Union in one year after Daphne Caruana Galizia and Jan Kuciak.

More on our page NO IMPUNITY

27.09.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the adoption of a new resolution on the safety of journalists. The resolution A/HRC/39/L7 adopted by consensus is broader and stronger than the previous ones (read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS, the text of the resolution on DOCUMENTS)

25.09.2018. UNITED NATIONS. PRESS FREEDOM & ACCESS TO INFORMATION An initiative of UN Geneva and the City of Geneva. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomed the participants to its stand and explained the goals of the association // LIBERTÉ DE LA PRESSE & ACCÈS À L'INFORMATION. Une initiative des Nations Unies à Genève et de la Ville de Genève. La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) a accueilli les participants à son stand et expliqué les buts de l'association (Ricardo Espinosa, left, and Pilar Ackermann, right, members of the PEC board answered questions) (more on PEC NEWS)

18.09.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 39th session - Oral Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) on item 4: the PEC is worried by the deteriorating situation of the safety of journalists in some countries since the previous session of the Human Rights Council in June

(read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS)

14.09.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 39th session. Oral statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) on item 3: the PEC welcomes the new report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Safety of Journalists (A/HRC/39/23). The PEC agrees with the conclusions of the report that there have been notable achievements in addressing the issue of the safety of journalists. However, the report adds that despite the attention given, "attacks on journalists are increasing, raising legitimate questions about the impact of these mechanisms at all levels". The PEC believes that the international community must adopt a more robust international instrument to deal effectively with this matter. National mechanisms are not enough when circumstances do not permit a thorough enquiry and when the judiciary is not independent (read the full statement on PEC NEWS)

05.09.2018. AFGHANISTAN. TWO MORE JOURNALISTS KILLED IN AN EXPLOSION IN KABUL. 15 journalists and media workers have already been killed in Afghanistan, the most dangerous country for journalists in 2018. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to learn that two journalists of Tolo News, Afghanistan’s largest private broadcaster, Samim Faramarz and cameraman Ramez Ahmadi lost their lives in an explosion in Kabul while covering an earlier bombing. Three journalists from the Khurshid TV and one journalist from 1TV were wounded in the attack.
The first explosion happened at around 6pm Kabul time, targeting a wrestling gym in Qala-e-Nazer area in Kabul’s PD6, while the second explosion was a car bombing that according to officials left at least 20 people dead and more than 70 others wounded, Tolonews said. According to the ToloNews, Farmarz had been reporting live from the scene of the first explosion - just minutes before the explosion happened. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bombings but sympathizers of the Islamic State (Daesh) claimed to have been behind April attack in Kabul which claimed lives of nine journalists.

03.09.2018. MYANMAR. An unjust verdict to cover up atrocities and a major step backward

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns a worrying development for press freedom in Myanmar, where Reuters journalists Kyaw Soe Oe (left) and Wa Lone (right) were sentenced to seven years in jail for reporting the truth on a massacre of ten Rohingyas by military. The PEC calls upon the UN Member States to react in order to obtain the quick release of the two journalists

13.08.2018. ONE MORE JOURNALIST KILLED IN SYRIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is dismayed by the killing of one more journalist in Syria, Syrian cameraman and photoreporter Ahmed Azize who worked for the pro-opposition Aleppo News Network. Ahmed Azize was killed on August 10 while covering Russian airstrikes on the town of Urum al-Kubra southwest of Aleppo. Like scores of journalists before him, Ahmed Azize put his life on the line to report on events in Syria and he paid the ultimate price for his courage.

04.08.2018. COLOMBIA. El PEC condena el asesinato de dos profesionales de la prensa esta semana en Colombia en el departamento del Cauca Jairo Alberto Calderon director del portal de noticias Contacto y Valentin Rua Tezada quien trabajaba en la radio Salvajina Estereo. El PEC manifiesta su preocupación por la agudización de ataques contra periodistas en el país que se expresa en múltiples amenazas a muerte.

02.08.2018. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of 3 Russian journalists in the Central African Republic in an ambush by an armed group on 30 July. PEC calls upon the Central African Republic authorities to carry out a thorough investigation to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice. The three reporters working for Russian online news Investigative Control Center (TsUR) were slain on the spot near the village of Sibuti.

31.07.2018. ECUADOR: NO TO IMPUNITY. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a special Follow-up team installed in Quito by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and its Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RFOE) for the case of the killing of journalists Javier Ortega Reyes, Paúl Rivas Bravo, and Efraín Segarra, of “El Comercio” newspaper in Quito, on the border between Ecuador and Colombia in April of this year (read more on our page NO IMPUNITY)

30.07.2018. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) regrets the death of ten more journalists in July, a total of 76 since the beginning of the year. Afghanistan (12 killed) and Mexico (10) remain the most dangerous countries (go to CASUALTIES)

Rubén Pat Caiuch (photo), director of Semanario Playa News, was shot and killed in the early morning of July 24 outside a bar in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo. His death comes less than a month after the murder of José Guadalupe Chan Dzib, also a reporter for Semanario Playa News, on June 29.

03.07.2018. PEC report. An increase of 32% in media casualties - Afghanistan, Mexico, Syria most dangerous countries for journalists in the first six months of 2018 // Hausse de 32% des victimes - l'Afghanistan, le Mexique et la Syrie pays les plus dangereux pour les journalistes pendant le premier semestre 2018 // Aumento del 32% en las bajas - Afganistán, México y Siria, los paises más peligrosos para periodistas durante la primera mitad de 2018

read the PEC press release English, French, Spanish and Arabic on PEC NEWS

29.06.2018. USA. Annapolis journalists killed in targeted attack on Capital Gazette.

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is dismayed by the attack against the local newspaper in Maryland and strongly condemns this heinous act. Staff at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis said the attacker, armed with a shotgun and smoke grenades, shot through a glass door into the newsroom. The attack raises questions about the possible consequences of the anti-media rhetoric of political leaders in the U.S. The PEC expresses its deepest sympathies to colleagues and families of the five victims: Wendi Winters, 65, reporter, Rebecca Smith, 34, sales assistant, Robert Hiaasen, 59, editor, Gerald Fischman, 61, editorial writer, John McNamara, 56, reporter and editor (photo: Capital Gazette reporters did not interrupted their work: they were pictured working on the next day's newspaper from the car park after the attack)

27.06.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 38th session. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) alerts the Council on three particularly dramatic situations, the most serious for the safety of journalists: Afghanistan, Mexico and Yemen (photo: the new board member and PEC Representative to the United Nations Ricardo Espinosa has delivered the PEC oral intervention)

read the statement delivered by the PEC on PEC NEWS

20.06.2018. 38th session of the Human Rights Council. Side-event on Freedom of the press in Turkey - the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls upon all Members of the Human Rights Council to do their utmost to reverse a worrying trend targeting opposition journalists in Turkey. All journalists must be released.

Panelists: Levent Kenez, former editor of the newspaper Meydan in Turkey, Jeremy Dear, deputy Secretary-General International Federation of Journalists, Blaise Lempen, PEC Secretary-General, moderator: Alfred de Zayas, UN expert

According to the latest figures of the Stockholm Center for Freedom, 242 journalists were jailed, 182 arrested and 60 convicted and the number of media organizations seized and shut down by the government has reached 187. The press cards of 889 journalists were cancelled, the assets of 54 were seized and 142 journalists in exile are wanted (photo from left to right: Jeremy Dear, Alfred de Zayas, Blaise Lempen and Levent Kenez)

More on PEC NEWS

19.06.2018. 38th session of the Human Rights Council - Freedom of expression online: more needs to be done. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the publication of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the protection and promotion of the right to freedom of opinion and expression David Kaye (photo) on public and private regulation of user-generated online content

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS

04.06.2018. PEC AWARD 2018 IN MEMORY OF DAPHNE CARUANA GALIZIA - Journalists killed in the European Union: no to impunity

On October 16, 2017 the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered in Malta. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has decided to honour her memory by giving its annual Award for the Protection of Journalists to members of her family. This crime must not remain unpunished. "When a journalist is killed, everyone loses in part their right to know and to understand. That makes a crime against a journalist a crime against us all. Hostile rhetoric against critical journalists legitimises attacks and ongoing impunity makes the situation worse. The cost of attacking a journalist needs to be raised. Otherwise, the message is that crimes against journalists are worth the risk", said Corinne Vella, sister of Daphne Caruana Galizia on behalf of the family at the press conference at the Swiss Press Club in Geneva (photo: Blaise Lempen, Corinne Vella, Luisa Ballin at the press conference at the Geneva Press Club)

Read the press release, speeches, watch the video on our special page PEC AWARD

30.05.2018. UKRAINE/RUSSIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns an unacceptable manipulation of public opinion by the Ukrainian security service. Arkady Babchenko (photo, 41), the Russian journalist who was reported to have been shot dead in Kiev, has turned up alive at a news conference in Ukraine. Vasily Gritsak, head of the Ukrainian security service, told reporters the agency had faked Babchenko’s death to catch people who were trying to kill him. Babchensko said he was told a month ago that Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) was planning to kill him and he had no choice but to cooperate in the simulation of his death. The PEC regrets that Ukrainian authorities played with the truth and prematurely accused the Russian authorities of killing the journalist. Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko left Russia last year saying he was receiving death threats after articles questioning Russia’s seizure of Crimea from Ukraine and Russia’s military role in Syria.

15.05.2018. GAZA SRIP. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemned the use of gunfire by Israeli forces against journalists covering protests in the Gaza Strip. At least seven Palestinian journalists have been injured by Israeli gunfire while covering demonstrations for the nakba, or catastrophe of displacement. Since the protests began on March 30, 2018, live rounds fired by the Israel Defense Force have hit at least 22 journalists, two of whom Yaser Murtaja and Ahmed Abu Hussein died from their injuries. Israeli authorities must investigate the shootings and take all measures to ensure that the media can safely cover protests as it is stipulated by UN Resolutions.

02.05.2018. World Press Freedom Day 2018: Media victims have dramatically increased // Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse 2018: le nombre des victimes parmi les journalistes en hausse dramatique // Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa 2018: las víctimas de los medios han aumentado drásticamente

(read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS, English, French, Spanish and Arabic)

30.04.2018. AFGHANISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is appalled by the death of nine journalists in two explosions on Monday in the Afghan capital Kabul. 

The first blast took place in the Shashdarak area of the city, where the US embassy and Afghan government buildings are located, prompting journalists to rush to the scene. The second explosion came as an attacker, disguised as a cameraman, detonated explosives at the site of the initial explosion, according to officials. French news agency Agence France Presse confirmed that its photographer Shah Marai (photo) was killed and that, along with Marai, two journalists from 1TV and one from Tolo news were among the dead. The PEC strongly condemns this heinous terrorist attack targeting journalists among the crowd three days before World Press Freedom Day.

In a separate incident, a BBC reporter Ahmad Shah, 29, has been killed in an attack in the eastern Afghan province of Khost. It is the deadliest day in Afghanistan journalism history. The PEC send its sincere condolences to the families of all the victims (list of the dead journalists on our page Casualties)

25.04.2018. GAZA. Second journalist covering Gaza rally killed by Israeli forces. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is saddened to learn that Palestinian Ahmad Abu Hussein, 24, dies of wounds in Israel's Tel Hashomer hospital, near Tel Aviv after being shot in the abdomen during protest on April 13 near Jebaliya (Gaza strip). He is the second Palestinian journalist to have been killed by Israeli soldiers since a wave of demonstrations known as the "Great March of Return" began on March 30. According to eyewitnesses, Hussein, a photographer for the Gaza-based Voice of the People radio station, was wearing a protective vest marked "PRESS" at the time he was shot. The deaths of Ahmed Abu Hussein and Yaser Murtaja underscore the need for Israeli authorities to scrutinise its policies toward journalists covering protests and take effective action. Yaser Murtaja, a photographer with the Gaza-based Ain Media agency, was hit in the stomach despite also wearing a blue flak jacket marked with the word "PRESS" while covering a protest in Khuza'a in the south of the Gaza Strip April 6.

25.04.2018. DENMARK. Peter Madsen sentenced to life for murdering journalist Kim Wall - the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the verdict (read on our page NO IMPUNITY)

22.04.2018. NICARAGUA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the murder of journalist Angel Gahona (photo) shot dead as he broadcasts live on Facebook during anti-government protests. He was describing a damaged cash machine while videoing with his phone as a cameraman filmed behind him in the town of Bluefields on Saturday. The journalist and director of El Meridiano fell to the ground bleeding from the head, footage on Facebook Live showed. It was not clear who had fired the shot. Nicaraguan newspaper La Prensa quoted another journalist as saying only police and groups fighting the protesters were armed there.

20.04.2018. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a resolution on the protection of investigative journalists in Europe adopted by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) on 19 April in Strasbourg. In the wake of the murders of investigative journalists Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta and Jan Kuciak in Slovakia, MEPs demand better protection of journalists who are regularly subject to lawsuits intended to censor their work, a permanent financial EU scheme to support independent investigative journalism, a draft EU directive to protect whistle-blowers, the Commission to address challenges to media freedom and pluralism in the EU. MEPs urged Slovak authorities to ensure a thorough and independent investigation into the murder of Ján Kuciak and his partner. A joint investigation team co-led by Europol with full access to the case file was strongly recommended.

15.04.2018. SUSPICIOUS DEATH IN RUSSIA. A Russian journalist who recently wrote about Russian mercenaries in Syria Maxim Borodin died at a hospital on Sunday after falling from his fifth-floor balcony in Yekaterinburg on Thursday. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls for a full investigation into the circumstances of the death of Maxim Borodin (photo, 32). Officials are considering his death to be a suicide, but Borodin's editor at Novy Den, Polina Rumyantseva, said that she doesn't believe he committed suicide. Borodin helped break the story about the deaths of Russian Wagner Group mercenaries from Asbest who were killed in Syria during a fight with the US military in February. In a separate incident, Dmitry Polyanin, the editor of Oblastnaya Gazeta newspaper, was brutally beaten by at least two assailants with metal bars on 12 April near his home in Yekaterinburg. He sustained multiple injuries and has been hospitalized.

13.04.2018. ECUADOR/COLOMBIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is shocked by the confirmation of the murder of three journalists. Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno confirms today that three press workers kidnapped along the conflictive border with Colombia were killed - hours after a Colombian TV network said it had received gruesome photos purporting to show the bodies of the three men. The three employees of El Comercio newspaper reporter Javier Ortega, photographer Paul Rivas and their driver Efrain Segarra (photo in captivity) were taken hostage three weeks ago by a holdout faction of the demobilized Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia while investigating a rise in drug-fueled violence along Ecuador’s northern border. The PEC condemns this appalling crime and urges the governments of Ecuador and Colombia to provide a detailed account of the circumstances surrounding it.

11.04.2018. NO TO IMPUNITY. Syrian government sued over US journalist Marie Colvin’s death in February 2012 . The lawyers say that the records provide the strongest evidence to date that Syrian forces led by President Bashar al-Assad targeted foreign journalists who were chronicling the mounting horrors in Syria, and Syrian civilians helping the reporters to gather information (read on our page NO IMPUNITY)

07.04.2018. GAZA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing of Palestinian photojournalist Yasir Murtaja and the wounding of at least 7 more journalists in Gaza. The PEC calls for an independent investigation into the attacks. Murtaja (photo, 31), who was working for the Gaza-based news agency Ain Media, was killed on 6 April in the east of Gaza from wounds sustained by an Israeli sniper while covering the March of Return rally. He was wearing a flak jacket clearly marked with the word “PRESS” when he was shot on Friday.

29.03.2018. Haïti : un journaliste disparu depuis deux semaines. La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) demande aux autorités de faire toute la lumière sur la disparition de Vladjimir Legagneur.

Cela fait deux semaines que l'on est sans nouvelles du photojournaliste haïtien. Ce dernier réalisait un reportage sur les conditions de vie à Grand-Ravine, dans un quartier sensible de Port-au-Prince, une zone devenue depuis quelques années, le théâtre d'affrontements virulents entre gangs. Mercredi 28 mars, plus de deux cents journalistes soutenus par des citoyens ont marché en silence à Port-au-Prince, la capitale d'Haïti, pour exiger la vérité sur la disparition de leur collègue. Devant la lenteur des procédures d'enquête, l'épouse de Vladjimir Legagneur (photo) a déposé une nouvelle plainte contre X pour disparition au parquet de Port-au-Prince.

26.03.2018. INDIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of three journalists in 2 days in India. Two journalists Navin Nischal, a reporter for the Hindi-language daily Dainik Bhaskar, and Vijay Singh, a colleague, were on a motorcycle when they were deliberately run down by an SUV in Bhojpur, in the northeastern Indian state of Bihar, on the evening of 25 March. Less than 24 hours after Nischal and Singh were killed, another journalist, Sandeep Sharma, was deliberately killed by a dumper truck in the central state of Madhya Pradesh. He had been investigating illegal sand mining for a national TV channel. The PEC calls on the Indian authorities to carry out a full investigation to shed light on these crimes.

20.03.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 37th session - Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) (item 8): The PEC is worried about the escalation of repression against press freedom in Turkey (read the full statement on PEC NEWS)

On the same day, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that Turkey had acted illegally in detaining two journalists despite the Supreme Court issuing an order for their release. Mehmet Atlan and Sahin Alpay were two of hundreds of journalists arrested on tenuous terror charges after the July 2016 failed coup attempt. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the first ECHR verdict on the situation facing journalists in Turkey and urges Ankara to reverse conviction of Turkish journalists. The ECHR noted that "there is a general problem in Turkey concerning the interpretation of anti-terrorism laws," and agreed with the plaintiffs that "dealing with matters of public interest" did not constitute incitement to violence.

14.03.2018. Human Rights Council - 37th session - Item 4 General Debate. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC). Two investigative journalists killed in the European Union in less than 5 months. The perpetrators and those who ordered the murders of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Jan Kuciak must be brought to justice without delay (read the full statement on PEC NEWS)

12.03.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 37th session. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) - Interactive Dialogue item 4 on Myanmar. The PEC concerned by the erosion of press freedom in Myanmar calls for the immediate release of two Reuters journalists detained since 90 days (read the full PEC statement on PEC NEWS)

09.03.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 37th session. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) - General Debate item 3 - The PEC very concerned by the dramatic increase in attacks by terrorist groups targeting media installations and media workers in Afghanistan (read the full PEC statement on PEC NEWS)

26.02.2018. SLOVAKIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is appalled by the murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak. 

Slovak reporter Jan Kuciak (photo, 27) and his partner have been shot to death in their home near Bratislava in an attack likely tied to his reporting. Kuciak went to the police last year after receiving threats, but the case was reportedly ignored. Kuciak has been working for Aktuality.sk (a unit of Ringier Axel Springer Slovakia) for the past three years. Kuciak’s reporting focused mainly on allegations of tax evasion and fraud involving high-ranking officials. The PEC strongly condemns the murders and urged the authorities to thoroughly investigate the case in order to bring the perpetrators to justice. It is the third murder of a journalist in the European Union in seven months, after investigative reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed in Malta on 16 October 2017 and Swedish reporter Kim Wall killed in Denmark on 11 August 2017 - a very disturbing trend.

16.02.2018. TURKEY. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the release of German Turkish journalist Denis Yücel after one year behind bars without charge just for doing his job. Diplomatic pressures is working, but the fight for press freedom in Turkey continues. The PEC condemns the verdicts by a Turkish court jailing journalists Mehmet Altan (65), his brother Ahmet Altan (67) and Nazli Illicak (73) for life imprisonment after finding them guilty of “involvement in the 2016 coup attempt.” The three journalists have always denied any implication in the failed coup. Many other journalists are charged in Turkey with similar groundless charges and must be released (photo: Denis Yücel with his wife on his release from prison)

14.02.2018. TURKEY. IN PRISON FOR A YEAR. Enough is enough. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is outraged by the detention of the German-Turkish journalist Denis Yücel in a Turkish prison for 365 days after his arrest Feb. 14, 2017. The "Die Welt" correspondent was never charged. Deniz Yücel was jailed just for doing his job as a journalist. The PEC calls for his immediate release. More than 100 other journalists are arbitrarily detained in Turkey. All European countries must act to #Freedeniz

09.02.2018. MALDIVES. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the threats that forced Rajje TV to stop broadcasting for safety reasons. A privately owned television station in the Maldives Rajje TV (opposition), said Friday in a statement that it stopped broadcasting because the country's environment does not allow journalists to report freely and independently. It said a mob had gathered at the station and called for it to be burned down, and government lawmakers had asked the broadcasting regulator to close it. It said the regulator, the Maldives Broadcasting Commission, has been taken over by the military, and police have withdrawn security for the television station despite the threats. "Given the present circumstances, especially with the curtailing of the right to free media, we have no choice but to suspend our regular services to ensure the safety and security of our station and our staff," the station said. Rajje TV was burned down ahead of the 2013 presidential election. No one has been convicted in the case. The PEC calls on Maldivian authorities to stop threatening news outlets and allow them to operate freely.

06.02.2018. MEXICO. El PEC demanda una acción inmediata por parte del Estado mexicano que permita determinar el paradero del periodista Agustin Silva Vazquez, desaparecido el 21 de enero en Matías Romero, Oaxaca. Agustín, de 22 años, colabora con los periódicos “El Sol del Istmo” y “El Sur”. Urge que las autoridades estatales y federales correspondientes realicen una investigación eficaz que tome en cuenta la labor periodística del Señor Silva. De acuerdo con la ONU, pocos días antes de su desaparición, Silva había hecho caso omiso a las presiones del representante de tres detenidos presuntamente vinculados con el crimen organizado, para que modificara una noticia.

01.02.2018. MYANMAR. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is dismayed and outraged by the decision of a Myanmar court to refuse to free two Reuters journalists. The PEC joins an international campaign to protest the court's refusal to grant bail to Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo (photo) who have been arrested on 12 December. They were charged on 10 January with violating the Official Secrets Act, under which they are facing a possible 14-year jail sentence. Their only crime was to take an interest in the atrocities by Myanmar’s security forces against the country’s Rohingya minority, which resulted in an exodus of around 700,000 refugees. Aung San Suu Kyi’s government must immediately end this travesty of justice used to intimidate their media colleagues.

26.01.2018. Good news and bad news for the protection of journalists. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) congratulates Dunja Mijatovic for her election as Commissioner for Human Rights at Council of Europe, but the PEC is greatly saddened by the sudden loss of a great woman Ileana Alamilla, executive director of the Centre for Informative Reports on Guatemala. Both received in Geneva the PEC annual award for the protection of journalists.

Dunja Mijatovic (photo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) was elected as the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights by the Organisation’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) at its plenary session in Strasbourg. An expert on media law and media regulation she served as the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media from 2010 to 2016. She received the PEC award in Geneva in June 2015 to thank her for her very good work especially in protecting journalists in Ukraine. Mijatovic will take office on 1 April for six years. "We are sure that she will be an effective defender of human rights throughout Europe, "said the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.

Ileana Alamilla died at the age of 68 on 17 January. Alamilla was executive director of the Centre for Informative Reports on Guatemala (Centro de Reportes Informativos sobre Guatemala, Cerigua) from 1983 until her death. Ileana Alamilla received the PEC award in June 2013. She was a staunch fighter and defender of free expression and the rights of journalists in Guatemala and throughout the continent. Alamilla was sworn in as president of the Guatemalan Journalists' Association (Asociación de Periodistas de Guatemala, APG) on 15 January, two days before her sudden death. On that occasion, she said: “Since 2000, 38 journalists have lost their lives in violent circumstances. Media outlets and journalists continue to suffer attacks, intimidation and harassment in a number of different ways.” The PEC salutes the memory of a tireless defender of the protection of journalists.

23.01.2018. TURKEY. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly protests against the shutdown of ON4 and KANAL12 Television stations by Turkish government without any clear legal justifications. The forcible closure of ON4 TV and KANAL12 stations bring the total number of 151 media outlets ordered to close. More than 367 journalists and media worker are subsequently dismissed from their posts for exercising their freedom of expression rights. The channels were shut down under the new government decrees 682, 683, 684 and 685 that have been issued following the post-coup state of emergency. The PEC calls on all concerned governments and organizations to ask the Turkish authorities to put an end to the forcible closure of the two TV stations.

19.01.2018. BRAZIL. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of two journalists in two days in Brazil and calls for a thorough investigation. Ueliton Bayer Brizon was shot dead on January 16. He was the owner of newspaper Jornal de Rondonia, in the State of Rondonia. Radio journalist Jefferson Pureza Lopes (photo) was shot three times in the head inside his house in Edealina, in the State of Goias. The journalist had been receiving threats for his work for at least two years after denouncing alleged irregularities in the public administration and criticizing municipal and regional authorities.

15.01.2018. MEXICO. Second journalist killed this year in Mexico. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is dismayed by the murder of one more journalist in Mexico: Carlos Domínguez Rodríguez (photo) was stabbed to death in Nuevo Laredo, a border town in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, on 13 January. Very critical to the local authorities, he was a reporter for the Noreste Digital and Horizonte de Matamoros news websites. PEC is alarmed to see that 2018 is beginning as badly as 2017 in Mexico, the deadliest country for journalists last year. PEC fears a growing political violence ahead of Mexico’s presidential elections in July. These crimes must not go unpunished.

08.01.2018. FIRST JOURNALIST KILLED IN 2018, A MEXICAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of José Gerardo Martínez (photo, 35), a journalist from El Universal, killed on 5 January during an assault in the Coyoacán Delegation of Mexico City. El Universal where he worked as an editor specifically stated in their reporting that they did not think he was targeted because of his journalism work. PEC calls for an independent investigation. Mexico was in 2017 the most dangerous place for journalists, according to the PEC annual report.

05.01.2018. UPDATE PEC ANNUAL REPORT. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) regrets the death of two more journalists at the end of 2017, one in Afghanistan, one in Syria since the publication of its annual report on 18 December. The final number for 2017 is 99 journalists killed in 28 countries, a significant decrease of 22% compared to 2016. The most dangerous countries in 2017 were Mexico (14 killed), Iraq (9), Afghanistan (9), then India (7), Pakistan(7) and Syria (7). Still a lot to do (for more see our page CASUALTIES)

28.12.2017. AFGHANISTAN. One of the deadliest years on record in the country. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) in Geneva strongly condemns the suicide bombing in Kabul that killed at least 41 people, among them one journalist, and injured 84 people, among them 10 journalists. The attack occurred during a morning panel discussion with journalists on the 38th anniversary of the Soviet invasion at the Tebyan Social and Cultural Centre and it also hits the Afghan Voice News Agency (AVA) which has an office on the floor above. Sayed Mehdi Hosaini a journalist from Jomhor News agency was killed in the attack, and 10 other journalists; 9 from Afghan Voice News Agency and one from Shamshad TV were wounded, according to the Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC). The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack.

The PEC calls on the Afghan government to strengthen its efforts to secure media organization and media workers' safety. This is the third deadly attack on media organizations in Afghanistan in 2017. On November 7, IS gunmen attack on Shamshad TV station in Kabul, killed two people including an employee of the TV station and injured 24 others including four firefighters. On May 17, six people including four employee of the RTA state broadcaster were killed in IS raid on the Station in Jalalabad.

26.12.2017. AFGHANISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns an arson attack on the private Radio Sarhad in province of Ghor on Sunday and calls on the Afghan government to identify and prosecute the perpetrators. According to the Afghanistan Journalists Center(AFJC), an eyewitness said he saw flames on the roof of the radio station before a blast occurred and a motorcyclist fled the area. All devices and equipment, including the broadcast building, were torched and destroyed. The Afghanistan Journalists Center executive director Ahmad Quraishi condemned the attack and expressed sorrow at the incident. "The attack on Radio Sarhad effectively hinders an entire community in a remote province from exercising its right to be informed” said Mr. Quraishi. Sarhad Radio station was established in 2014 in Ferozkouh, the provincial capital of Ghor province, and became popular across the province in a short time.

18.12.2017. PEC annual report : 97 media workers killed in 2017 a reduction of 24 percent // Rapport annuel de la PEC: 97 travailleurs des media tués en 2017, en baisse de 24% // Informe anual de la PEC: 97 trabajadores de los medios han muerto en 2017, una baja del 24%

Read the PEC press release on PEC NEWS (English, French, Spanish and Arabic)

For the first time since 2008 the PEC has registered less than 100 fatalities among media workers worldwide (until December 15th). Since the beginning of 2017 97 journalists were killed in 28 countries, a reduction of 24 percent in media casualties, said Monday the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) in its annual report.

Over the last five years, Syria was the most dangerous country for media workers with 69 killed. Iraq follows with 61 journalists killed, then Mexico (49), Pakistan (45), Afghanistan (33), India (31), Philippines (31), Somalia (27), Brazil (24) and Yemen (22). In ten years, from 2008 to 2017, a total of 1197 media workers were killed, an average of 119 annually and 2.3 per week. 

PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen stressed that the 24% reduction in fatalities in 2017 is encouraging. It is due to the important mobilization of the international community. However, more female journalists were killed this year. The number of women journalists killed has risen sharply: from 5 in 2016 to 16 in 2017, probably because more women are working in dangerous situations.

12.12.2017. PALESTINE. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the deliberate targeting of journalists by the Israeli Occupation forces during this past week in order to prevent them from filming scenes of repression against protesters. According to various sources, more than 16 journalists were injured during the coverage of the rallies, including by rubber bullets and tear gas canisters. In addition, the occupation forces prevented many journalists from doing their work and confiscated press equipment. The PEC calls on Israel to cease its deliberate violations against journalists who carry out their professional work.

06.12.2017. MALTA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the charges against three suspects in the killing of investigative reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia (read on our page NO IMPUNITY)

05.12.2017. YEMEN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the hostage-taking of around 40 journalists and media workers of the TV channel Yemen Today. The staff is being held inside the Television building in the capital Sana'a, following the Houthis militias’ raid on the station of 3 December. During the attack, at least three building guards were killed or injured, according to the sources. The rebels seized the TV channel after the broadcast of former Yemeni President Saleh last Saturday, in which he called on his followers to revolt against the Houthis. Saleh was killed on Monday by Houthi militias while trying to escape the capital Sana’a. The PEC calls on the Houthis to release all journalists being held at the Yemen Today TV.

14.12.2017. The PEC is relieved by the reported release of the 41 journalists and employees of the Al Yemen Al Youm TV channel who had been held by Houthi rebels in Sanaa since 2 December. The PEC continues to be concerned by the pressure to which all journalists in Yemen are subjected.

21.11.2017. MORE INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a new UN resolution on journalists’ safety and the issue of impunity, the seventh since 2012. The resolution on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity A/C.3/72/L35/Rev 1 was adopted without a vote on 20 November by the General Assembly’s Third Committee. The resolution’s central focus is on the “specific risks faced by women journalists in the exercise of their work,” including in the online sphere. The PEC calls on all Member States to swiftly implement the principles adopted. The PEC also welcomes the recent decision to “mobilize a network of focal points throughout the United Nations system to propose specific steps to intensify efforts to enhance the safety of journalists and media workers”. The mobilization of this network of focal points was announced by UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres on 2 November (read the text of the UN Resolution on our page DOCUMENTS)

19.11.2017. NEW SUPPORTS FOR A BINDING CONVENTION. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) congratulates the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) for supporting a new United Nations Convention aimed at giving greater protection for journalists. Journalists union leaders representing 600,000 media workers across the world endorsed the IFJ's call for a new binding international instrument on the safety of journalists at a meeting in Tunisia. The ground-breaking convention would for the first time establish binding standards creating safeguards specifically for journalists and media workers, stressed the IFJ. The PEC welcomes this step forward from the largest organization of journalists in the world. The PEC supported the idea of a binding convention on the journalists' safety since its creation in 2004. The PEC calls all stakeholders to support the IFJ's proposed

International Convention on the Safety and Independence of Journalists and Other Media Professionals. The PEC particularly endorsed the idea of establishing a Committee on the Safety of Journalists.

07.11.2017. AFGHANISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the gunmen attack on a TV station in Kabul. The PEC calls on the Afghan government to strengthen its efforts to secure media workers' safety and to put in place all possible means to protect freedom of the press.

Shamshad TV station came under attack after a suicide attacker detonated explosives at the gate of the network’s compound – which opened the way for other gunmen to enter the facility where at least 200 employees were working. The Islamic State (ISIS) group claimed responsibility for the attack which lasted about three hours before Afghan Special Forces freed staff trapped inside the building. Interior ministry said two security guards had been killed and 24 people wounded.
Shamshad TV is Afghanistan’s major Pashto-language station. This attack highlights the risks facing journalists, who are increasingly targets in the war-torn country. This is the second deadly attack on media organizations in Afghanistan in 2017. On May 17, six people including four employees of the RTA state broadcaster were killed in an ISIS raid in Jalalabad.
(Photo: a screen grab of Parwiz Sapy, a Shamshad TV news anchor who was wounded by shattered glass in the attack. Shamshad TV stopped broadcasting during the attack but resumed a few hours later)

31.10.2017. International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on 2 November - PEC says a binding international convention more needed than ever after the brutal murder of the Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia // Journée internationale de la fin de l'impunité pour les crimes commis contre des journalistes le 2 novembre - la PEC affirme qu'une convention internationale contraignante est plus nécessaire que jamais après l'assassinat brutal de la journaliste maltaise Daphne Caruana Galizia // Día Internacional para Acabar con la Impunidad por los Crímenes contra Periodistas el 2 de noviembre – La PEC dice que una convención internacional vinculante es más necesaria que nunca después del brutal asesinato de la periodista maltesa Daphne Caruana Galizia  (read the PEC press release English, French, Spanish and Arabic on PEC NEWS)

(see also our special page NO IMPUNITY)

17.10.2017. MALTA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the brutal murder of the Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia (53), killed by a bomb planted in her car. She was known for her investigative journalism and her blog Running Commentary, which was one of the most widely read websites in Malta. She revealed several corruption scandals involving Maltese politicians.

The PEC is outraged by Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder and offers its heartfelt condolences to her family and colleagues. The PEC calls for a full and independent investigation into her death. There must be no impunity for this heinous crime and those responsible must be prosecuted. Daphne Caruana Galizia is the 13th female journalist killed this year. The PEC will follow the developments of the investigation.

13.10.2017. SYRIA. A woman reporter for ANHA killed. Rojava based Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reporter Dilîşan Îbiş (photo) has been killed and two other reporters got wounded as result of the ISIS attack that targeted civilians near Deir ez-Zor Thursday evening. Hawker Faisal died from his injuries at the hospital in Qamishli one day after. ANHA reporter Dilîşan Îbiş is the 12th woman journalist killed since January. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) offered its condolences to the families of Dilîşan Îbiş and Hawker Faisal.

11.10.2017. COLOMBIA. ONE MORE WOMAN JOURNALIST KILLED. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the murder of Efigenia Vásquez Astudillo (31, photo), a reporter with community radio Renacer Kokonuko. The young presenter is the 11th woman journalist killed this year. PEC calls on the authorities to identify those responsible for fatally shooting the reporter as she covered a riot police operation against indigenous protesters in southwestern Colombia on 8 October. PEC is also worried by a separate incident on 8 October, when police fired rubber bullets and teargas at an international delegation of UN and OAS representatives, members of human rights NGOs, politicians and journalists in a rural area of Tumaco, in the neighbouring department of Nariño. The delegation had gone there to investigate the deaths of six farm workers in clashes with police on 5 October.

11.10.2017. COLOMBIA. UNA MUJER PERIODISTA MAS MUERTA. La Campana Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) condena el asesinato de Efigenia Vásquez Astudillo (31, foto), periodista de la radio comunitaria Renacer Kokonuko. La joven presentadora es la undécima periodista asesinada este año. La PEC pide a las autoridades locales y nacionales que identifiquen a los responsables del asesinato fatal de la periodista ocurrido mientras cubría una operación de la policía antidisturbios contra manifestantes indígenas en el suroeste de Colombia, el pasado 8 de octubre. La PEC también está preocupada por un incidente diferente, que también tuvo lugar el 8 de octubre, cuando la policía disparó balas de goma y gas lacrimógeno a una delegación internacional de representantes de la ONU y la OEA, miembros de ONGs de derechos humanos, políticos y periodistas en una zona rural de Tumaco, en Nariño. La delegación había ido a investigar la muerte de seis trabajadores agrícolas en enfrentamientos con la policía el pasado 5 de octubre.

09.10.2017. VENEZUELA. La Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) se muestra satisfecha por la liberación, este lunes por la mañana, de tres periodistas detenidos el sábado pasado en Venezuela. Se trata de Filippo Rossi (27), un periodista suizo independiente de Lugano y quien trabaja para el diario milanés, Il Giornale. El segundo liberado es el italiano, Roberto Di Matteo, quien también trabaja para el mismo diario. Y el último profesional que recobró su libertad es Jesús Medina, colaborador del sitio web DolarToday, opuesto al gobierno. Según el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP), los tres periodistas fueron acusados de poseer dispositivos de registro electrónicos no autorizados durante una investigación efectuada en la penitenciaría de Tocorón, en el estado de Aragua. Esta prisión está ubicada a unos cien kilómetros al suroeste de la capital, Caracas.
Los tres periodistas fueron arrestados por la Guardia Nacional Venezolana. Una foto que los mostraba desde atrás, aparentemente esposados y vigilados por dos soldados, fue transmitida por el SNTP y su caso fue conocido mundialmente. Representantes sindicales y abogados pudieron reunirse con los detenidos antes de que fueran liberados.

08.10.2017. VENEZUELA. La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) demande la libération rapide de trois journalistes arrêtés vendredi au Venezuela. Filippo Rossi (27 ans) est un journaliste suisse indépendant de Lugano et travaille pour le quotidien milanais Il Giornale. L'Italien Roberto Di Matteo travaille aussi pour Il Giornale. Jesus Medina collabore au site DolarToday, opposé au gouvernement. Selon le Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (Sntp), les trois journalistes sont accusés d'avoir en leur possession des appareils d'enregistrement non autorisés lors d'une enquête dans le pénitencier de Tocorón dans l'Etat d'Aragua. Cette prison est située à une centaine de kilomètres au sud-ouest de la capitale, Caracas. Les trois journalistes ont été arrêtés par la Garde nationale vénézuélienne. Une photo les montrant de dos, apparemment menottés et encadrés par deux militaires, a été diffusée par le Sntp. Des représentants du syndicat ainsi que des avocats ont pu rencontrer les détenus.

09.10.2017. La PEC se félicite de la libération des trois journalistes après trois jours de détention injustifiée

06.10.2017. MEXICO. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemned new murder of a journalist in Mexico. The body of Edgar Esqueda (photo) was found Friday morning near the airport in the industrial city of San Luis Potosí, some 350 kilometres north of Mexico City, according to local media. Esqueda covered police and crime for the digital outlets Vox Populi SLP and Metrópoli SLP. Vox Populi SLP reported on its Facebook page that Esqueda’s hands had been bound and his body showed signs of torture. News outlets in the state reported that the photojournalist had reported the threats to the authorities. The name of Edgar Esqueda is added to a list of at least 9 journalists killed in 2017 in Mexico: Cándido Ríos, Cecilio Pineda, Ricardo Monlui, Miroslava Breach, Maximino Rodríguez, Filiberto Álvarez, Javier Valdez, Jonathan Rodríguez y Salvador Adame.

25.09.2017. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 36th session. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), item 8: It is essential that women's voices are heard through the media - PEC welcomes the report of the Secretary-General on the safety of women journalists and pays a special tribute to ten female journalists murdered this year (read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS)

22.09.2017. SYRIA/TURKEY. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the brutal murder of two Syrian journalists in Istanbul. The journalist, writer, activist and former member of the Syrian National Council, Orouba Barakat (60) and her daughter Hala Barakat (photos, 22) were murdered by unknown assailants in their house in Kadıköy neighbourhood in Istanbul, Thursday 21 September. Sister claims they were assassinated by the Syrian regime, according to Rami Jarrah, prominent Syrian activist. Hala worked as a journalist in the Dubai-based Syrian Orient News channel. The PEC calls on the Turkish authorities to conduct a thorough investigation to bring those responsible to justice.

20.09.2017. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 36th session. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC): One-third less journalists killed until 15 September, but these figures still too high, impunity a major problem - PEC concerned by the situation in Syria, Yemen, Mexico, India and Turkey (read the full PEC statement on PEC NEWS)

15.09.2017. TURQUIE. La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) se félicite de la libération du journaliste français Loup Bureau après une détention complètement injustifiée de plus de 50 jours. Il faut continuer à se mobiliser pour obtenir la libération de près de 150 autres journalistes arbitrairement détenus en Turquie.

07.09.2017. INDIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is shocked by the murder of courageous journalist Guari Lankesh in Bangaluru (Bangalore). The PEC condemns the killing, demands an immediate and thorough investigation into Lankesh’s murder and calls for the arrest of those responsible.
Lankesh (photo, 55), a respected veteran journalist and outspoken critic of Hindu nationalists, was shot dead outside her home in Rajarajeshwarinagar in northern Bengaluru, Karnataka, as she returned from work and as she entered through the gate of her home. Lankesh died at the scene after receiving gunshots to the head and chest. Lankesh edited and published a Kannada-language weekly newspaper Gauri Lankesh Patrike and wrote in the English media

There have been protests against the killing of Gauri Lankesh across India. Indian reporters are being increasingly targeted by radical Hindu nationalists, activists say. Karnataka state's Chief Minister Siddaramaiah was one of the first to respond to her death, calling it an "assassination on democracy".

Ms Lankesh was convicted of defamation last year for a report she published on local BJP leaders. She was sentenced to six months in jail and was out on bail and appealing the conviction at the time of her death.

27.08.2017. SOUTH SUDAN. American journalist Christopher Allen killed in South Sudan fighting. Amid conflicting accounts, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing and calls for an independent investigation. The PEC also calls on the armed groups in South Sudan to fulfil their obligations under international law and to ensure that no more journalists are killed whilst reporting in the country.
Christopher Allen (photo, 26), a US freelance reporter and photographer who had written for various outlets, was embedded with rebel forces when fighting broke out. He was killed in a firefight between government forces and rebels near the Ugandan border. The warring sides have given conflicting accounts of his death and whether he was wearing a press vest when he died.

17.08.2017. SYRIA. American journalist Austin Tice (photo), missing in Syria since August 2012, must not be forgotten. Tice’s family believes that, despite the fact no one has claimed to be holding him and no ransom demand has been made, Tice is alive. But where? Indications are he’s being held by a branch of the Syrian government, which has denied any involvement. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) urges all parties to do their utmost to bring him safely home. #FreeAustinTice

14.08.2017. TURQUIE. La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) dénonce une nouvelle détention parmi les journalistes étrangers. La PEC s'associe aux appels pour la libération immédiate du journaliste français Loup Bureau (photo, 27 ans), arrêté par les autorités militaires turques, le 26 juillet, dans la région de Silopi, en province de Sirnak, frontalière de l’Irak et de la Syrie, où il est, depuis lors, incarcéré. L’accusation dont il fait l’objet, "participation à un groupe terroriste" pour avoir réalisé un reportage diffusé par TV5 Monde, dans le Kurdistan syrien, sur une unité de protection du peuple kurde (YPG) combattant contre Daesh, est totalement infondée et injustifiée. Les journalistes étrangers ne sont pas épargnés par la chasse aux médias dans le pays. En mai, le journaliste français Mathias Depardon avait été détenu dans un centre de rétention à Gaziantep avant d’être expulsé vers la France un mois plus tard. Deniz Yücel, le correspondant en Turquie du quotidien allemand Die Welt est derrière les barreaux depuis février.

PEC also condemned a new wawe of arrests among turkish journalists in Turkey, under a combined warrant issued on 3 August for 35 journalists and media workers suspected of installing the encrypted messaging app ByLock on their smartphones. The authorities are now treating installation of this app as proof of membership of the movement led by the Turkish cleric Fethullah Gülen, which is accused of masterminding the July 2016 coup attempt.

12.08.2017. DENMARK. PEC very concerned by the disappearance of a young journalist. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is sad to learn that the Swedish freelance journalist Kim Wall (photo, 30) has disappeared in Denmark after embarking on a home-made submarine. She has worked for the New York Times, the Guardian and Libération. To do a story about Danish inventor Peter Madsen, she set off with him in the Nautilus, on the evening of 10 August and never came back. Madsen was rescued when the Nautilus sank the next day but there was no sign of Wall. After failing to account satisfactorily for her disappearance, he was arrested on a manslaughter charge on 12 August.

08.08.2017. PHILIPPINES. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the murder of three journalists in one week in the Philippines (see on CASUALTIES)

30.07.2017. TURKEY. A Turkish court ordered the release of seven suspects in the trial of 17 journalists and executives from the opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet on Friday 28 July. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the decision and calls on the Turkish authorities to release all other journalists currently imprisoned. The next hearing is listed for 11 September.  The trial, which began on Monday 24 July, involved 17 Cumhuriyet journalists and executives wrongfully accused of secretly supporting the PKK – a militant Kurdish organisation and FETO, the group allegedly responsible for last year’s failed coup. The PEC condemned a politically motivated effort to criminalize journalism. The 7 released journalists and executives are Musa Kart, Bülent Utku, Turan Günay, Önder Çelik, Kemal Güngör, Hakan Karasinir and Güray Öz. Following Friday’s decision, journalists Kadri Gürsel, Ahmet Şık, Akin Atalay, Murat Sabuncu and teacher Ahmet Kemal Aydogdu will remain in prison. Arrest warrants for Can Dündar and Ilhan Tanir remained in place.

15.07.2017. Giles Trendle, Aljazeera English Managing Director, gave a press conference at the Geneva Press Club on July 13. He answered the questions of the Vice-President of the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) Luisa Ballin: “We will not be silent, censored or intimidated”

“Despite the demand to shut down Al Jazeera, all our journalists carried on doing their job. We have stood firm on the quality of our journalism. Demands were made to shut down Aljazeera so let’s make a demand ourselves: on behalf of all journalists we demand that journalists be allowed to do their job without threat or intimidation”, said Giles Trendle (photo), Aljazeera English Managing Director & Director of Programmes
(Read the full PEC interview on PEC NEWS)

13.07.2017. PEC report - Mexico, Afghanistan and Iraq most dangerous countries for journalists in the first six months of 2017 - according to the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), 50 journalists were killed in 18 countries from January to the end of June 2017 // Rapport PEC - Le Mexique, l'Afghanistan et l'Irak pays les plus dangereux pour les journalistes pendant le premier semestre 2017 - selon la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC), 50 journalistes ont été tués dans 18 pays, en six mois, de janvier à la fin juin de cette année // PEC informe - México, Afganistán e Irak son los países más peligrosos para los periodistas en los primeros seis meses de 2017 - Según la Press Emblem Campaign (Campana Emblema de Prensa, PEC por sus siglas en ingles), 50 periodistas fueron asesinados en 18 países desde enero hasta finales de junio de 2017 (read the PEC report on PEC NEWS, English, French, Spanish and Arabic)

10.07.2017. Que faire face à l’impunité des auteurs de crimes contre les journalistes ? Le Palais des Nations à Genève a accueilli le 29 juin (photo UNESCO: Frank La Rue, Maria Ressa and Alice Bah Kuhnke) une consultation organisée par l’UNESCO et le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme (HCDH) sur le renforcement de la mise en œuvre du Plan d’Action des Nations Unies sur la sécurité des journalistes et la question de l’impunité. Entretiens réalisés par la PEC avec Michel Forst, Rapporteur Spécial sur la situation des défenseurs des droits de l’homme de l’ONU, et Agnès Callamard, Rapporteur Spécial de l’ONU sur les exécutions extrajudiciaires sommaires et arbitraires (lire les interviews exclusives de Luisa Ballin sur notre page PEC NEWS)

02.07.2017. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is very concerned by the attacks of the President of the United States Donald Trump against US media company CNN, following a video the President published on Twitter. The video originally shot in 2007 shows President Trump beating up a person with the CNN logo on his face. The PEC agrees with CNN which in a statement called it a "sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters". The PEC warns that this inappropriate and detremental behaviour can be a dangerous precedent used against press freedom by other leaders around the world.

25.06.2017. DON'T MISS UNESCO MEETING IN GENEVA 29 JUNE. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) attends the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Strengthening the Implementation of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity. The consultation brings together key stakeholders to take stock of developments in the area of safety of journalists and the issue of impunity, within the context of the first five years of implementation of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity. For more information on the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation, please find here the concept note. You will find also here:

  • The draft report that details the key achievements, challenges and lessons learnt from the implementation to date of the UN Plan.
  • The list of draft recommendations, which has been drafted in the light of the submissions received from stakeholders within the framework of a global consultation. This document constitutes the primary object of discussion at the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation the 29 June 2017.

24.06.2017. IRAQ. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply shocked and saddened by the death of Swiss reporter Véronique Robert, who died on 24 June in France after being injured by an explosive device in Mosul (Iraq). Veteran journalist, Véronique Robert (photo) was assigned to Iraq for the France 2 TV channel’s programme “Envoyé Spécial”. She was transferred to a hospital near the French capital after being seriously wounded on 19 June. Two of her colleagues, Stephan Villeneuve and Bakhtyar Haddad, lost their lives during the same attack.

23.06.2017. SOLIDARITY WITH AL JAZEERA. Press freedom and journalists must not be used as a bargaining chip. Saudi Arabia led coalition today sent an unacceptable ultimatum to Qatar with 13 demands to be met within the next 10 days in order to end Qatar crisis, including the closure of Al Jazeera and other news outlets funded by Qatar. Among the demands, the coalition is asking Qatar to shut down Al-Jazeera and its affiliate stations, as well as the news outlets funded directly and indirectly by this country. In late May, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates moved to block the websites of Al Jazeera and other Qatari media outlets. On June 7, Jordan closed Al Jazeera’s Amman bureau and stripped it of its operating license. Saudi Arabia followed suit the next day, closing Al Jazeera’s Riyadh bureau, according to reports.

22.06.2017. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joins a coalition of freedom of expression and journalists’ organisations urging all 57 OSCE participating States to urgently appoint a new Representative on Freedom of the Media. The former mandate holder, Dunja Mijatović, left Office on 10 March 2017. She has done remarkable work documenting the violations in the whole region and she intervened successfully several times. Dunja was awarded by the PEC Prize in Geneva in June 2015 (photo). There has been no announcement of her successor. Continued failure to appoint a successor will weaken protections for freedom of the media across the OSCE region, at a time when media organisations are under critical attack. Here is the letter to the members of the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), calling for the appointment of a new Representative on Freedom of the Media without delay, to ensure the Office’s achievements over the last two decades are not lost.

20.06.2017. IRAK. La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) exprime ses condoléances aux familles du journaliste français Stéphan Villeneuve (photo) et du journaliste kurde irakien Bakhtiyar Haddad, tués par l’explosion d’une mine lundi à Mossoul. Trois journalistes français Stéphan Villeneuve, Véronique Robert et Samuel Forey, accompagnés par le journaliste kurde irakien Bakhtiyar Haddad, couvraient la bataille de Mossoul dans le nord de l’Irak, dans le cadre d’un reportage pour le magazine « Envoyé spécial » sur France 2. Alors qu’il suivait l’avancée des forces spéciales irakiennes dans leur bataille contre le groupe État islamique (EI), le groupe de journalistes a été touché par l’explosion d’une mine. Villeneuve était un journaliste très expérimenté qui avait couvert plusieurs conflits. Véronique Robert, qui accompagnait Stephan Villeneuve, a été hospitalisée dans état critique. L’Irak est l’un des pays les plus dangereux pour les journalistes. Seize journalistes y ont perdu la vie en 2016 et maintenant cinq depuis début 2017. La PEC a averti plusieurs fois des dangers élevés pour les journalistes dans la bataille de Mossoul.

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses its condolences to the families of French journalist Stephan Villeneuve (photo) and Iraqi Kurdish journalist Bakhtiar Haddad killed by an explosive device while they were covering Iraqi operations in the Ras Al-Jadah district of Mosul, in northern Iraq, on Monday. Villeneuve was a very experienced reporter who had covered wars all over the world. Véronique Robert, another French reporter was badly injured by the same explosion. She, Villeneuve and Haddad were all on assignment in Mosul for the France 2 TV channel’s programme Envoyé Spécial. They were accompanying Iraqi army forces in areas held by Islamic State in the old town. Iraq is one of the world's deadliest countries for journalists. Sixteen journalists were killed last year in Iraq and now five since the beginning of this year. PEC warned of the high risks for journalists in the battle of Mosul several times.

15.06.2017. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. 35th session. General Debate item 4. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign: the PEC is particularly concerned about a further deterioration of the journalists' safety in Mexico and Afghanistan (read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS)

14.06.2017. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. 35th session - interactive dialogue with the Commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign: there will be no peace if the main perpetrators remain in power. All responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity must be prosecuted, as it was the case after the war in the former Yugoslavia (read the full statement delivered by the PEC on PEC NEWS)

13.06.2017. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. 35th session. PEC statement on the report of Special Rapporteur David Kaye: the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is very concerned by a worrying trend: threats to digital expression and Internet freedom are more pronounced than ever (read the statement delivered by the PEC on PEC NEWS)

09.06.2017. TURQUIE. La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) se félicite de la libération du photographe français Mathias Depardon (photo) détenu en Turquie pendant un mois.
Photographe indépendant collaborant notamment au Monde et au Wall Street Journal, Mathias Depardon a été arrêté le 8 mai alors qu'il réalisait un reportage pour le magazine National Geographic sur le déplacement d'un tombeau médieval menacé d'inondation à Hasankyef, dans la province de Batman, au sud-est du pays. Il était soupçonné de «propagande terroriste» pour des photos de militantes du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) publiées dans des médias français et sur les réseaux sociaux. Par deux fois, le président farnçais Emmanuel Macron a discuté de sa situation avec le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan. La mobilisation, notamment grâce aux efforts de RSF, a payé. "C'est un bon signe, mais 165 autres journalistes sont détenus en Turquie. Il faut continuer à se mobiliser", a affirmé à Genève le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. La PEC avait consacré son prix annuel à la liberté de la presse en Turquie le 1er juin et avait demandé à cette occasion la libération, entre autres journalistes emprisonnés, de Mathias Depardon
"Je pense que l’idée était d’envoyer un message assez fort auprès des journalistes étrangers et turcs qui ont pour but de faire des sujets dans le sud-est de la Turquie", a estimé le journaliste après son expulsion de Turquie et son retour en France. Les régions kurdes du sud-est, ainsi que les abords de la frontière avec la Syrie, sont des zones où les journalistes ne sont pas bienvenus..

01.06.2017. The PEC Award 2017 goes to the Platform for Independent Journalism in Turkey - The PEC Award 2017 is dedicated to the situation of freedom of expression in Turkey. The PEC Award committee for the protection of journalists handed the award on Thursday in Geneva to Hasan Cemal (photo), founding President of the Platform for Independent Journalism in Turkey P24. The PEC Award committee has selected Turkey because of the deterioration of press freedom and risks faced by journalists in recent months in this country. The PEC wants to express its solidarity with the journalists arbitrarily detained and to support the brave fight of many others for freedom of expression (read the PEC press release, speeches at the award ceremony on our special page PEC AWARD)

"I have been a journalist for nearly 50 years and of course I have many memories. But the one thing I cannot remember is a period in which Turkey was more repressive and more intolerant of dissent then the one we are living through today", stressed Hasan Cemal receiving the PEC Award (photo with Blaise Lempen and Luisa Ballin at the Swiss Press Club in Geneva).
"Turkish journalists are being punished for telling the truth, for saying things those in power do not want to hear. In fact there are 169 Turkish journalists behind bars making Turkey the world's most vicious prosecutor of journalists", he added.

29.05.2017. INVITATION TO A PRESS CONFERENCE, GENEVA PRESS CLUB, Thursday 1 June 2017, 3pm. Turkey a new dictatorship ? with Hasan Cemal, founding President of the Platform for an Independent Journalism in Turkey and Blaise Lempen, PEC Secretary-General. Turkey evolves toward a dictatorship of one man. Near 165 journalists are in jail et 200 media were closed. Journalist engaged, founding president of the Platform for Independent Journalism ( www.platform24.org), Hasan Cemal is in Geneva to receive the annual Prize awarded by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC). He will testify to the situation in Turkey after the referendum // INVITATION A UNE CONFERENCE DE PRESSE, Club suisse de la presse, jeudi 1er juin 2017, 15h00. La Turquie une nouvelle dictature ? avec Hasan Cemal président de la Plateforme pour un Journalisme Indépendant en Turquie et Blaise Lempen, secrétaire général de la PEC. La Turquie évolue vers la dictature d'un seul homme. Quelque 165 journalistes sont en prison et 200 médias ont été fermés. Journaliste engagé, président de la Plateforme pour un journalisme indépendant ( www.platform24.org), Hasan Cemal est à Genève pour recevoir le prix annuel décerné par la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC). Il témoignera de la situation en Turquie après le référendum.

19.05.2017. MEXICO. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes President Enrique Peña Nieto’s pledge to reinforce protection for journalists and expects it will be followed up by action. After the sixth murder of a journalist (Javier Valdez Cardenas on May 15) since the start of the year Peña Nieto announced a series of concrete measures to provide journalists with more protection and to combat impunity for crimes of violence against them. Peña Nieto said at a meeting he will act with firmness to arrest and punish those responsible and plans to reinforce the Federal Mechanism for Protecting Human Rights Defenders and Journalists and the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Crimes against Freedom of Expression (FEADLE). He also announced plans to establish a national protocol for investigating crimes of violence against journalists and for looking after the victims - read more in Spanish on: http://urlz.fr/5irK

Mexican journalist Javier Valdez Cárdenas (photo), who reported extensively on drug trafficking, was killed on Monday in Sinaloa. He is the sixth journalist to be killed in Mexico this year. Valdez was a well-respected journalist in Sinaloa and published several books on drug trafficking, crime, and its effects on communities. Riodoce, the weekly publication Valdez founded and worked for, reported he was shot to death. Valdez was also a correspondent for La Jornada in Sinaloa and worked with news agency AFP. The PEC laments this new tragedy and calls on the Mexican authorities to shed all possible light on this cowardly murder.

17.05.2017. AFGHANISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns in the strongest terms deadly attack on state radio and TV in Jalalabad. At least six people have been killed by assailants wearing suicide vests who stormed Radio Television Afghanistan (RTA) in the city of Jalalabad, in eastern Afghanistan. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group claimed responsibility for the attack. At least 16 people, including journalists, were wounded. Among the dead were four RTA employees, including a driver, a guard, and two technical personnel. Wednesday's attack underscores the growing dangers faced by media workers in Afghanistan as the security situation worsens. The country suffered its deadliest year on record for journalists in 2016 with 13 killed. According to the PEC Safety Index, the country is one of the most dangerous for reporters in the world.

12.05.2017. La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) salue la parution du livre de son secrétaire général Blaise Lempen: "Le Nouveau Désordre Mondial - de la chute du communisme à la montée des populismes" (Georg, 368 pages) (only in French). Ce livre explique pourquoi la liberté d'expression est aujourd'hui sur la défensive dans de nombreux pays. Il réagit à l'intolérable: guerres interminables au Moyen-Orient, impuissance internationale, montée de l'extrémisme, tensions migratoires, crispations nationalistes et identitaires. Témoin privilégié de l'histoire contemporaine comme correspondant à l'ONU pendant plus de 20 ans, Blaise Lempen s'interroge sur la marche de l'Histoire, le progrès humain, le retour de la barbarie, les risques systémiques, les blocages des démocraties. Un éclairage en profondeur sur le contexte international. En librairie, sur Amazon ou sur commande à: www.georg.ch

01.05.2017. World Press Freedom Day 2017 - PEC press release: Turkey new among the most dangerous countries for journalists // Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse 2017: la Turquie rejoint la liste des pays les plus dangereux pour les journalistes // Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa en 2017: Turquía se ha unido a la lista de países más peligrosos para los periodistas (read the PEC press release English, French, Spanish and Arabic on PEC NEWS)

The scale is going from 1 to 5, the highest level of danger, which reflects high risks of conflict-related accidents, kidnapping, arbitrary detention, deliberate murder, injuries, absence of independent judiciary to investigate crimes against journalists and to prosecute the responsible.

The index is based on a six-month period and is published twice a year, to coincide with World Press Freedom Day on 3 May and the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on 2 November.

World Press Freedom Day 2017 highlights the protection of journalists. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) celebrates World Press Freedom Day 2017 (3 May).

PEC is pleased to see that the safety of journalists is at the heart of the program. Under the global theme of Critical Minds for Critical Times: Media’s role in advancing peaceful, just and inclusive societies, participants gathered in Jakarta examine current challenges facing media, including the continuous trend worldwide of attacks against those who bring information to the public.

Read more on the official website, where you will find the concept note and more information about the event,

available at: http://en.unesco.org/wpfd

30.04.2017: The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the killing in Istanbul of Gem TV Iranian CEO Saeed Karimian (photo, 45). The founder and chairman of the Persian-language Gem TV company has been shot dead in the Maslak neighbourhood, along with his Kuwaiti business partner. Mr Karimian had previously been tried in absentia by a Tehran court and sentenced to six years in prison for spreading propaganda against Iran. It is understood he died immediately after the gunmen - who were reportedly masked - opened fire on the vehicle on Saturday evening. Gem TV has been criticized by Iran for showing programmes which go against Islamic values. Family members told the BBC's Jiyar Gol that Mr Karimian had been threatened by the regime the past three months, and as a result was planning to leave Istanbul and move back to London. Gem Group was initially established in London, but later expanded to Dubai.

20.04.2017. BURMA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the brutal murder of Wai Yan Heinn in Burma (Myanmar) and calls for a thorough investigation into the murder. Wai Yan Heinn, the 27 year old weekly magazine editor at the Iron Rose was found dead on Sunday, April 16, at the publications offices in Rangoon’s Pazundaung Township. Heinn published a number of articles that have been critical of the elites in Myanmar particularly the military, business and government. Heinn was stabbed 15 times in the chest and abdomen.

25.03.2017. IRAQ. Kurdish journalist died from her injuries after Sinjar clashes. Tuba Akyılmaz (photo), a reporter for the pro-PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) agency Roj News, died on 23 March from her injuries after being shot during clashes between PKK and KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) affiliated forces in Sinjar on 3 March. In the clashes at least three journalists were injured, including Çıra TV journalists Hadi İlyas and İzzet İsmet alongside journalist Tuba Akyılmaz (who used the name Nujiyan Erhan). Tuba is the second female journalist to be killed in Iraq since the start of the year. The first was Shifa Zikri Ibrahim (Shifa Gardi), a Kurdish reporter for Rudaw TV killed by the blast of an improvised explosive device in a road in Al-Mamun, a western suburb of Mosul, on 25 February. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls again on the Iraqi forces and all warring parties to ensure the safety of the reporters who risk their lives to cover the fighting.

24.03.2017. MEXICO: lamentablemente, tres periodistas asesinados en tres semanes. El PEC es chocada y condena el homicidio de la comunicadora Miroslava Breach (54, photo), este jueves 23 de marzo en la ciudad de Chihuahua, corresponsal de La Jornada y directora editorial del diario El Norte de Chihuahua. Sus notas se centraban en temas de crimen organizado, narcotrafico y corrupcion politica. Otros dos periodistas mexicanos fueron asesinados en marzo: Cecilio Pineda y Ricardo Monlui. Debe castigar a los culpables y poner fin a la impunidad, dijo el PEC.

17.03.2017. NEW FIGHTING IN LIBYA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the attack against Al-Nabaa TV targeted by an RPG on March 15 in Zanata, Tripoli. The explosion of the rocket at the TV’s headquarters led to a great panic among staffers and set part of the building on fire, not to mention that the TV went off air. Tripoli is again the playground of clashes between armed groups from Misrata and other central region areas and security forces of the Government of National Accord. This is the second time Al-Nabaa TV channel is targeted. It was targeted by explosives and gunfire in late March 2016 because of its support of the Tripoli-based government. PEC reminds all belligerents that all media facilities must be spared and calls on authorities in Tripoli to protect the station's employees from future violence.

15.03.2017. TURKEY. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 34th session. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) oral statement: Journalists are not ping pong balls between governments. Mr Erdogan has been using the abortive coup of July 2016 as an excuse to launch a media witch hunt and to silence the independent media in the country creating a climate of fear. The PEC protests those undemocratic practices, calls upon the authorities in Turkey to release without delay all journalists and urges Members of the Human Rights Council to condemn the outrageous violations of press freedom by Turkey (read the full statement on PEC NEWS)

10.03.2017. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 34th session. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) oral statement. Freedom of information is at the core of human rights. PEC calls upon the Human Rights Council to intensify its efforts to implement its resolutions on the safety of journalists (read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS)

04.03.2017. AZERBAIJAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns in the strongest possible terms the sentencing of Mehman Huseynov (photo), Azerbaijani journalist and chairman of the country's leading freedom of expression group, Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety, to two years in jail on defamation charges. The PEC joins other organizations to call on the Azerbaijani authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Mehman Huseynov and to reverse the continuous clampdown on freedom of expression occurring in the country. PEC also calls on the international community to exert political pressure and take all the necessary measures until Azerbaijan honours its human rights commitments.

04.03.2017. ONE MORE JOURNALIST SHOT DEAD IN MEXICO. Mexican authorities must conduct a credible investigation into the killing of Cecilio Pineda Brito, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said today. The 38-year-old reporter was shot dead in the municipality of Ciudad Altamirano, in Guerrero state, according to press reports. Pineda was known to be at risk. The journalist covered crime, social issues, and corruption. His reporting attracted weekly threats sent via social media.

03.03.2017. PERU. Lamentable noticia. El periodista y realizador audiovisual José Yactayo Rodríguez de 55 años fue hallado tras ser brutalmente asesinado en Huacho. El PEC lamenta la muerte del periodista José Yactayo y expresa sus más sentidas condolencias a los familiares. Sus restos fueron encontrados dentro de una maleta en una chacra en Andahuasi. José Yactayo quien es un destacado realizador audiovisual de larga trayectoria fue visto por última vez el último sábado 25 de febrero cuando salía de una reunión con amigos.

PERU. Sad news. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the brutal murder of the well-known journalist Jose Yactayo Rodriguez (photo, 55) and expresses its sincere condolences to his family. His remains were found inside a suitcase in a farm in Andahuasi. José Yactayo, who is a prominent audiovisual director with a long history, was last seen on the last Saturday, February 25, when he was leaving a meeting with friends.

28.02.2017. TURKEY: A new chapter in the Turkish authorities’ crackdown on freedom of expression. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the detention of Deniz Yücel (photo), a Turkish-German national journalist working for the German newspaper Die Welt. Deniz Yücel has already spent 13 days in police detention. He now joins the ranks of more than 120 journalists and media workers in Turkey who have been imprisoned awaiting trial since the attempted coup in July 2016. Turkey now has the shameful honour of being the world’s biggest jailer of journalists. PEC urges the Turkish authorities to immediately release Deniz Yücel.

to defend free expression in Turkey, go to: www.freeturkeyjournalists.com

25.02.2017. IRAQ. Sad news: young Rudaw journalist Shifa Gardi killed while covering clashes between government forces and ISIL in Mosul. Rudaw channel said roadside bomb explosion kills its female reporter Shifa Gardi (photo, 30) and wounds cameraman Younis Mustafa. The media group in Kurdistan said it lost one of its most prominent journalists and that Gardi had broken the stereotypes of male-dominated journalism in war zones. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expressed its condolences to her family and her media group.

19.02.2017. IRAQ. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) warns of high risks for journalists covering the second part of the battle of Mosul. Iraqi government forces have launched an offensive to liberate the western part of the city of Mosul from so-called Islamic State, after retaking the city's eastern half last month. The western side, with its narrow, winding streets, presents a more difficult challenge than the rest of the city. The UN has voiced concern about civilians trapped there, amid reports that they could number up to 650,000. Experts warn that western Mosul is more densely populated and includes districts that are seen as pro-IS.

Read the survey of the Global Investigative Journalism Network: Looking for a Suicidal Job? Try Iraqi War Reporter: http://urlz.fr/4PSq

15.02.2017. República Dominicana. La Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC) condena con firmeza el asesinato del locutor Luis Manuel Medina Pérez y del director de radio Leónidas Antonio Evangelista Martínez, quienes perdieron la vida mientras transmitían en directo en la ciudad de San Pedro el martes 14 de febrero. La PEC denuncia este acto odioso y exhorta a las autoridades dominicanas a identificar los autores de estos asesinatos // Dominican Republic. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the fatal shooting of a radio news presenter Luis Manuel Medina Pérez and his producer Leónidas Antonio Evangelista Martínez (photos) in mid-broadcast on Tuesday 14 February in San Pedro and calls on the Dominican authorities to identify those responsible for this shocking double murder.

more info on: http://www.elcaribe.com.do/2017/02/16/san-pedro-macoris-enluta-por-muerte-dos-comunicadores

13.02.2017. PAKISTAN. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly condemns the brutal killing of a young journalist in Karachi, on February 12. The PEC demands justice for the killed cameraman Taimoor Abbas, of Samaa TV news channel. He was shot in his head and chest when he was traveling in the Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) van in north Nazimabad to report on an attack on the police. The unidentified assailants on a motorbike had thrown an explosive device on a police armored personnel carrier, and had started shooting when the Samaa TV van arrived. Taimoor Abbas is the second journalist killed this year in Pakistan, one of the most dangerous countries for journalists.

27.01.2017. TURKEY. PEC concerned by the closure of new media outlets in Turkey. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is extremely concerned regarding the recent order issued by the Turkish government to shutdown ON4 TV and KANAL12 TV stations without any clear legal justifications. The forcible closure of ON4 TV and KANAL12 stations brings the total number of 151 media outlets ordered to close in Turkey (read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS)

25.01.2017. SOMALIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expressed its shock and condemns a terrorist attack in which 7 journalists were wounded in Mogadishu.  In this attack targeting an hotel in the city center, seven journalists who came to cover the attack were wounded and admitted to Madina hospital, among them Abdulkadir Abdullahi Ga’al (HornCable TV), Farah Abdi Warsame (AP news agency), Abdulkadir Abdullahi (Radio Kulmiye), Yusuf Jama Abdullahi (Aljazeera TV) and Mohamed Abdiwahab (AFP news agency). At least 15 people have been killed and dozens wounded in the attack carried out by al-Shabab. The assault on Wednesday morning began when attackers rammed an explosives-packed car into the gate of Dayah Hotel, and then stormed inside exchanging gunfire with security guards. A second massive car bomb blast went off after ambulances and journalists had arrived at the scene, according to news agencies.

24.01.2017. IRAQ: crimes committed by Daesh (ISIS). The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations sent a clarification to the PEC annual report. According to the PEC report, Iraq was in 2016 the most dangerous country with 16 journalists killed. The government of Iraq says that "the growing number of journalists' victims in Iraq is the result of the crimes committed by the Daesh terrorist groups" and lists 10 journalists executed by Daesh. The PEC strongly condemns these heinous crimes. Read the statement on Iraq on PEC NEWS

17.01.2017. SYRIA. South African photojournalist Shiraaz Mohamed kidnapped in northern Syria since one week. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the kidnapping and demands his immediate release. Shiraaz Mohamed (photo, 38) was taken by unidentified armed men on January 10 near Turkey border while on assignment for the aid group Gift of the Givers. Mohamed arrived in Syria on January 4 and photographed inside and around the Gift of the Givers hospitals. Shiraaz's passion for his pictures and for people led him into a career as an international photographer. Last year, he travelled to 12 countries.

READ MORE: South African photojournalist kidnapped in Syria 

12.01.2017. Only 3 percent journalists killed are women, according to a PEC analysis // Seulement 3% des journalistes tués dans le monde sont des femmes, selon une analyse de la PEC // Unicamente el 3% de los periodistas muertos en el mundo son mujeres, según un análisis de la PEC (read the PEC analysis on PEC NEWS English, French, Spanish and Arabic)

11.01.2017. Azerbaijan. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the abduction and torture of journalist Mehman Huseynov (photo), chairman of the Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety. In recent weeks, Huseynov had produced a series of investigative reports on villas he alleges belong to state ministers and parliamentarians. Azerbaijan's authorities must immediately revoke the travel ban on Huseynov and allow him to work as a journalist freely and without fear. Read more on: irfs.org

05.01.2017. UPDATE - 156 media workers killed in 2016, a record number. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has updated its annual report published on 14 December.Since mid-december until 31 December, 12 journalists died on duty. The total number for the year 2016 amounts to 156 killed in 33 countries: it is the highest number in 10 years, an increase of 15% compared to 2015 //156 travailleurs des media tués en 2016, un nombre record -La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) a mis à jour son rapport annuel publié le 14 décembre. De mi-décembre au 31 décembre, 12 journalistes sont morts en mission. En un an, le bilan s'élève désormais à 156 travailleurs des médias tués dans 33 pays. C'est le chiffre le plus élevé en 10 ans, en hausse de 15% par rapport à 2015 (read the PEC statement on PEC NEWS, list of victims on CASUALTIES// Lire le communiqué de la PEC sur PEC NEWS, liste des victimes sur CASUALTIES)

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